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Villains Fanon Wiki

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The "Sonic logo" in the VHS'
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Needlemouse found something very brutal for those with a weak heart. The page Sarah Henderson (Needlem0use) contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic images which may be disturbing to some. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older.
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Villain Overview

There is no god. Only me.
~ Needlemouse
30 years. 30 long years... I finally got you. You're mine, Luther. From now on until the end of time. We're all together again. Just like old times. You all didn't deserve to have families while I rotted away. So I did what was right. I never wanted to forgive any of you. You're in my world now. My personal hell. Don't ask for God to help you now. Because in this world... I AM GOD.
~ Needlemouse expressing her hatred towards Luther before killing him.
You're in my world now. Just like the others. You're fun to play with, Kyle. But soon... someone else will be joining us. Isn't that right... Tom?
~ Sarah gloating over her victory against Kyle before addressing Tom and attempting to kill him.

Sarah Henderson, later known as Needlemouse (or more accurately, Needlemouse Sonic), is the titular main antagonist of the analog horror web series Needlem0use, serving as the main antagonist of Season 1 and the secondary antagonist of Season 2.

A fanatically aggressive and vengeful spirit, Sarah was accidentally killed and had her death covered up by her close friends. After thirty years of continuously suffering in her own personal hell, Sarah slipped into madness and went on a murder spree, killing her ex-friends and trapping their souls in her digital prison to suffer alongside her, driving herself further into insanity in the process. She is Luther Artwright's friend-turned-arch-nemesis.

She is voiced by Just Sammiie.


Like most Sonic.exe incarnations, Needlemouse manifests as a corrupted sprite of Sonic the Hedgehog, often in horrifyingly supernatural ways. In Needlemouse's case, she appears with a more purple or pink hue to Sonic's usually blue fur, likely reflecting the color of Sarah's sweater, while Sonic's white gloves usually end up with a yellow or orange tone, and the peachy skin tone becomes much paler. Supernatural corruptions of the sprite include turning Sonic's eyes into larger, red irises in black sclerae, usually alongside a gaping pitch-black mouth, occasionally with visible bloody teeth. Also, despite her spirit evidently inhabiting the Classic era Sonic games on the Sega Genesis, her Sonic form is taller and lankier as per his Modern era design, as opposed to the shorter and stouter Classic design. Needlem0use's perpetual smile is also either a closed smirk or a gaping Duchene grin, obviously meant to be threatening as she is described as constantly angry, although the smiles could be glee at the prospect of torturing her former friends for killing her.

Sarah, the true form of Needlemouse, often manifests as her human form, usually one resembling her from at the time of her death and lacking any supernatural changes, with the exception of red irises. Sarah is a 24-year-old young Asian woman of average height. She wears a purple sweater with a lighter-shade stripe running across the chest and upper arms and the hem of the sleeves, dark blue pants fastened with a brown belt with a yellow buckle, and white socks with dark spots around the toes and heels. Her raven-colored hair is long and wavy, and her skin tone is pale (although she had relatively tan skin when alive, becoming paler in death). Supernatural corruptions of her human form often include profuse bleeding from her eyes, mouth and forehead/scalp, and turning her skin pitch-black leaving only wide-blank eyes and teeth. She can also manifest a much more demonic and ghostly form, appearing more akin to a bloated, rotting corpse with decaying skin.

Both Needlemouse/Sarah's forms are almost always seen with unnerving big smirks and blank stares, giving her a possessed or deranged expression. It's also been described these grins are meant to mask or express her immense undying hatred and anger of her former friends, as she keeps smiling widely even when lecturing them with an obvious hateful scathing inflection. She has another human form called Epitaph that has a big X on her shirt, pale white skin and with a creepy grin.


What was left of Sarah died all those years back. Don't fall for her facade.
~ Martin warning Luther not to fall for Needlemouse's facade.

Little is known about Sarah’s personality while she was alive, but she maintained a seemingly stable friendship with Luther and the Fun Gang. However, she was stated to have a habit of walking all over her friends, suggesting she was likely inconsiderate, overbearing, and somewhat arrogant.

After her death, upon realizing that her friends had covered up the circumstances surrounding it, Sarah descended into madness and obsessively vowed revenge. Consumed by animosity and hatred, she was driven insane, embarking on a killing spree thirty years later to exact her vengeance. Sarah's sole focus was to inflict endless suffering on her friends, trapping them in a virtual world where they would endure the torment she experienced for three decades. Her unrelenting rage led her to target Luther's son as an act of spite. Her anger was not only rooted in her own death but also in the impact it had on her family, particularly her girlfriend, Lily. She expressed this to Luther before killing him and dragging his soul into her digital realm, resenting that her friends had moved on and built families while her own family suffered.

Sarah ruled her virtual world with an iron fist, developing a god complex. Initially viewing the game as a void to torture her friends, years of sadism further corrupted her already fragile psyche, making her mad with power, sadistic, callous, and psychotic. Despite having the power to move on to the afterlife, she chose to stay in the cursed game, reveling in the control and the torment she could inflict. Her arrogance, vanity, and egocentrism were apparent as she looked down on others, proclaiming them as mere inhabitants of "her world."

Sarah was a massive control freak who governed with tyrannical authority. She viewed herself as the ultimate ruler, boasting about her dominion over the game's inhabitants. Her controlling nature was matched by her manipulative tendencies. She could easily create a facade of wanting to reconcile, emotionally manipulating her friends into believing she forgave them before revealing her true intentions and delivering a lethal blow. When she lost control, she would break down and practically throw tantrums. At one point, she even attempted to delete the souls within the game after failing to regain control, showing that she preferred her victims dead rather than free from her dominance. Witnessing even the slightest resistance from Luther was enough to provoke a violent, glitch-ridden rage, highlighting the extent of her instability and need for absolute control.

Her madness drove her to extreme actions, showcasing her sadistic pleasure in inflicting pain and suffering. Sarah’s psychotic behavior was evident in her enjoyment of the power she wielded and the sadistic glee she took in torturing her friends. Despite having moments where she could potentially move on, Sarah's love for control and torment kept her tethered to the cursed game, demonstrating a deeply disturbed mind corrupted by years of unchecked power and rage.

Despite her monstrous actions, Sarah's descent into madness was triggered by her untimely death in an unintentional accident. Her vow for justice was driven by the trauma and anger over her fate and the suffering it caused her family. However, her actions, particularly her continuation of violence after exacting revenge, were far worse than the initial deed, as Luther pointed out. Sarah justified her crusade as "doing what was right," yet she inflicted the same pain on her victims and even threatened their loved ones unless they confessed. Her killing of Kyle and attempted murder of Tom, who were innocent and merely investigating the haunted game, further highlighted her hypocritical and sadistic nature. Although she briefly regretted killing Kyle, her need for control and justification quickly overshadowed any empathy. She openly admitted to enjoying the suffering of her ex-friends, driven by sadism and petty revenge rather than justice.

Despite her egotism and desire for sadistic entertainment, Sarah remained a victim of her tragic death. The isolation and torment in the void led to a further mental collapse, blinding her with rage and fear of being forgotten. Manipulated by an unknown entity, Sarah became easier to influence, although moments of genuine remorse occasionally broke through, especially after killing Kyle. Her humanity lingered, as shown by Luther's near-success in redeeming her, which was thwarted by the entity's intervention. Throughout her ordeal, Sarah continued to show genuine love for her then-girlfriend Lily, who was among the first she thought of upon awakening in the void.



Not much is known about Sarah's life, but she was born in 1943. At some point she began attending college with three of her friends, Michael, Martin and Luther, and was also in a relationship with a woman named Lily King. However, the group would often argue and fall out at times, as well as get drunk and argue at parties. Sarah was said to not be a great person and would often "walk all over" her friends.

In late-1963, Sarah and her girlfriend Lily were invited to a party and she went to Luther to recruit him as there'd be a lot of people she wouldn't be familiar with and wanted Luther to be there in case anything went wrong, due to Sarah and Lily being a same-sex couple in the 1960's when that was generally frowned upon. Luther agreed to go and brought along Michael and Martin. However, during the party, the group got drunk and got into a physical altercation, resulting in someone accidentally killing Sarah, likely by violently smashing a bottle over her head. The group, in their guilt and panic, moved Sarah's body from the location and tossed it in a nearby lake, promising to never speak about the incident again and take the story to their graves. Eventually, Sarah was registered as a missing person, with flyers being plastered around town as her friends, family and girlfriend looked for her. In Sarah's memory, Lily would adopt a son around the late-1990s and name him after Sarah's grandfather, Kyle.

Soon after dying, Sarah woke up in what appeared to be a black void, confused on where she was until all the memories of the previous night came flooding back. Although she felt betrayed by her friends not helping, she came to believe they would remember her, before eventually losing hope and believing they hated her. Declaring revenge against them, Sarah swore that if she couldn't go home, neither would they, and spent decades waiting in limbo for her to gain some form of access to the mortal realm once again. At some point, Sarah made contact with an unknown entity who influenced her hatred and motivated her to continue with her plan, as well as presumably bestowing her supernatural powers.


At some point, the video game company SEGA constructed one of their buildings over the lake where Sarah's corpse was buried. Sarah was eventually grafted onto the data of the company's mascot, Sonic the Hedgehog, being able to now shapeshift into his form. Although she was one step closer to completing her plan, she was still tormented by memories of the night she was killed, feeling how it felt to be killed over and over again.

In 1993, thirty years after her death, Sarah began to target her ex-friends, manipulating them by appearing to want to reconcile. She started off with Michael and trapping his soul in the game as Knuckles the Echidna, where she began to torture him by showing him imagery of his family. After doing so, Sarah documented her killings and threats in the form of haunted tapes and sent a message to Martin, threatening to come after him next after toying with him for a while and showing him what happened to Michael, and promising to kill Martin's friends and family unless he confessed. Ultimately, while she didn't end up killing his loved ones, Sarah would catch Martin and savagely kill him, placing his soul in the vessel of Dr. Robotnik.

After being forced to relive his death and the night Sarah died after refusing to admit his wrongdoings, Martin eventually managed to send a message to Luther, warning him to not play the disc and destroy it instead to set the souls inside it free, and to not fall for Sarah's facade. When Luther received the disk and the tapes, he created a tape confessing to covering up Sarah's death and vowed to destroy the disk to release the trapped souls within it. However, he was unable to find the disk he had put down and, to his horror, found that Sarah had already been summoned. Before killing him, Sarah lamented that she never wanted to forgive any of them and justified her crimes to herself by stating she did what was right, before telling Luther that he was in her world now where she would be its god. Sarah then murdered Luther and placed his soul in the body of Tails, completing her mission and allowing her to begin her eternal torture of her ex-friends.


Years passed, and the mysterious disc eventually came into the possession of Thomas Bentley Artwright, son of Luther, and Kyle, son of Lily Henderson. The two best friends operated the YouTube channel "Speedduo64," dedicated primarily to Sonic the Hedgehog content. They mistook the cursed game for a beta disc and began exploring its files to uncover its secrets.

Unbeknownst to them, Luther was observing their actions. Anticipating Sarah's return, Luther attempted to undermine her control, but she caught him in the act. Despite her vigilance, Luther persevered for his son's sake.

After days of experimenting with the disc, Tom began experiencing strange nightmares featuring a woman he had never met. Disturbed by these visions and the game’s connection to his father, Tom decided to leave the game with Kyle and investigate Luther's old belongings. This led him to discover a peculiar VHS tape, a discovery that allowed Sarah to manifest in the real world with Kyle. Oblivious to the fact that she was attacking her own son’s friend, Sarah brutally mutilated Kyle, tearing apart his limbs and gouging out his eyes, leaving him to die a slow, painful death. Moments later, Kyle awoke, trapped in the form of Mecha Sonic MK1.

Meanwhile, Tom reviewed the VHS recordings and discovered Sarah’s murderous rampage. Confounded by Kyle’s targeting, Tom was devastated by the loss of his best friend. Despite the chaos, Luther continued to fight for his son, even as his efforts seemed futile. Declaring his intent to pursue Sarah, Luther set off.

As these events unfolded, Sarah found herself conflicted. She felt empty and unsatisfied with her latest kill, yet an unknown force compelled her to continue her atrocities. Determined to maintain control over her world, she remained grounded.

In the real world, Tom discovered the game playing itself, with Kyle and Sarah locked in combat. Kyle ultimately lost, prompting Sarah to target Tom. However, before she could act, Luther intervened, drawing the fight back into the game.

During the battle, Michael and Martin realized they could have fought back all along, but years of abuse had left them too worn down to care. Sensing something was amiss, Michael helped free Kyle from his chains before he and Martin passed on to the afterlife, taking their characters with them.

Luther's mental state began to deteriorate. Blaming himself for the unfolding tragedy, he doubted his role as the hero of the story. At this moment, the entity Atem emerged, reminding Luther that he was the catalyst for every event in this gruesome tale. Tortured by visions of the past, Luther could do nothing but endure the agony.

Amidst the pain, a new entity, Del, emerged. Radiant and bathed in light, Del appeared before Luther, urging him to move on. Still consumed by self-blame, it was only Kyle's appearance that finally brought Luther peace.

Tom, determined to end the cycle, destroyed the disc. However, Sarah, no longer needing the disc to manifest, attacked Tom, refusing to acknowledge her monstrous actions. Del intervened, saving Tom from death and keeping him alive a little longer. Kyle, arriving with Del, said his goodbyes before allowing Del to use his body to confront Sarah.

In the final showdown, it was Sarah versus Kyle, Atem versus Del. Del, using Kyle's body, fought to expose Atem. Despite Del's pleas for Sarah to change, Atem remained. Forcibly reverting control back to Kyle, Atem and Sarah attacked again, leaving Kyle in a bloody mess, both in the game and in death.

Finally, Sarah realized the futility of her actions. Her self-righteousness had been a facade, feeding a savior complex that only she understood. Confronting the reality of having killed an innocent boy, her own son no less, Sarah acknowledged that she was no better than those who started this nightmare. Deciding it was time to let her soul rest, Sarah bid farewell to Atem, her hatred.

With the doors to forgiveness now open, Sarah entered an endless white field where Kyle awaited. Recognizing her son, Sarah was overwhelmed with joy, shedding tears of happiness. Though evil had once consumed her, it did not have to define her forever.


List Of Appearances

Season 1

  • c0mings00n.mp4 (debut)
  • NeedleM0use
  • G0t Y0u
  • n0way
  • Teaser
  • finAle

Season 2

  • 2008
  • SpeedDuo64 Presents: Genesis Sonic Comp Beta!!1!
  • SpeedDuo64 Presents:
  • Duo
  • Confrontation
  • Yourself
  • Atem

Other Appearances

Main article: Sarah Henderson (Vs. Sonic.Exe)

Reboot series

Timeline of the official Love's Craft series

Main article: S0NIC (SpeedDuo64)


Season 1

This is where they buried me. This building was built there. To think after all this time... this is how I was brought back. I don't care anymore. Up until now, I was toying with you. But now I'm done playing. I already got Michael. What makes you think I won't go after you?
~ Needlemouse commenting on how she was brought back to life.
I know where you live.
~ Needlemouse threatening Martin.
I'm trapped. I've been trapped here for 30 years. Do you know how long that is? For you, I can imagine time flew by. You have a family. Good for you. I miss my family. I miss them so much. Dad. Mom. Lily. No one knows what happened that night. Except you. I hate you. You took everything from me. But don't you worry, Luther. Because I'm coming for you, and when I do. I'm taking you with me. Then we can be together again. Just like before. I will never be alone again. We can suffer together. I will make you suffer.
~ Needlemouse addressing Luther and threatening him.
I am... going to find you.
~ Needlemouse promising to come after Luther.
Don't think you can run from me.
~ Needlemouse to Luther.
I can still feel the pain. I remember everything that happened. It plays in my head. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER-'
~ Needlemouse talking about how painful it is to be trapped and remember how she died.
Michael was there that night. He did nothing to help. But after all this time I took care of him.
~ Needlemouse revealing to Martin what she did to Michael.
He's so happy now. Don't you want to be happy too? The longer you wait to tell the truth. The more people you care for get hurt. And after I'm done with them. I will come for YOU.
~ Needlemouse threatening to come after Martin if he doesn't reveal what really happened to her.
Michael: I'm scared.
Needlemouse: Don't be. After all, you only have yourself to blame.
~ Michael and Needlemouse.
If I can't go home, neither can you. Don't you dare talk to me about fairness.
~ Needlemouse to Micheal.
You didn't actually think you were out of the woods just yet, did you? The game is not over yet, it's time to continue, wouldn't you all say? Hey! How about a preview?
~ Needlemouse in the trailer for the Season 1 finale.
See you all soon...
~ Needlemouse in the trailer for the Season 1 finale.
Martin: Michael got it pretty easy compared to me. His death was painless. One second he was alive and the next, reborn. I didn't get it so easy. She said I deserved worse. I didn't even do anything.
Needlemouse: You're lying.
Martin: I'm not. I'm not, I swear-
Needlemouse: You said Michael got it easy, huh? I feel like I was too lenient. I was too nice. How about we replay that night?
Martin: No, please. I'm sorry. No, please. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
~ Martin and Needlemouse arguing.
30 years. 30 long years... I finally got you. You're mine, Luther. From now on, until the end of time. We're all together again, just like old times. You all didn't deserve to have families while I rotted away, so I did what was right. I never wanted to forgive any of you. You're in my world now, my personal Hell. Don't ask for God to help you now, because in this world... I AM GOD.
~ Needlemouse after killing Luther.

Season 2

I remember that night. That night was unlike any other... It was to die for. I used to loathe that day, letting it destroy me from the inside out for thirty, long years. But, I finally got my revenge. You are all mine now, whether you like it or not. I AM your god now.
~ Needlemouse in the Season 2 trailer.
I don't think so, Luther.
~ Needlemouse preventing Luther from attacking her.
Sarah: Look, all I'm saying is that you're far better off with another girl. Don't let her walk all over you. I ain't your "wing-woman" or whatever.
Luther: Are you always this overdramatic, Sarah? Geez.
Sarah: I'm supposed to look after you when you do shit like this.
Luther: Oh, shoot, I'm gonna be late for my next presentation!
Sarah: I know your corny ass did not just say "shoot". Still, chill out. We got like, ten minutes before it starts.
Luther: What happened to the whole "be ready ten minutes prior to everything" revelation you had?
Sarah: Pfft. Anyway, Lily and I are going to a party, right?
Luther: Right.
Sarah: And since tons of other people I don't know are gonna be there, I-I was wondering if... well, you could come along?
Luther: Oh. OH. Right. Cause it'd be awkward, y'know, with you two just dating--
Sarah: (Sarah places her finger over Luther's mouth and shushes him multiple times) You apeshit or something? Don't go pointing that stuff out. You know people are... Y'know. Not
with that kind of dating? I don't want that being shared. Like, come on. I don't know how people will react. Just, please stay silent for once--
Luther: Sa-Sa-Sa-Sarah, Sarah! Geez. Look, no matter what happens, I'm gonna be by your side. So don't stress out about it. Remember: "Together forever".
Sarah: You and your optimism... Together forever.
~ A flashback depicting Sarah and Luther on the day of the party that she would die at.
You're not getting to him.
~ Needlemouse after preventing Luther from reaching out for help from Tom.
This is interesting. Even after making you aware. You still defy me. You're in a world you cannot understand. But you are not on my radar anymore, Luther. HE is.
~ Needlemouse expressing her plans to target Tom.
Try to keep this interesting for me. Thomas Bentley Artwright.'
~ Needlemouse directly addressing Tom.
When I woke up, I didn't know where I was. I didn't know who I was. And then it hit, in the moment like that. Alone. Alone with my thoughts. But little by little over time, I started to remember. Martin, Michael, Luther. They didn't even help when things went south. They betrayed me. All I wanted was to spend time with them. With...her... But, they couldn't have forgotten me though, right? Right? They all hated me... I... I... (...) No... If I can't go home, they don't get to, either.
~ Sarah lamenting how she felt when she was reborn.
~ Sarah vowing revenge on her former friends and slipping into insanity.
~ Sarah greeting Kyle before killing him.
I feel complete. But if I'm so complete. Why don't I feel like it? Why am I not... happy?
~ Sarah after killing Kyle.
It was the only way. The only way... to stay hidden. The only way... for the rest of the world to not find out. It doesn't feel right anymore. It doesn't! I didn't have a choice! And it's all his fault! It's all his fault!
~ Sarah attempting to justify her actions, before finally realizing what she had done to Kyle.
Needlemouse: Why do you keep fighting?
Kyle: I refuse to be your puppet. I WILL stop you.
Needlemouse: Adorable. You're fighting back, despite everything. But yet... you forget who's truly in control here.
???: I won't let you people hurt her anymore.
~ Needlemouse battling Kyle.
How are you still alive?
~ Sarah after Luther reveals himself.
Needlemouse: So... you're the reason why Kyle's aware. You just don't know when to quit, do you-
Luther: I refuse to sit and let things happen again. Many lives are at stake, Sarah.
~ Sarah standing against Luther.
Needlemouse: Even after everything you do, Luther, you still get nothing. You'll get nowhere. You'll get tired and when you do, I'll kill you. And your PUNY LITTLE SON TOO-
Luther: No. I won't let you.
Needlemouse: Look at you, swinging that little toy around. Despite doing so many wrong things to your so-called rights... at the end of the day, you're more like me than you think. An endless battle to-
Luther: Sarah. I know how you feel, but you need to-
Luther: You're right. But at this point... I don't know you anymore. You never hated anyone. You were alone in a lost land, and you are now. Despite all of us being here. You are a murderer. Nothing can change that. And with this world you've made up... it's only making things worse. Not only for us... but yourself. So I ask you this, Sarah: please... just let go. Tom's going to destroy the disk. Now's your chance to leave things behind and move on. Please.
~ Sarah's confrontation with Luther.
Sarah: I... I don't understand anything. I don't want to believe. I can't... I can't do this!
The Entity: Oh, but you can, Sarah. You've been through so much... and now that you have a chance to be happy... he wants to take it away. Who's HE to tell you what you can and can't do, Sarah... You shouldn't feel bad... after all, it is their fault you're dead. No one else will know. Hey. If you don't want to spend forever here... I understand. We've been together since the very start... so I'll help you out this once. Kyle Henderson does not deserve to live after knowing about us. Neither does Thomas. Hey... I got an idea! I keep Luther occupied in here... and you show Tom what it's like to face a true god. But not one of Mercy... one of Death.
~ Sarah briefly regains her morals, but an unknown entity encourages her to keep killing.
ENOUGH! Just let me be, DAMMIT! After all this time, now's when you decide to play "the hero". After all those years of sitting and waiting, I don't wanna hear it! We're all TOGETHER again. Isn't that enough for you? No... it's never been enough for you, has it? Why... can't you... just let. Things. GO? I... I just... don't know what to do anymore...
~ Sarah hypocritically chastising her former friends before breaking down in the trailer for the series finale.


  • Michael and Martin claimed that Sarah would "walk all over them", implying that Sarah wasn't the nicest person or that this was something she did when they argued. It's also possible that they were lying, referring to when she was drunk, or they were drunk themselves while saying it.
    • However, Michael and Martin's statements seem to be contradicted by the flashbacks in Season 2, which shows that Sarah did genuinely care for Luther and wanted to look out for him. This could only further validate Sarah's hatred and desire for vengeance on them.
      • As confirmed by the series' creator, Jojo, "Sarah was always a c***, even when she was alive", confirming that Michael and Martin weren't drunk or lying. However, given the events of the flashback in Season 2, it's possible that she only (or mainly) was this way towards Michael and Martin, and genuinely liked Luther.
      • It's also entirely possible Sarah's strained friendship and disdain towards Martin and Michael was started by them, likely by bullying her over being bisexual (Later lesbian). Or her nastier moments were exuberated by alcoholism, given as she was said to drink a lot.
  • She was originally confirmed to be bisexual in a now deleted tweet.[1] This was later retconned by her creator in a later Tweet saying that "she was always a lesbian from the start".[2]
  • In the Season 1 finale, Sarah's name is accidentally written as "Susie" on her Fun Gang photograph.
    • Funnily enough, Susie is the name of one of the main characters of the indie game Deltarune and, in that game, Susie is also the member of a group nicknamed "The Fun Gang".
  • When talking about her family, Needlemouse mentioned someone named Lily, which caused some to believe that Lily was her sister until it was confirmed that Lily was Sarah's girlfriend when she was alive.
  • Needlemouse is the nickname given by fans to an early design of Sonic during the development of the game.
  • Sarah's human form is 5'7".
  • Outside of the main canon, Needlemouse was shipped with EXE, another variation of the character, until various allegations about EXE's creator, Raven, started to become viral across the community which would later be proven false. Needlemouse and EXE no longer have any association.
    • Despite the allegations being passed and EXE accepted back in the community, she hasn't been re-shipped with EXE due to her being retconned as a lesbian by the time EXE has been accepted back into the community.
  • NeedleM0use was planned to appear in the Friday Night Funkin' mod Vs. Sonic.EXE, with her own 2-song week. Sadly, the mod was cancelled in July of 2022, but an official incomplete build of the "2.5 Update" is able to be played.
    • NeedleM0use's songs were Roundabout, composed by SimplyCrispy, and Her World, which was planned to be composed by Adam McHummus and MarStarBro.
      • Roundabout is able to be played in the incomplete 2.5 build. Her World was planned to appear in the 3rd major update, but the song was never finished.
  • The series' creator, ShutUpJoseph, previously stated that Sarah's last name is deliberately left out due to its irrelevance to the plot. However, this changed with the reveal that her last name is "Henderson" and that she is the deceased, unofficial adopted mother of Kyle.
    • Additionally, they reveal that Sarah was around 18-23 years old when she died. It was eventually revealed that Sarah's definitive date of birth was April 20th, 1943, making her twenty years old at the time of her death.
  • Needlemouse's design is partially based off of the physics of Sonic's quills in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) and a render of Sonic in Sonic 3D Blast.
  • She's the current mascot of the wiki's Mature template.
  • An official QnA hosted by ShutUpJoseph reveals some more information around Sarah.
    • In college, she used to enjoy studying history.
    • Her favourite song is "Daisy Bell", hence why it plays during "n0way".
    • Because she was buried before SEGA and Sonic even came about, she doesn't have any proper knowledge about the character.
    • In canon, she has no knowledge of other exes, but simply shrugs it off, preferring to be the centre of attention in her disc.
  • She was originally planned to appear in the webcomic HoodRats! (which is made by the same creator of the series) but she was eventually scrapped since the creator didn't want people to think that HoodRats! and Needlem0use share the same universe and they also wanted to keep the fans of the two works separated. Though it was eventually reversed though she is called "Sarah the Alien" or "Prime Sarah" likely to differentiate it from this version of her.

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           Sonic.exe Villains

Sonic.exe (SONIC 2011 + Soulless Sonic)
Sonic.exe | Seven Guardians (Kito | Ken'o | Kofuku | Gekido | Zetsubo | Kyofu | Yokubo) | Cult of X
Sonic II Gaiden
Bandado | Lord Mortis | The Annexes (Thanatos | Kenos | Immortuos)
Sonic Prototype 2017
EXE | Harbingers

Sonic.exe | Cult of X (Seven Guardians | Shannon Goldman)
Sonic.exe - THE REMAKE
Sonic.exe | Cult of X

Other Works
Sonic Legacy
Sonic.exe | "Sonic" | Cult of X
MY5TCrimson Duology
Sonic.exe | Sally.exe
Sonic.exe 2
Sonic.exe | Sally Acorn

Jack Gore
The All-Father

Vs. Sonic.exe
Story Mode
Sonic.exe (MaimyMayo | Juno Songs | GameToons)
Grimbo | Sonic.exe
Freeplay and Sound Test
Majin Sonic (GameToons) | Lord X (GameToons) | Sanic.exe | Fleetway Super Sonic (GameToons) | EXE (GameToons | SayoSkyy) | Tails Doll | Starved (Juno Songs) | anton2fangs) | Furnace (Juno Songs) | Fatal Error | Needlemouse | Coldsteel the Hedgeheg
Scorched (Sayo) | NormalCD | Chaotix | Wechidna | Satanos | Requital | No Name | Apollyon | Lookalike | Girl | Melthog | No More Innocence

Sonic.exe: Nightmare Universe
Exetior's Dimension
Exetior | Negagen | Junter | Creep | Biblio | Zeal | Tails (Inner Tails) | Knuckles | Dr. Eggman | Team Metallix | Crally | Dia-Li-Lax
Sark's Dimension
Sark | Richard | Cream | Sally | Tails | Knuckles | Dr. Eggman
Pervision's Dimension
Pervision | Jina | Brally | Boddys | Eggsorcist | Christy Glow
Chaos Alliance
Crowd | Abominatter | Blinded Justice | Shadow Exetior
The Highests
All-Father | Stich-Lite | Brave-Lite
Chaos | Sanity & Corrupted Tails | Shadow Knuckles | Shadow Tails and Shadow Cream | Viiva | Xato

Sonic.exe: The Spirits of Hell
Exeller | Execun | Exebi | Exebark | The King | The Red-Eyed Curse

Blood Scream Series
Executor | X

BECEnterprises' Sonic.exe Series
Exegod | Corrupt
Shannon Goldman

SonicAllStars.exe Series
SonicClone | Duxiyn

Sonic.exe: Phantom Saga
Phaton | Talrareth | ExHeller | Phantomites

Sonic Fear Series
Tails Doll | Sonic.exe | Metal Sonic | Eggrobo | Metal Knuckles

Duke | Chaotix

Sarah Henderson | Atem

S0NIC | Atem

Fatal copies
Fatal Prime | Fatal Error | Node

Luigi's Mansion: The Dead Monarch
King Bøø | Q̷̪̾U̵̩͘E̴͚͝E̶̅͘Ń̴͌ | The Phantom

Starved | Furnace

Sonic.exe (Death Toll | Brimstone) | Tails Soul | Xenophanes | Lord X | Starved | Furnace

Horror Fangame Frenzy
Sonic.exe (Horror Fangame Frenzy)

Sonic.DMG Trilogy
Sonic.DMG | Sonic.exe

MUGENWarrior Multiverse
EXE Demons
Sonic.EXE (Unidentified Individual) | Xenophanes

Sonic.EXE: The Disaster
Sonic.exe | Kolossos | Tails Doll

.NightKill | 0EXE | 32X | Amalgam | Angler the Fox | Antix | Apollyon | Arachnix | Arsnia | B0ws.gertxt | Backlash | Binarix | Blizzard | Booclown | Brutal Mech | Burnhog | Caffrin the Gamer Girl | Chaotix | Compution | CREAK.wad | Crimtake | CURT1S | Cyber.exe | Cyclops.ISO | Desperate | Dexelebur | Disk.CD | Dread | Dreamwalker | DSK | DX | Eclipsed Sonic | Entity 666 | ERR | Executable | Exezar | Exodius | Exodus | Exolphus | Exolution | Exrath | Exruby | EYX | Faker.ENT | File_X | Forgotten | Froggy (Big the Cat.exe) | Fun X | Game Eggman | Gem | GEN | Genesys | Geo | Glitched Amy | GLiTchHoG | God Z | Grey Scale.WXD | Griatos | Grimeware | Growned | Hapulep | H3llhog | Helminth | Iptamai | Infexion | Insanity | IRIS | I-Speye | John Walter | Jack Thompson (Sonic.ARR) | Knuckles.dmg | Kolt Davis | Leech | LEGION | Lord X (Phantom Attack) | Maceration | Masker | Meadow | Metallix.EXE | Mirror Sonic | Mono.BW | Mobius (Sonic.exe: The Appearance of Mobius) | Mobius_ALT | Needles | No More Innocence | NormalCD | OIL.RIG | Overwritten | Parmenides | PCX | Phantom-Arma | PhantomHog | Pira-Sin | Proditor | Prototype | Puppeteer | Quenched | Rainbow Dash (Rainbow.EXE) | Rat Demon | Red X | Requital | RE-RUN | Respiro | Rewrite | Roze | Satanos | Scarlett | SCOPTO | Scorched | Seek | Seer.rar | Smiling Sonic | Sonath | Sondick.sexe | Sonic.exe (J.B.M.) | Sonic the Hedgehog (HungryHero.EXE) | Sonic.EXE (BoomBusterBB) | Sonic.EXE (Bratwurst) | Sonic.exe (Kishinpain) | Sonic.EXE (M80Marc) | Sonic.exe (NES.EXE) | Sonic.EXE (SatSoA) | Sonic.exe (Sprite Animation) | Sonic.exe (Survive and Kill the Killers in Area 51) | Sonic.exe (WIENERBLAST) | Sonic.OS | Sonic.OMT | Sonic.SMS | SoniX | Spamnic | Spindash | Spineless | Starved | STH2014 | System | SystemCrash.WIN | Teacher | The Collector | The Expanse | The Ignited | The One With Many Eyes | The Virus | The Void Hog | Torment | Trojan | Valley | Velleity | Vengeance | Vexation | VISION | Vortex (DIMENSIONAL COALESCENCE) | Vulpes | Vulturick | Wechidna | White.pdn | WW.Falsehood | X (10 Years of Chasing Tails) | X (Sonic Villains) | XENO.act1 | Xenophanes (Confronting Yourself) | Xenophanes (Executable Education) | Xylo (The XYLO Chronicles) | Zalgo (Sonic2.EXE) | Zephaniah | ZER0 |
