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Villains Fanon Wiki

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Needlemouse found something very brutal for those with a weak heart. The page SMG3 contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic images which may be disturbing to some. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older.
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♫ Sorry lads, game's ending early! I'm a power-hungry man in a bit of a hurry! With all these rules, you expect me to comply? Here's a rule called YOU'RE GONNA DIE!
~ SMG3's first lines in the WOTFI 2020 rap battle, also his most famous quote.
~ SMG3 showing his inferiority complex to the rest of the Anti-Cast after zapping Belle for her disobedience, also his villainous breakdown.
I miss just being the villain. This good guy sh** is too tiring.
~ SMG3 remembering his good times as the main villain.
HEY! Me almost killing you guys lead to some major character development. So in a way, you have me to thank!
~ SMG3 mentioning the time he took over SMG4's channel.

SuperMemeGuardian3, also known as SMG3 or SuperMarioGlitchy3, is the main antagonist of the 2011 Australian adult-animated sitcom web series SMG4 and one of the deuteragonists of it's 2021 spin-off SMG4 Crew.

He is the counterpart and former arch-nemesis of the titular SMG4 and Mario, whom he is constantly attempting to kill. He frequently collaborates with Bowser to carry out his evil plans. However, his arrogance and (and Bowser's) incompetence frequently get the better of him, and his plans frequently backfire spectacularly, such as his antics with the Ztar. In the latter cases, he will abandon his previous plans and frequently join forces with SMG4 and his friends to restore the universe's balance.

In Season 10, he steals Susan Wojciki's YouTube Remote in order to finally destroy SMG4. He also serves as the leader of the Anti-Cast. SMG3 is banished to the Internet Graveyard after the events of SMG4: War of the Fat Italians 2020, and he is now the ruler of the Internet Graveyard in Season 11-12.

He then redeems himself when he moves in with SMG4's Gang in the Showgrounds. since then, he now changes his ways and becomes part of the crew as they go on their adventures and defeat many dangerous foes such as an SMG perfectionist God wannabe, a corrupt official alter ego of Funky Kong, and an obsessed CEO with a TV for its head.

From Season 10 onwards, he is voiced by James Bailey, who also voices Fuego the Water Bottle and the Brown Crewmate in the same series. In the Spanish dub, he is voiced by Sebastian Melendez.


He is the main antagonist of the Classic Era, the villainous tritagonist in the Modern Era, and one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Mario) of Showgrounds Era.

He serves as one of the two main antagonists (alongside Bowser) of Season 1, the main antagonist of Seasons 2 to 6, the secondary antagonist of Season 7, a supporting antagonist in Seasons 8 and 9, the final protagonist of The Waluigi Arc, a minor character in The Rapper Bob Arc, a unseen antagonist of the Anime Arc and the tritagonist of The SMG4 Cosmology Lore trilogy.

In the Cosmology Lore trilogy, he serves as the main antagonist of Season 10 and The YouTube Arc, the tritagonist of Season 11 and Genesis Arc, a major protagonist in Season 12, one of the two tritagonists (alongside SMG4) of the Revelations Arc, and a minor character in The Lawsuit Arc.

After Cosmology Lore, he is one of the three main protagonists (alongside Mario and SMG4) of Season 13, and one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Mario) of Season 14 and Puzzlevision Saga.


SMG3, like Mario and SMG4, uses Mario's model. He has a blue shirt, white gloves, black overalls with yellow buttons and a blue cap with a skull emblem. His Super Mario 64 model lacks the skull emblem.

His initial redesign keeps his clothes, but adds a purple tint to his overalls, removes his moustache, and gives him a beard. His 2023 redesign turns his clothes and hat a dark purple colour, changes his beard’s design, adds a cut on his hat, turns his shoes black with spikes on them and a skull logo on their ends, and gives him red eyes.

As the name implies, his Negative SMG3 form is in a photo-negative color scheme, with a yellow cap and shirt, blue-buttoned white overalls and black gloves.


SMG3 is the total opposite of SMG4, as his name and appearance suggest. He is cruel, destructive, incompetent, murderous, megalomaniacal, and egotistical. His villainy is directed specifically at SMG4, who he is continuously trying to kill or defame. Furthermore, he is very rude, as seen in SMG4's 3 million subscriber Ssenmodnar video, where, after being accidentally summoned by Bob, alongside other SMG4 villains (including Ztar), he yells "WHAT'S UP, B****ES?!?" to Tari and Meggy, making clear his desire of using derogatory language.

Despite the fact that he is a true danger to SMG4 and his friends, he is usually depicted as a joke, lavishing in his villainy, acting like a coward when defeated, and even teaming up with SMG4 to save the Mushroom Kingdom from problems he caused. This is best exemplified in SMG4: War of the Fat Italians 2018, where he is recruited by Wario to reform Waluigi utilizing his psychiatrist skills. After succeeding, SMG3 turns this into a talk show and even wins an award for stopping Waluigi from destroying the Mushroom Kingdom. When his show is forced to cancel, he comes back to his evil ways. He also works as a subordinate for others on occasion, as seen in The Mystery of the Missing White and Blue (40,000 Subs Special), where the Evil Noob hire him to kidnap SMG4. SMG3 inevitably turns against the Evil Noob and helps Mario and Starman3 in rescuing SMG4.

All of that changes in Super Mario 64 Bloopers: Spells n' Wiztards, when, angered by his team's failure, he goes insane and transforms into Negative SMG3, presumably his strongest form. Though this form is quick, it summons the most malicious SMG3, who proclaims that he will destroy Hobowarts Wizarding School. Fortunately, SMG4 defeats him with his magic, though Hobowarts is destroyed in the process.

Furthermore, in SMG4: War Of The Fat Italians 2019, SMG3 is shown to be sadistic to SMG4, where he laughs at Mario hurting SMG4 but not the other way around.

In the Genesis Arc, he partnered with SMG4's gang to defeat Zero/Niles and save the universe. This shows that he can occasionally put down his grudges for the greater good. This is also evident in Revelations Arc where he helps SMG4, SMG1, SMG2 and Melony defeat Niles once and for all. in SMG4 Movie: IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT, He helps SMG4 to break free from Mr. Puzzles' control and escape Peach's Castle which started collapsing due to Eldritch Goop. The castle collapses as a result of Swagmaster's demolition and the Demonic Goop's consumption, which leaves the two Meme Guardians dangling over the edge of the Goop's maw. Between the usb and SMG3, the latter was saved by SMG4, who now considered him to be a friend.

He then opens up a coffee shop after saving his notebook from Marty as he decides to move into the Showgrounds due to him leaving the Internet graveyard since it was a trash heap, leaving the Dead Memes to fend for themselves. SMG3 then attempted to return to his evil ways, trying to prove he was still a villain. After being successful, Eggman instructs him to kill SMG4. He could not bring himself up to it due to having a close relationship (and even trust) with him. He later ditched the idea and continues to keep up his ‘good guy’ behavior although he does still do some more minor petty villain stuff for fun occasionally.

Since then, He becomes part of the crew as they go on their adventures and has declared to bury the hatchet and finally abandons his old evil goals of making SMG4's life miserable.





  • Despite being SMG4's personal archenemy, SMG3 is only the fifth longest-running SMG4 villain, behind Mario, Princess Peach, Toad and Bowser.
  • SMG3's appearances in more recent bloopers were significantly rarer, often reduced to cameos and mentions. As of the SMG4 Cosmology Lore trilogy, he is now appearing more often. After the SMG4 Cosmology Lore, his appearances have decreased again, but he came back to prominence after The Lawsuit Arc.
  • The relationship between SMG3 & Bowser is much similar to the one between SMG4 & Mario. Bowser and Mario are stupid, while SMG3 and SMG4 are intelligent. SMG3 is annoyed by Bowser's stupidity for the same reasons in which SMG4 is annoyed by Mario. One of the few differences is that Bowser is significantly less dedicated to SMG3.
  • SMG3 was thought to be dead after the events of WOFTI 2020. However, James Bailey (SMG3's voice actor) confirmed that it wasn't the end for SMG3. In fact, in the Christmas Special 2020 and Perfectly Balanced, he was revealed to be alive and well. He is currently a celebrity in the Internet Graveyard.
  • With SMG3 on better terms with SMG4 at the end of the SMG4 Cosmology Lore trilogy, and later fully redeemed in Season 13, it is unknown who might replace him as the show’s main antagonist, if anyone. However, it is possible that he may be replaced with Mr. Puzzles.

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           SMG4 2023 Logo Villains

Protagonists and Anti-Villains
Mario | Bowser | Bob Bobowski | SMG3 | Saiko Bichitaru | Toad | Princess Peach | Swagmaster69696969696 | Hal Monitor | Jeeves | Beeg SMG4 | Bowser Jr. | Dr. Eggman | Desti | JubJub Boopkins | Rob the Scarecrow | Whimpu | Melony | Belle Fontiere | Kaizo Koorumaniru

Arc Villains
SMG3 | Waluigi | Bob Bobowski | Francis | Niles | Lawyer Kong | Mr. Puzzles
Wario | The Imposter | Boss | Herobrine Persson | King Boo | Grand Dad | Mr. L | The Butt Ninja | The Terrorist | Shadow Meggy | Ztar | Enzo | Master Hand | Agent Biker | Reymond D. Gai | Admiral S. Swipe | Ivan | False Mewtwo | False Sephiroth | False Super Saiyan God | Team Killer Ink Leader | WeaBOO | Anti-Shroomy | Susan Wojcicki | Papa John | Ernie | Fuego the Water Bottle | Xenomorph | Mario's Father | Maestro Mano | Jeeves | Mr. Krabs | SpongeBob SquarePants | Cosmo Cosma | Jimmy Neutron | Big Chungus | Bowsette | Serial Designation N | Mickey Mouse | Goofy | The Villager | Animatronics | Springtrap | Mr. Incredible | Daycare Attendant | The Blob | Baldi | Daddy Dearest | Mommy Mearest | Oofio | William Afton | Grand Mario | Jevil | Bill Cosby | Yoshi | Hulk Yoda | Box Club Leader | MX | Luigi.exe | Juan Carlos Bodoque| Serial Designation N | Marty | Depresso | Mr. L (Too Late.Exe) | Freddy Fazbear | Eldritch Goop | One-Shot Wren | Mr. Nice Guy | Demoman | Skibidi Toilets

Luigi Dolls | A.S.S. | Anime Cartel | Anime Replicas | Team Killer Ink | Ugandan Knuckles | All Star Brawlers | Anti-Cast | Sinister Six | The Box Club | Teletubbies | Inkling Flummie Bullies | Puzzlevision | Leggies | Puzzlebox Kids Subscribers

Emperor Arcturus | Imperium of Mogtopolis | ᗩᖇT̴̩͝𝓗U̵Ṛ̶̈́ | SMG.EXE | Mario | Sonic The Hedgehog | Tari | Zelus | Nula | Wario | Waluigi

See Also
Sunset Paradise Villains

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