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Villains Fanon Wiki

This Villain was Featured in March 2021.

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Look out world! Today's the day I become a Pokémon Trainer!
~ Rusty's first line in the series.
Whee, forever!
~ Rusty's full redemption.

Rusty is the titular main protagonist of Dorkly's YouTube series Pokémon Rusty.

Rusty is known for being a dumb and amoral Pokémon trainer which ends up accidentally killing and torturing his own Pokémon in order to become a Pokémon Champion and he is also one of Dorkly's most popular and loved characters.

He is voiced by Owen Parsons


Rusty is a complete dimwit that never realizes he is killing or torturing his own Pokémon. Besides wanting to be a Pokémon trainer, he knows almost nothing about how Pokémon works, as he sends Pokémon from the wrong types to die, thinks fitting several Pokémon into a single Pokéball is okay and doesn't realizes when a Pokémon is sick or not.

He seems to have no idea of what is right and what is wrong as he thought kidnapping a Pokémon was okay just because a Team Rocket member told so, joined the Team Rocket even through they were evil and killed his Pokémon and felt nothing when his shiny Bidoof (Peanut Butter) was killing humans.

When one of Rusty's Pokémon dies, Rusty either ignores or forgets about it immediately, even when his best Pokémon died, he forgot about it after seconds and replaced him with a random Bidoof. While he feels nothing when his Pokémon or family members die, he doesn't like battle losses and cried after losing a gym battle.

Even through his adventure was full of deaths and defeats, Rusty enjoyed it enough to redo all of it, detail per detail, instead of actually saving the world from Peanut Butter.

Even with all the deaths and defeats of his Pokémon, Rusty never gives up on achieving his goals, even if it looks like there is no hope and even if his methods are stupid.


Season 1[]

At the start, Rusty yelled about how he would become a Pokémon trainer, but his father and mom said they wouldn't allow him to become one. Rusty's father told him he should study for the college and get a real job, and then tells Rusty to deliver the chicken panini to Professor Tree. Rusty then goes to Professor tree's lab and, once arriving, asks if he knows a lot about Pokémon. Professor Tree states he doesn't and explains that it is just the easiest job he could find. Rusty then offers himself to collect information for him and Professor Tree accepts. Rusty then chooses the lab's Kakuna as his starter Pokémon and goes away while saying "tell my parents I'm dead". Professor Tree yells he forgot to give him his lunch, but Rusty doesn't hears it and goes away on his adventure.

While walking through Route 1, Rusty looks at Red's latest tweet about his battle with Blue and decides that he needs a rival as well.. Rusty then becomes rival with a random bug catcher and challenges him to battle. Rusty sends "Pikachu" (His Kakuna was nicknamed Pikachu), Bug catcher sends a Rattata and Rusty picks up Kakuna and throws him at Rattata. Bug catcher claims that is cheating, decides he is not a rival anymore and goes away. Rusty then challenges a random guy, but the guy states he doesn't want trouble, throws away his money and goes away.

Rusty gets happy over the fact he defeated his two rivals in his first day as a trainer. Rusty suddenly finds a shiny Bidoof and tries to catch it, but his Pokéball bounces and hits Rusty, trapping rusty inside the Pokéball. Rusty somehow escapes off-screen.

Later, Rusty is seen at the mt. moon cave, where he catches three Zubats. He is then confronted by two Team Rocket members, but before they get to introduce themselves, Rusty gets scared of them and instantly gives them his Pokéballs. The Team Rocket guy calls him a coward and opens a Pokéball, only to see a sick and horrible Bulbasaur which coughs and faints. the guy asks what that is, and Rusty states that is a shiny Bulbasaur, but the Team Rocket members corrects him saying that it is a Bulbasaur with birth defect.

The female Team Rocket member opens another Pokéball and a pile of bleeding and tortured Bidoofs comes out of it. Rusty then explains he ran out of Pokéballs so he just used the same Pokéball to catch every Bidoof. The Team Rocket guy states they need to heal them at a Pokécenter, and then Rusty gets surprised over the fact he can heal Pokémon and explains he was just throwing away his defeat Pokémon instead. They them try to steal Kakuna, which evolves out of pure happiness to a Beedrill. Beedrill then punches Rusty out of anger and goes away with Team Rocket. Rusty, out of options, calls his dad to pick him up.

Season 2[]

Rusty and his dad are traveling by car towards home. Rusty's dad complains about Rusty abandoning them like that and insists he should study for college and get a real job. Suddenly, Rusty's dad car hits a Snorlax lying in the road, leaving both Snorlax and Rusty's dad severely injured. Rusty uses his Pokéballs to catch his father and Snorlax and take them to the Pokécenter. After Nurse Joy successfully heals them, Rusty collects Snorlax and Zubat and goes away abandoning his father again.

Rusty then goes to Celladon Mall, where he buys several items, HMs and Pokeballs in order to beat Team Rocket. In order to buy what he wanted, he used his dad's credit card that was presumably stolen. Rusty also buys a 100.000 dollars bike, unaware it had lots of weed on it.

While traveling, he finds a tree blocking the path and almost gives up on his adventure, but a old man stops him and states he can use his HM to remove the obstacles. Rusty teaches Geodude strength and Geodude throws Rusty at the tree, something that doesn't work. Rusty tries to teach a Pidgey Fly, but the Pidgey goes away. At his 2nd attempt, Rusty teaches Paras Flash, Paras uses Flash and Rusty starts to think he is under attack. Not being able to see anything due to the Flash, Rusty throws his Bidoof into a ravine, probably killing it. Rusty then tries to teach Zubat Number 7 Surf and ends up drowning it to death.

Rusty decides the HMs aren't working and uses Flamethrower to burn the tree instead, and ends up accidentally setting the entire forest on fire for days.

Rusty later encounters with a EV trainer, which tries to teach Rusty how to truly make a Pokémon stronger, Rusty, however, finds the methods very boring and gives up. That's when Team Rocket comes and steals the EV Trainer's Clefairy. Rusty comes to the conclusion he can rescue Pikachu if he follows Team Rocket and keeps following them. Off-screen he keeps following them until the S.S Anne, where he gets throw into the ocean for not having a ticket. Rusty gets carried by the ocean and ends up on Cinnabar Island.

Rusty then decides to challenge Cinnabar Island's gym leader. The gym leader sent a Growlithe (Fire type Pokémon), and, since Rusty still didn't know how type advantages work, he sent a Vanillite, which was melted by Growlithe's Ember for being a ice type Pokémon. Rusty then sends a Venomoth, which is also burned down by Growlithe for being a bug type Pokémon. Rusty then sends a Cubone and states "Dog types are weak against bone types" but Cubone still gets killed by Growlithe for being low level. Rusty then goes to the beach crying because of his loss. The Gym's leader then picks up a random shell from the beach and gives to Rusty saying it is a "Participation Badge". Rusty then starts to feel better because it was his first "badge" and goes on in his adventure.

Rusty somehow manages to sneak into Team Rocket's secret base, he even uses a fake identification card that it's almost impossible to read due to the terrible handwriting. Rusty convinces two Team Rocket members to give him the location of the Pokémon they kidnapped and them reveals his true identity. Rusty then sends a Bidoof to battle, which is shot by one of the members. "Pikachu" (Beedrill) suddenly appears trying to murder Rusty, Rusty recognizes him and the Team Rocket members get surprised over the fact Rusty raised such a vengeful Pokémon. After realizing Rusty trained such a bloodhungry and aggressive Pokémon and had a bike full of weed, the criminals decided to hire Rusty for their criminal activities.

Season 3[]

At the start of the season, Rusty, Pikachu and a Team Rocket Grunt are sent into a mission. The grunt sees a kid with a Eevee and tells Rusty to kidnap the Eevee, but he fails because of how aggressive and strong the Eevee is. The grunt then tells Rusty to drive, but since he can't drive properly, he accidentally runs over the kid, killing him. The grunt takes advantage of the situation and steals the Eevee. Them he and Rusty try robbing a random guy, which turns out to be Red. Because of how powerful Red is, the Team Rocket member gets scared and tries to run away, only to be obliterated by Red's strongest Pokémon. Red also destroys the Team Rocket truck with Pikachu and the Eevee inside.

Rusty wakes up after being unconscious for a while, sees the destroyed truck and cries thinking Pikachu died, but instantly cheers up after realizing Red gave him a autograph. At some point, Rusty replaces Pikachu with a random Bidoof nicknamed "Pikachu Two". He then encounters a random guy which invites him to a place called "Battlehaus". Inside the place, Rusty does several kinds of battles with the owner. In the first battle (which takes place in a rollercoaster) Rusty sends out a Spearow, which ends up dying since "Flying types are weak against roller coasters". In the second battle, which is a battle where trainers stack their Pokémon together, Rusty tries stacking a Snorlax and kills 3 Pokémon because of his weight, losing the battle. After battling for a while, the Battlehaus guy tells Rusty to burn down Battlehaus because of how he's losing money and needs insurance. Rusty obeys and burns down the entire place, but accidentally burns down his "Pikachu Two" as well.

Rusty then puts Pikachu Two in the daycare, and there, he meets with the EV trainer from before. After learning about breeding, the EV trainer helps Rusty create a Perfect Bidoof. Then they have Bidoofs breed with Dittos in hopes of getting a Perfect Bidoof, but suddenly a Team Rocket truck invades the daycare while running over the Dittos and Bidoofs, killing all of them. A Team Rocket grunt then steals the EV's trainer Clefairy and runs away. After his Clefairy is stolen, the EV trainer starts crying while saying he was gonna marry her. Afterwards, the Perfect Bidoof spawns in the middle of the corpses, but no one is there to see it.

Later, Rusty goes to Lavender Town and enters the Ghost Tower in hopes of finding new Pokémon, but instead, he finds the ghosts of all the Pokémon he killed. The ghosts start ranting at Rusty for being a terrible trainer and killing them while Rusty refuses to admit he's a terrible trainer. The ghosts try killing him, but the ghost of Rusty's grandpa appears and convinces them that Rusty is just a boy and that he's still learning. Rusty then uses a Pokéball to catch his grandpa while states he is never going to use him. He somehow escapes the ghost tower off-screen.

Rusty enters a herb store and, there, he encounters Professor Tree, which invites him to watch a Pokémon documentary. After the documentary ends, a News report appears saying that the police is surrounding Veridian City's gym. Rusty then decides to go that gym to get a badge. In Veridian City, Rusty ignores that the fact that there are several criminals and officials fighting and joins the gym anyways. Inside the gym, Rusty encounters with Pikachu (The Beedrill) and gets surprised over the fact he is still alive. Pikachu then explains he managed to survive a take over Team Rocket. rusty tries convincing him to become his Pokémon again, but Beedrill refuses and tells a grunt to kill Rusty.

Suddenly, several policemen appear, kill the grunt and surround Pikachu. However, they are not legally allowed to arrest a Pokémon ,so they arrest Rusty for being the Pikachu's master. And with that, the season ends with Rusty arrested.

Season 4 (Finale)[]

In Kanto's Country Correction Facility, Rusty ends up becoming a Chef in Prison. Everyone praises him for making good food, except for Rusty himself, which keeps insisting that he should become a Pokémon Master instead. A random prisoner hears his tantrum and invites him for a "Pokémon Battle". Somewhere in the Prison, Rusty gets in to a fight with a prisoner called Wet Craig but, while they are fighting, a part of the wall explodes and a humanoid shiny Bidoof comes out of it. He reveals that he is Rusty's creation and decides to assist Rusty on his goal to become a Pokémon Master. rusty nicknames him 'Peanut Butter" and, with his help, manages to escape prison along with all other prisoners.

Rusty goes to the Indigo Plateau ready to fight the Elite Four. Lorelei states that he needs eight badges to battle them, and Perfect Bidoof appears with a bag full of badges and blood. He states that collected every badge from every trainer in Kanto, implying that he killed all trainers in Kanto and stole their badges. Rusty first challenges Agatha and sends out Burbasaur, which ends up nearly passing out due to his organ failure. The Perfect Bidoof decides to battle instead of Burbasaur and attacks by making small Bidoofs grow inside Agatha, which slowly kills her. Terrified and scared of suffering the same fate, the rest of the Elite Four decide to make Rusty one of their members. Rusty gets excited at first, but after hearing that they will discuss non-Pokémon related things, he gets bored and decides to capture a Legendary Pokémon instead.

He goes to a place called Safari Zone Legendary Pokémon's preserve and starts looking for legendaries with Perfect Bidoof. However, due to him being too powerful, the Bidoof ends up killing most of the legendaries. Eventually Rusty and Perfect Bidoof are invited to a Tour with the Safari's Marge to watch the rest of the Zone. During the tout, they learn that Legendary is a term for super endangered Pokémon that are almost extinct, and that poaching is illegal in that area. After experiencing a poacher nearly capture a Arceus, the Perfect Bidoof decides that Mankind's greed is his true enemy. He states that he learned "Compassion", but Rusty tells him that he should forget it because it is boring. The Bidoof then asks if he should learn "Thirst for Vengeance", which Rusty allows. Following this, he kills the Poacher and decides that he stop being a servant and become a ruler. In a period of six months, he slaves all of humanity, forcing them to build statues and live in caves, and starts a human killing spree.

While working a statue and singing, he gets attacked by his "Pikachu" and falls down. Battlebart pulls him and takes Rusty to a secret cave, where he meets with the EV Trainer, Professor Tree, Sexy Fairy and his first rival. They reveal to him that they are what's left of a resistance formed by Red, and that the rest of the resistance, which includes the strongest trainers in Kanto, was killed by the Perfect Bidoof. They reveal their plan which is to time travel to the first episode and prevent Rusty from becoming a Pokémon Trainer, since he's the cause of all bad things that happened. They also tell Rusty to do it since he is the only person past Rusty would listen to. Using a Dialga, a Magnemite and a pool of water, Rusty successfully time travels to the very first episode, right after Rusty left his father's deli.

Rusty tells his past self that it he has to save the world and that, by becoming a deli worker, he would become a great Pokémon Trainer. Past Rusty believes and goes back to his house instead of going in a adventure. Future Rusty, however, takes advantage of the time travel and redoes everything he did on his adventure, making the future the same as before. The rest of the resistance get angry at his actions and one of them says it is lazy writing. The Perfect Bidoof then enters the resistance by exploding the wall, making everyone scared. Rusty tries to throw a Pokéball on him but it does nothing.

A person tries running away but he is transformed into a Bidoof and explodes blood, Battlebart loses hope and kills himself with a self-destructing Voltorb and Professor Tree is transformed into a Bidoof. After experiencing all those deaths and destruction, Rusty starts to feel remorse and empathy for the first time, finally realizing that he is the responsible for everything. He tries a second Pokéball at the Perfect Bidoof, which also does nothing. Just when he is about to kill Rusty, the Past Rusty, which became a professional deli worker, arrives in the location, with a sandwich ordered by the resistance. The Perfect Bidoof eats the sandwich and states it is the best thing he has ever stated, and realizes that humanity is not that bad.

He nicknames Past Rusty "Good Rusty" and decides to go in a space journey with him and the Sexy Fairy. Before departing, he undid all bad things that happened to Kanto, making it a peaceful place again. He also imprisoned Rusty and "Pikachu" in Dad's Deli, where they were forced to make perfect sandwiches forever. Despite being good at it, Rusty hated working there and even tried to escape, but was unable to do so. The series ends with Rusty still wanting to be a Pokémon Trainer and with "Pikachu" whipping him for trying to escape. He then ventures into space with Peanut butter, and Sexy Fairy.

Rusty in Pokémon Ralphie[]

Rusty appeared in the intro of the first three Pokémon Ralphie episodes in the TV as a cameo. Then in the last Pokémon Ralphie episode, when Ralphie is talking about his redemption, The cell wall explodes killing Ralphie, and then Peanut Butter, Rusty and the prisoners start coming out of the hole in the wall, the prisoners chanting, "Rusty! Murder!". Ralphie and Rusty never manage to make eye contact.


You can heal Pokémon? Huh, wow, I've been just throwing them away
~ Rusty after finding out he can heal Pokémon.
Ok Zubat Number 7, time for us to learn how to surf
~ Rusty before drowning his Zubat to death.
Sorry, couldn't reach the brake!
~ Rusty after running over a kid.
Oh god, What's happening to me? I feel... bad! as if... this is... my fault! for the first time, I feel almost... not the best...?
~ Rusty feels remorse over his actions for the first time.


  • Rusty and Ralphie existing in the same universe has several inconsistencies, such as the fact that Red was a young trainer during Rusty's adventure while in Ralphie's adventure he was a adult with two kids, and the fact that Red was killed in the final episode of Pokémon Ralphie but was alive in the Bidocalypse, which happened after the events of Ralphie.
  • Rusty makes a cameo in The End of Dorkly? episode by Dorkly, where he gets sucked to the void while Dorkly's world is being destroyed.


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           Dorkly Villains

Mario videos
Mario (Mario Goes Berserk) | Yoshi (If Mario and Yoshi Switched Places)

Pokémon videos
Pokémon Rusty:
Peanut Butter | "Pikachu" | Rusty
Drifloon | Dugtrio | Ralphie Jones | Redrum

Misc. videos
Kevin The Assistant | Wall-Nut
