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“ | Affront it, kitty, you're just a weakling against us! You'll never stand a chance even against me! | „ |
~ Roman to Blake in That Shadow, My Inner Shadow Part 2 |
Roman Torchwick is one of the main antagonists from the web adult-parody series RU🅱️Y, which is part of the TheGamerLover's Mematic Universe connection.
Roman Torchwick was said to have been detained by the Vale Police Department for reasons unknown probably in the first half of 2013. After his prison break a few days later, he has gained a huge notoriety among the citizens and authorities at Vale as a master criminal and has continued to evade capture for quite some time. Some point later, Roman is approached and recruited by Cinder Fall at the recommendation of Mercury Black to assist her faction in their plans. It didn't happen much time before Cinder and Roman fell in love with each other.
In 2018, Roman went to Junior's Club where he uses the moment of the battle between Yang and Tifa to get in the club and finally find Junior Xiong and ask him to hire his henchmen for his next robbing.
Dust Robbery[]

Torchwick arriving to From Dust 'Till Dawn as bystanders watch them in horror.
Roman is seen some time later walking down the street flanked by henchmen, intimidating bystanders. They entered the music shop Ruby was in. The Shopkeep offered all the money, but it was his Dust that Torchwick intended to take. When Ruby Rose foiled the heist by taking down Torchwick's henchmen, Roman teleported away.
As Ruby chases him, he appears in an airport in the Atlas kingdom where he steals Weiss' Dust and escapes, only to get Ora'd by the snowflake's Stand: Becky G, finally forcing him to teleport away once more.
Later, he is seen running in a nearby rooftop to be picked up in a helicopter piloted by Cinder Fall. However, Ruby and Glynda Goodwitch arrived to stop him, ending up in Glynda telling Ruby to stand back as she deals with him, however, the helicopter arrives and Roman gets in; there, he informs Cinder about the presence of a Huntress, much to his boss' dismay, taking over piloting as Cinder gets rid of them. After Cinder defeats Ruby and Glynda, the two made a successful getaway.
Partnership with the White Fang[]

Torchwick disguised as Santa Claus
The next day, Roman approaches the White Fang's Lieutenant, who was in a park thinking of an strategy to capture Blake dead or alive, and offers him to join Cinder's initiative, successfully gaining respect on him as Cinder, Emerald and Mercury offers his boss to join them.
Later, Roman disguises himself as Santa Claus to kidnap the Catgirl but he and his new friend gets launched far away by a bomb tied to a balloon Blake prepared for them as she heard the Ho Ho Ho and sees the calendar.
A few days later, Roman is seen talking to Cinder in a phone, then, the White Fang's Lieutenant asks him where should he put the Dust box, with him replying Over there before he states, "I'm gonna need some help" thinking on what happened during his last robbery.
The next day, Roman arrived at the Vale port along with members of the White Fang to a shipment of Dust from the SchnE Dust Company. His theft, however, was interrupted when Blake Belladonna took Gambol Shroud to his neck to then tell him that he must "think more than twice before trying to kill her". After the flashback, Roman fired a shot from his Melodic Cudgel in order to stop her before engaging in a fight between her and Sun Wukong.

These kids just keep getting weirder...
Roman had nearly defeated the pair when Ruby and Penny showed up looking for Blake. After attacking Ruby, he was forced to retreat when Penny Polendina's assault on the operation rendered his theft a failure. As he was reviewing the botched heist, Roman got caught off guard by the arrival of Cinder and her associates. He explains that "these meddling kids and their pesky cat doesn't stop interfere with his plans", but instead of being punished, he was coerced into continuing to work for them, as Cinder have something important to do with the Dust he obtained, which is revealed that is buying a Huntress outfit in a Mall.
Halloween and Christmas 2018[]

Torchwick being tormented by Neo in his dreams
During the night of Halloween, Roman Torchwick is having a dream where he contentedly strolls down the sidewalk with swag, wearing a solid gold hat and twirling a gilded Melodic Cudgel, while Neopolitan pulls a wagon filled with sacks of Lien. The two stop at the sight of a tree adorned with even more money bags. Cinder then approaches the two from behind, causing Neo to fume at the sight of her before send Torchwick's boss to the demon realm with her powers, disturbing Torchwick's dream as well.

I can't feel my pingas.
In Christmas Eve, Roman peeks through the window at Beacon Academy, disgusted by them enjoying christmas as they prepare everything for the Christmas party in a Grinch manner. However, he invents a machine that steals their holiday spirit entirely. He steals it from everyone and tries to cart it away in a massive bag, but Team RWBY offer him help. Confused and angered, Roman tries to get rid of the bag, but it tears and Roman gets hit with some holiday spirit. His penis grows three sizes, having a boner that makes him happy enough to release the holiday spirit. As he apologies for being a prick to Ruby, he suddenly suffers a huge pain underneath due to his dick bending on his underwear by its new size and is rushed away in an ambulance.
2019, A New Year For Crimes[]
Roman is the victim of a prank from Mercury where he puts glue on Roman's hat, resulting in him accidentally ripping his head off and dying.
Phase Two[]

Roman Torchic
Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black reunited with Roman at his secret warehouse and there is clear enmity between him and the two teenagers. Clearly annoyed after Emerald says "Okay Boomer" to him, Torchwick threatened them, but Cinder's arrival made him stop.
To Roman's enjoyment, Cinder berated her two youngest associates for not following orders on keeping a low profile. After that, Cinder ordered them to proceed to the second phase of her plan.
A few days later, still with questions on his mind, he decided to go with the two teenagers to Beacon after they explain to him what to do to enter the academy successfully to find Cinder and ask her the questions he wants. Once in the academy, Roman is surprised that he found that Cinder "let herself go" and covered his partner's eyes to avoid get disappointment on their boss' new body shape. After Mercury got absorbed by Cinder's fatness and she ordered Emerald to pay for the liposuction, Roman and Cinder decided to go together to the hospital and find Emerald as they talk about Torchwick's "new friend".

In the end, the bad guys won this battle.
Roman was later seen addressing several members of the White Fang, including its new recruits, declaring their common enemies and in what ways he can help them take what was rightfully theirs, showing off an Atlesian Paladin-290 as an example. After recognizing Blake and Sun in the midst of the crowd, Roman gave chase in the mech throughout the town and onto a highway, where he is defeated by a pissed off Nezuko who destroyed the stolen paladin while running to find a new box. Neopolitan came to his defense and enabled their escape on a black fog made by her.
Roman is seen with Cinder and Neo having a walk on the forest where they find a red button attached to the trunk of a tree; after Cinder gets killed by the classic YTP memes, Roman plans on steal the button but Ganon kills him by making him fall in a deep hole as he shouts "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttt!!!".
Later, Roman reunites with White Fang to steal Memes, famous paintings and some more stuff they hide inside a cargo train owned by White Fang; however, they seem to have fought Coco Adel and Velvet Scarlatina (unconfirmed), and presenced the betrayal of its lieutenant: Yatsuhashi Daichi. Despite that, Torchick focused on keep preparing a trap for Ruby and friends if they arrives to Mountain Glenn.
Upon Team RWBY's arrival, Ruby falls on his trap and is greeted by the crime lord himself, but he is immediately tricked by Yang to play a game called "Guess What Will Happen Next on Volume 8", which ends with Torchwick being stabbed in the back with an axe by Yang after she shouts "I'm Imposter!". Immediately he chases the sisters to either capture them alive or kill them in the attempt; after some humiliations inside the paintings, he is erased by Ruby via Infinity Gauntlet.

Torchwick Music
As mentioned by Emerald, Torchwick HAVE survived the snap on the gauntlet but surrended himself to James Ironwood, his purposes mostly hints that he may have give up on that alliance and decided to prepare an ultimate trick to get rid of Ruby and co.
Following the "Adult Swim Syndrome" applied in the parodies, Roman died through the videos but keeps returning like nothing happened; these are the videos on where he gets from just "simply killed" to "brutally killed".
- YTP - War of the Slim Henchmen: Gets his head ripped off by the glue Mercury putted on his hat.
- YTP (RWBY Chibi) - The Randomness Troll Button: His head cracks after a long fall and Neo made it worse by falling over him.
TheGamerLover Villains | ||
Protagonists Alternate Realities (Counterparts and Crossover Villains) |
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Team RWBY |
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Neo THOT Army |
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Main Series Dumb Death Battle X |