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What we have done has actually saved the world so far, because it served its balance. That's what I'm here for. Equestria would suffocate at all its harmony, if spirits like me wouldn't keep things in balance. That's how the world works, Pinkie. You can't have light... without darkness. So there is no doubt about it: You and I are the best world savers ever.
~ Plague to Pinkie Pie.

The Six Winged Serpent, more well-known as Plague or the Ghost of Violence, is the titular main antagonist of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fan comic The Six Winged Serpent by Culu-Bluebeaver.


Spike: Twilight... What... is that?
Rarity: Whatever it is it has no style. Not at all.
~ Spike and Rarity upon first seeing Plague.

Plague is, as his other name implies, a serpent with six wings. He is massive, able to pick up ponies like toys, and his skin, feathers and hair are completely black, the only exceptions in his body being some glowing red stripes along his body and his red irises, as well as his white fangs. His hair, wings, sclera and claws are also slightly darker than the rest of his body.

His soul is a red glow akin to a flame and was close to Plague's real appearance when he was restoring his body.


Celestia and Luna should've destroyed you! A banishment is far too merciful for a monster like you that even kills helpless fillies like Twist!
~ Rainbow Dash upon learning of Plague's actions.
Fluttershy: Why are you doing this?
Plague: [giggle] What if I tell you, I'm doing this just because I CAN? Would you understand that?
~ Fluttershy and Plague.
Plague - MLP (1)

Plague spreading bloodshed and suffering throughout Equestria in the past.

Presenting himself as the Spirit of Cruelty and Violence (much like Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony), Plague was a cold, calculating, and callous sadist, openly stating that he enjoyed the suffering and despair of Equestrians; his favorite method of torment was to trick them into thinking that what they were doing under his guidance was right before eventually revealing the truth to them, taking extreme pleasure in their anguished or desperate expressions as he tortured them physically or psychologically.

Plague - MLP (5)

Plague's sadistic joy.

A near-godlike figure in his world, Plague has absolutely no regard for the lives of anyone who inhabits Equestria; he views all Equestrians as nothing more than sacrifices to be made for the sake of balance in Equestria. He also genuinely enjoyed turning Equestrians into his servants (while always keeping them ignorant of the truth of their actions under his direction), using his manipulative skills to falsely coerce them into doing what he liked in order to achieve his goals. Although he often appears rather overconfident, Plague possesses a high level of intelligence and is cautious in his approach to everything he does, fully understanding the strengths and weaknesses of his power and making sure to exploit and avoid them in order to succeed. His very high intelligence may also be the reason why he looks down on normal Equestrians, genuinely believing them to be pathetic and worthless.

Due to his carefree and unstable nature, he was prone to joking, playful, and inappropriate behavior. Because of this, he was greatly disliked by Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight Sparkle for his constantly annoying careless, sadistic, and childish behavior, as well as his complete indifference to his bloody actions against Equestrians, and his complete lack of remorse for all the crimes he has committed.

Underneath his carefree, self-assured, sadistic, and unassuming demeanor, Pestilence is a cold and calculating monster with an extremely high intelligence. Plague has been shown to manipulate Equestrians into doing his bidding without even realizing it, such as forcing Pinkie Pie to kill Equestria's population by subtly convincing her that such "sacrifices" would save Equestria from the end of the world, influencing her with words alone, without resorting to magic at all. His extremely long lifespan has also given him great strategic intelligence and the ability to think tactically. Being a quick-witted strategist, Plague is able to handle adverse situations against himself with extreme speed and success, though this is primarily due to the fact that killing innocents or losing his subordinates means absolutely nothing to him in the long run.

Due to his perceived superiority and rather duplicitous nature, he feels no attachment to his minions, using them and discarding them as disposable pawns once they have accomplished all he needs them to do. He is able to skillfully sway many Equestrians to his side, claiming that they are useful to Equestria and will protect it from the end of the world as long as they serve him and do as he tells them. His intellect and manipulation shines especially here, as many find his words to be entirely truthful, as he encounters many of his subordinates either at their lowest point or in a moment of doubt about what they are doing. In the end, all of these statements are ultimately false, given that Plague only cares about himself and does not hesitate to physically and psychologically torture his subordinates after they are no longer useful to him.


Plague - MLP (2)

Plague being banished and imprisoned by the Elements of Harmony.

Long ago, likely around 1000 years ago or more, Plague appeared in the peaceful land of Equestria and massacred countless ponies, in an attempt to, in his own words, remind them how short life can be.

The rulers of Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, used the magical artifacts known as the Elements of Harmony to send him far away into the Everfree Forest, trapping him in the form of a tree. Centuries later, a lightning bolt from a thunderstorm struck the tree, freeing his soul.

Plague - MLP (3)

Plague being freed.

Being a spirit without a body, he had no real way of continuing his work by himself, so he possessed a pony known as Pinkie Pie, one of the current wielders of the Elements of Harmony, shortly after she and her friends defeated the corrupted Princess Luna, then known as Nightmare Moon.

For many months, Plague became a voice that whispered lies in Pinkie's head, killing and spreading suffering and despair so that Plague's soul could gain enough power to recreate his body, though in his eyes, all the lies told to Pinkie about helping the world were a Universal truth.

Plague - MLP (11)

Plague, restored, confronting the current Elements of Harmony.

After torturing his latest victim, Rainbow Dash, Plague had gained enough power to restore himself, even if Pinkie had been incapable of killing Rainbow since she was one of her best friends and the reason she got her cutie mark.

Plague rose anew in the middle of Ponyville, surrounded by curious ponies and the current wielders of the Elements of Harmony (known as the Mane Six), the leader of whom, Twilight Sparkle, knew of Plague as the legendary Six Winged Serpent, though the snake preferred to go by Plague since it's what Princess Celestia always called him.

He explained to the Mane Six what he had been doing these last few months through Pinkie and started killing ponies in Ponyville once the Elements of Harmony were shown to have no effect on the serpent.

Powers and Abilities[]

While probably not as powerful as Discord, Plague is still a force to be reckoned with and one of the most powerful entities encountered by the ponies of Friendship is Magic, stated to be unstoppable except for the Elements of Harmony.

Plague - MLP (13)

Plague ready to attack with magic.

Twilight Sparkle's magic blasts had absolutely no effect on him and he could effortlessly catch lightning bolts and even redirect them with deadly accuracy. His sharp claws and large limbs allow him to slice and tear ponies apart with ease. Beyond his own physicality, he possesses some magic of his own, able to teleport around, lift objects in the air with telekinesis and shoot laser-like beams of energy. It's also stated that the pain and suffering of others only strengthens him, implying any harmful attempts on his person would likely only make him stronger.

A freezing spell from Twilight seemed to have an effect on him, though he seemingly brushed it off without much trouble.





  • At least within the continuity of The Six Winged Serpent and the events from the "Cupcakes" fic that play out here, Plague is responsible for all the crimes committed by Pinkie and the manipulation of Apple Bloom.
  • His position and imprisonment are very similar to Hexxus from FernGully: The Last Rainforest.

External Links[]


           My Little Pony franchise logo Fanon Villains

Main Characters
Twilight Sparkle: Death Note: Equestria | Friendship is Witchcraft | PONY.MOV | Twilight Sort-Of Kills Her Friends | The Folly of Celestia | EAW Twilight's Theory | Princess Animatic
Mare Do Well: TBA
Applejack: ACTF | Piemations | PONY.MOV | Friendship is Witchcraft
Pinkie Pie: MisterDavie | Piemations | PONY.MOV | LizzieBiz Literal Dub | Makaryo's Cupcakes | Wreck-It Ralph meets My Little Pony
Fluttershy: Friendship is Witchcraft | PONY.MOV
Rainbow Dash: PONY.MOV | R-Dash 5000 | Piemations | Rainbows HD | Makaryo's Rainbow Factory
Rarity: Piemations | PONY.MOV
Cutie Mark Crusaders:
Apple Bloom: TBA
Sweetie Belle: TBA
Scootaloo: TBA
Spike: Equestrian Downfall | PONY.MOV

Preserved Villains:
Discord: Piemations | PONY.MOV | Rainbow's Redemption | Pony Psychology | The Nuptialverse | Friendship is Witchcraft | Scootertrix
Grogar: Age of Equestria | A Hearth's Warming Horror Story | MLP S9 Alternate Ending Comic | My Little Pony: Season 9 ORIGINAL STORY CONCEPT | History Repeats
Nightmare Moon: Friendship is Betrayal | Twilight Revised | A Hymn to The Nightmare | Living Nightmare | A Nightmare's Wrath | Merchants of the Dark Road | A Dawn To Fear | There Is Nothing I Do Better Than Revenge | Lost in the Dark: The Final Nightmare | Dreammaster | The Bards of Mares | A Long Night | The Unwanted One | The Unknown Daughter's Reunion | Monody of a Nightmare
Queen Chrysalis: Pony Psychology | Changing Colors | Broken Rainbows | Story of Villains
King Sombra: Divine Move | The Return of the Crystal Empire | King Sombra (Fall of the Crystal Empire) | Scootertrix | Story of Villains
Nightmare Rarity: Return of Nightmarity: Birth of an Eternal Night | My Little Mages | The Queen And The CEO | The Padded Shapes of Nightmare
Midnight Sparkle: TBA
Daybreaker: TBA
Tantabus: TBA
Lord Tirek: Scootertrix | Harmoniaverse | Story of Villains
Mane-iac: Prose and Cons | More than Just Mania | Go! Power Ponies! | Broken Gladiator | Maniacal | Now That I've Found You | The Invincible Iron Mare | Found You! | Striking at the Heart | The Mane-iac's Triumph | Diamond Tiara's Butler Saves the World | The Story of Fili-Second | Masked Matterhorn: Muzzles Come In Black | Captured | Spike and The Mane-iac | Zombie Power Ponies | The Literary Hypothesis
Cozy Glow: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic with Reiner and Bertholdt | Holiday Parole
Others: Flim Flam brothers (The Nupitalverse) | The Ursa Major (from Paradise) | Opaline (The Misty Saga) | Silver Spoon (Carving Too Deep) | Caper and Mugger ("What's Yours is Mine!" or "Why Work When You Can Steal?!") | Utrom Shredder (Battwell)

Other Characters
Derpy Hooves: Count Derpy | Derpy's Dark Days | AligatorTub | Nightmare Main Six (Burning Star Saga) (Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash, and Nightmare Rarity) | Scootertrix
Princess Celestia: Piemations | LizzieBiz Literal Dub | Friendhip is Witchcraft | Pulse/Apathy | Princess
Princess Luna: Frienship is Witchcraft
Trixie Lulamoon: Pony Psychology | Scootertrix |
Starlight Glimmer: TBA
Sunset Shimmer: Real-Time Fandub | More than Just Mania | Scootertrix
Diamond Tiara: Diamond Tiara (Too Far)
Tempest Shadow: Lost Shadow | The Scars of the Past | Open Up Your Eyes
Others: Black Winter | Lady Rabia | Spike (PONY.MOV) | Discorded Whooves | Zephyr Breeze (Translations Gone Wrong) | Misty Brightdawn (The Misty Saga) | Babs Seed (LizzieBiz Literal Dub) | Babs Seed (Friendhip is Witchcraft) | Geovanni's Hitpony (from Pony Psychology) | Screwball/Topsy Turvy (Pony Psychology) | Dr. Dragonshy (Friendship is Witchcraft) | Lord Smooze | Pinkie Pie's Caretakers (Friendship is Witchcraft) Harper/Little Strongheart (Scootertrix) |

Organizations and Groups:
Ministry of Technology (Fallout Equestria) | Changelings (Pony Psychology)

Twilight Sparkle (Death Note: Equestria) | Ace Swift | Wizard and Boomstick | Starscream (DEATH BATTLE!) | Deadpool (DEATH BATTLE!) | Jack Skellington (The Chronicles of Poop) | Hawk Moth (Multiverse Roleplay) | Tirek (Character What) | The Powerpuff Girls (Double Rainboom) | Grogar (Five Nights in Equestria) | Purple (APStories's Ambush) | Shan Yu (Applebloom: The Daughter of Mulan) | Dr. Ivo Robotnik (The Phantom Filly) | Infinite (The Phantom Filly) | Metal Sonic / Neo Metal Sonic (The Phantom Filly) | Lord Tirek (The Phantom Filly) | Discord (The Phantom Filly) | Brotonia | Crimson Changelings | Iron Wolves | Timber Wolf (My Little Millie and Moxxie) | Moxxie (My Little Millie and Moxxie) | Millie (My Little Millie and Moxxie) | Loona's Parents (My Little Loona) | Bill Cipher (DEATH BATTLE!)

Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake:
Trixie Lulamoon | Timber Spruce | Adagio Dazzle | Cozy Glow | Flash Sentry | Spoiled Rich

Rainbow Dash Series:
Shockwave | H.E.P.H.A.E.S.T.U.S | Quintessa | Scourge | Lockdown | Starscream | Unicron | Prowler | Decepticons | Harold Attinger | The Fallen | The Unknown | Galvatron | General Tarn | Megatron | Ultron (Rise Of Ultron) | Ultron's Sentinels (Rise Of Ultron) |

Equestrian Civil War:
Reformed Antagonist Regulation Act/R.A.R.A (Moon Dancer, Captain Thunderbolt, Wind Chime, Spitfire) | The Nameless Mare

The Elaine and Melly Show:
(Check the list here!)

Gmod/Source Filmmaker
Eppaljeck | Fez Doner | Applord | BerryPan | Endario | Sanarah Streak

Gmod Freaks
Elements of Insanity
Brutalight Sparcake | Derpigun | Fluttershout | Pinkis Cupcake | Rainbine | RariFruit | Applepills
The Subjects
Magic Mare | Painset Shimmercakes | Rachidile
Cutie Mark Creeps
Creepy Belle | Francie Bloom | Karateloo
Elements of Disturbia
Zalgie Pie | Rainbow_Dash.exe | Shytterguy | Janety the Killer | Eyeple Jack | Proxight Sparake | Book Shining
The Deceitful Duo/The Corrupt Medial Cretins
Diemond Briara | Suicide Spoon | Smilebabs.mdl
Cutie Mark Animatronics
AppleFreddy FazBloom | Sweetie Bonnie | Chicaloo | Foxsqueak the Pirate Colt The Bloody Symphony
Rodagio Dazzsome | Piria Cakez | Sonica Douskan
Elements of Darkness
Demonic Bowser | King Sombra | Shadow Mario | King Boo | Dark Meta Knight | Galacta Knight | Shadow Kirby | Shadow Dedede | Dedede Clone | Ganondorf
AssSpike | Cakehole Cadenza | Dash Pancakes | FlutterCook | StaRichtofen | Endario | Sanarah Streak | Vagiponies | Demotronus | Book Shining | Blood Husk | Nequam Onus (Delusional State) | Mimic the Changeling | Princess Groomdance | Queen Xenolis

XxxDarkHorseshoe24565Xxx | Phantom Spell (from Paradise) | Jamie (Lorcan) | Sid Sebastian Tremaine | Creature Dinosaur (from PONY. MOV) | Appelox (from PONY.MOV) | Wolflor (from PONY.MOV) | Wolflor (from PONY.MOV) | Armbos (Derpy's Dark Days) | Derpy Hoove's Mother (Bubbles) | Dr. Horsemire (The Haphazard Hoodwink of Horsetown U.S.A) | Hyoga | The Fallen Megatronus Prime (Hollowverse) | Dark Andrew | Bleak The Hedgehog (Lachlan Dingo) | Flame Majesty (Elements of Cringe) | Love in all the Mane Places | Clarity

Also See:
My Little Pony Creepypasta Villains | MY Little Pony Reaperverse Villains
