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Villains Fanon Wiki

Perfecti is one of the main antagonists of TheGamerLover's Mematic Universe.

She is the commander of the THOT Army and the biological daughter of Selvaria Bles and Murakumo.



Perfecti is the biological daughter of Selvaria Bles, heading the THOT Army alongside her mother; with only 14 years old, she has commited crimes mankind will least suspect for a person being responsible of such acts.

She and her mother joined forces with the Nazi Germany some time prior to the second World War.

World War II[]

Perfecti is asked by her mother on how is the plan going, after Selvaria explains her plan, Perfecti seems kinda confused on her speak but is threatened to be killed in the gas chamber if she questions her mother, much to make her shake in fear by her mom's words.

As Akatsuki, Welkin, Mitsuru and Kanae goes to the base, Perfecti plays the piano while her mother is singing, in middle of the song, Perfecti commands Murakumo to kill them as she gets up and activates the Blitztank, starting the "Waifu mutation" caused by the Selvaria Serum.

With our heroes near her mother, Perfecti goes downstairs and jumps to action, engaging a fight with the two heroines who let Akatsuki fight Selvaria alone.

After Akatsuki and Selvaria fell to the sub-floor, Perfecti follows her mother by jumping down to where she is and after Selvaria's transformation, she is commanded to put the Tesseract on their best Blitztank, but for her bad luck, Akatsuki quickly uses his CHESTO!!! attack as an attempt to destroy both girls and the Tesseract as well, destroying the base in the progress.

Although Perfecti's whereabouts are still unknown, Selvaria confirms that she died and is in hell, but she may be wrong and possibly escaped after the explosion, albeit fataly injured.

Post-World War II (1940-2019)[]

In 1985, studies proved that both Selvaria and Perfecti are still alive and hiding from people to prepare their revenge against Akatsuki and the whole world.

Capturing Ruby Rose[]

During Karin Kanzuki's mission to stop Selvaria, Perfecti possesses the body of one of her high members: Kati, and nicknamed herself Mycale so none will suspect anything. Shortly after, she visited Beacon Academy and spent the day with Ruby Rose and see her fighting style, after saying their goodbyes, Mycale informs Selvaria about Ruby and that she's a perfect target for her world domination plan.

Selvaria Strikes Back![]

Selvaria and Mycale appears in middle of the fight between Yang, Ruby and Raven, where she leaves Kati to reveal herself to Ruby. After their capture, she and Mai are assigned to watch over them, only for them to be tricked by Yang's "clever" disguise.

As they are scold by Selvaria because of this, Hazama appears with good news, which led Selvaria to allow her daughter and Mai to keep serving her. After the reunion with Dick Dastardly, Perfecti and Hazama goes to the United States to kill Weiss and Blake's group, but in the way, they are contacted by Selvaria to go to London to begin the second part of her revenge.

In London, Perfecti and the others witnesses Selvaria's transformation into a powerful being and the revival of the villains of the TGLMU. At Murakumo's command, Perfecti goes with Selvaria to aid her in her plan as he deals with everyone, however, Hazama suggest to help them dealing with Akatsuki and Celica since they are going to face Selvaria and Perfecti. In the battle, Perfecti is defeated by Akatsuki as she's send flying to the South Pole, crashing with Platinum the Trinity.


  • Akatsuki: The First THOT Slayer (Secondary antagonist)
  • RU🅱️Y Episode 11 - The Fan? (As Mycale)
  • The Revenge of Selvaria Bles (5th Anniversary Special) (Secondary antagonist)





  • Perfecti has proved to be very skilled at playing piano and heading a military group like her mother.
           TheGamerLover Villains

Ruby Rose | Weiss Schnee | Blake Belladonna | Yang Xiao Long | Lillie | Nebby | Morrigan Aensland
Selvaria Bles | Perfecti | Mai Shiranui | Blitztank | Yumi | Murakumo | Asuka | Bayonetta | Bonne Jennet | SYSTEM XX | Mommy Mearest
THOT Patrol
Murakumo Zero | Yuuki Terumi | Kazuma Kval | Asuka R. Kreutz | Adler | Relius Clover | Shuichiro Ayatsuki | Es-N | Elektrosoldat
The Gods
Zamasu | Goku Black | God of Darkness | Takehaya Susanoo | Neopolitan | Hades: Izanami | Ariels | Sailor Galaxia
Salem's Inner Circle
Salem | Arthur Watts | Cinder Fall | Hazel Rainart | Tyrian Callows
Injustice League
Cinder Fall | Roman Torchwick | Neopolitan | Emerald Sustrai | Mercury Black
Aether Foundation
Lusamine | Faba | Wicke
Rebel Army
Donald Morden | Allen O' Neil | Abigail | Beatriz | Grazia | Loretta | Norah | Jane Doe | Cony | Vita | Abul Abbas | Shizuka | Aisha | Nantes | Pawda | Leone | Rapid | Destrade | Olga | Navy | Dolores
M. Bison | Sagat | Vega | Balrog
Servants of "That Man"
Asuka R. Kreutz | I-No | Raven | Jack-O' Valentine
The Conclave
Chronus | Axus | Libraria
Martian Army
Mars People
Lord Raptor
WarioWare Inc.
Wario | Ashley
Other Villains/Unknown Group
Hazama | Azrael | Tohru Adachi | Hilda the Paradox | Raven Branwen | Tifa Lockhart | Dick Dastardly | King Ramses | Nine The Phantom | Bedman | Testament | Tsubakumen | Zato-1 | TheGamerLover | Waluigi | Army of the Dead | Platinum the Trinity | Susan Wojcicki | Francesca the Magician | Krampus | Sephiroth | Juri Han | Toppin Monster Gals

Alternate Realities (Counterparts and Crossover Villains)
RU🅱Y Movieverse
Rowan Trickster | Prankster & Bankster

Other/Unknown Reality
Neco-Arc | Johnny Cage | Huitzil | Pyron | DeviantArt Alcremies

           Ru🅱️y Logo Sidestory/Movie Villains

Neo THOT Army
Selvaria BlesPerfectiMai Shiranui • Hazama • Dick Dastardly • Muttley • Mommy MearestArmy of the Dead
Trickster's Crime Empire
Rowan TricksterWeiss Schnee • Prankster & Bankster
King RamsesWeiss SchneeRuby Rose • Baldi • Roman TorchwickNeopolitanYang Xiao Long • Cinder Fall • Salem • Daddy Dearest
