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You could have the power of the gods! Yet you want to kill a woman and think you fight a battle between boys and girls! I have seen the future, Akatsuki! There are no men nor women who opposites me! You know why!? Because I WIN!!! And a dark future awaits for y'all in my dictatorship!!!
~ Selvaria's last words before her defeat.

Selvaria Bles is the main antagonist of the first half of TheGamerLover's Mematic Universe.

She is the leader of the THOT Army, the ex-wife of Murakumo and the biological mother of Perfecti.

She is voiced by TTS Kate.



Much is not known about Selvaria's past, except that her first victim as a complete monster was Murakumo, who she used to gave birth to her biological daughter Perfecti, when their daughter was 14, Selvaria used that chance to reveal her true intentions on Murakumo and unsuccessfully tried to kill him, but only managed to leave him fatally injured, causing her ex-husband to slowly lose his sanity and become as bad as her or worse, sometime later she raised to power, founded the THOT Army and makes a Coup d'etat, joining forces with the Nazi Germany and one of her partners from there (probably Adolf Hitler) gave her the Tesseract to use it on her plan of world conquering, starting the World War II as well.

Sometime after that, she created the Blitztank, a Mass-Produced electric tanks whose source is the Blitz Engine, and as well, create Bio-Clones of her.

World War II (Akatsuki: The First THOT Slayer)[]

Selvaria is first seen about to murder the mayor during the prologue.

Sometime later, Selvaria asks her daughter how's the plan going, then, she proceeds to explain her plan and take it to another level.

She send Marilyn Sue Dae Jie at Mitsuru's secret hideout to seduce and kill Akatsuki and everyone here; Selvaria, excited to have Akatsuki after her, sings Holding Out For A Hero to make things more intense.

Once Akatsuki reaches the top of the base, he fights Selvaria and kills her, just to figure out he just killed a Bio-Clone of her later.

Selvaria uses the Tesseract to unlock her Valkyria form and become an ultimate being, but Akatsuki quickly uses his CHESTO!!! attack as an attempt to destroy both the girls and the Tesseract alike, destroying the base in the progress.

Finally, Selvaria reveals to have survived by appearing right behind of Akatsuki, Mitsuru and Kanae to kill them once and for all, ending up fighting against just Akatsuki, who led his new allies to escape with the Tesseract (who has been stolen by Mitsuru's new Stand). After a fierce fight, Selvaria knocks out Akatsuki, who falls near the Blitztank who attempted to kill him in the base.

Selvaria, ready to put an end to this fight, walks near the Blitztank to make it explode with Akatsuki inside, but her plan fails when Akatsuki managed to take the controls, apparently killing her.

Post-World War II (1940-2019)[]

7 years after her defeat, Selvaria is seen in a forest near the now burnt to ashes Garreg Mach Monastery where she talks about her ex husband's demise and wishes him a terrible eternity in his new life in an afterlife that implies to be either purgatory or hell, to then leave and stare at Konoe Ayatsuki Mercury, who was in her way, after threatening themselves to kill each other, they continued their ways to an unknown location.

In 1985, studies proved that both Selvaria and Perfecti are still alive and hiding from people to prepare their revenge against Akatsuki and the whole world.

Some time in between 2015-2019, Selvaria created SYSTEM XX to bring chaos in the world and joined forces with the bandit Raven Branwen, who accepted her offer.

The Present (2019)[]

Shortly after the destruction of SYSTEM XX and knowing that her old arch-nemesis Akatsuki is still alive after 80 years, Selvaria sends Perfecti to infiltrate on Beacon Academy and study Ruby Rose since she saw something interesting on her that would be useful for her revenge. That night, Selvaria asks Mycale (Perfecti possessing Kati) if she got enough information about her, which her daughter replies that "she has not suspected anything".

Later on, Selvaria would sneak into Mai Shiranui's appartment and offer her to join the Neo THOT Army so she can teach her how to destroy her bullies.

During the mission Search & Destroy led by Bartholomew Oobleck, she sends Raven to locate Yang and spy on her secretely until late that night, where she leaves a note provoking Yang's anger by telling that "she ate her food" and eventually leading her to track her mother down.

Selvaria Strikes Back[]

Selvaria and Mycale appears in middle of the fight between Yang, Ruby and Raven and effortlessly defeats and captures the Xiao Long-Rose sisters. The next day, after inscribing Mai into the KOFXV tournament, orders the latter and Perfecti to watch over Yang and Ruby as she takes a fanservical sunbathe; in the way, she is interrupted by Raven who asks her for the Wi-Fi since the Branwen Tribe is far away from civilization, only for Selvaria to erase her memories of her alliance and take her back to the Branwen Tribe with no memory of what happened.

As she is taking a fanservical sunbathe with the screen showing her body and then her belly button when she gets up, she is interrupted by Perfecti who reports her the getaway of the prisoners, much to the general's anger. Later, back on her military clothes, Selvaria threatens Mai and Perfecti to rip their brains off and replace them with smarter ones in order to differ a "dumb digsuise from a real cow" and to cancel Mai by throwing her to the SJW's cage. Fortunately, Hazama shows up with good news about the situation around her enemies, much to her excitement. After contacting Dick Dastardly, she reunites all her allies in a reunion talking about her plans to make the world anew by restoring the Dark Hour and destroy it via Hakaishin Mode; once Perfecti informs about the current status of each member of Team RWBY, she orders her daughter and Hazama to go to north america to anihiliate Weiss and Blake's group as Dick, Muttley and Mai goes to the Regular Army's base to spy on Ruby and Yang and follow them from there to the united states.

After Mai reports her about what they heard from the conversation between Ruby, Yang, Leona, Whip and Heidern, she prepares for the next step of her plan, so she contacts Mommy Mearest to distract Ruby and Yang as Dick and Mai captures one of the Regular soldiers. After her contact with the pop star gets shut down comically due to Yang killing her with a headshot in middle of the song M.I.L.F., Selvaria loses her shit and contacts Perfecti to tell her to go to the point of Tartarus' rebirth alongside Hazama since she's going there.

Hours later on London, Selvaria reunites with her allies and threatens Fio to kill her if she continues suffering with their plan, only to be interrumped by the arrival of Ruby, Yang and the Regular Army. Selvaria offers Ruby to free Fio if she lend her a hand by using the Silver-Eyed warrior powers to activate the Dark Hour or she would be killed along with her friends; Ruby agrees on helping her despite not knowing how to activate these powers, but Selvaria takes Ruby and forces her to use these powers mixing them with her Valkyria Mode energy, restoring Tartarus and altering London. After that, she climbs the Big Ben to proceed with the next step of her revenge; upon the arrival of Akatsuki and Sol's groups, Selvaria unlocks the Hakaishin Mode and revives all the villains who were killed by our heroes so they can get revenge on them for sending them to hell.

As our heroes faces the Army of the Dead, Selvaria is confronted by Akatsuki, Celica, Ragna, Marco and Ruby, but gets some help from her ex-husband Murakumo, Hazama and Terumi, whose latter two merges into their original being and restoring Susanoo. A final battle begins at the top of Tartarus, and Selvaria levitates to analyze the battle to have a nice opportunity to attack them by surprise, however, our heroes manages to defeat Perfecti, knock-out Susanoo and kill Murakumo with some help from Kati, much to her annoyance, she then descends to knock-out all of our heroes one-by-one, but for her bad luck, Susanoo gets up and starts to steal everyone's powers, starting with Selvaria, who loses her divine powers as Susanoo explodes due to the amount of power he has absorbed from Selvaria. Thwarted, Selvaria tries to escape, but Akatsuki takes her neuralyzer and wipes her memories, allowing Chun-Li to capture her easily and eventually let her on custody of Ky Kiske, Leo Whitefang, Daryl and the Illyrian Forces.


  • Akatsuki: The First THOT Slayer (Main antagonist)
  • The Origin of the Mercury Sisters (Minor character)
  • The Moment of Truth is Here! (Stupid BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Epilogue Part 2) (Minor character)
  • RU🅱️Y Episode 11 - The Fan? (Minor character)
  • Mai Shiranui's Descend to Villainy (Minor character)
  • The Revenge of Selvaria Bles (Main antagonist)

Mentions and Cameos[]

  • Street Fighter Gameplay Parody (Mentioned)
  • Metal Slug Gameplay Parody (Mission 1) (Image)
  • Metal Slug Gameplay Parody (Final Mission) (Mentioned)
  • Celica-lone: A Christmas Caper(?) (Christmas 2020 Special) (Mentioned)
  • Cat-astrophic Shades? (Mentioned)
  • The Beginning of the End (Flashback and mentioned)
  • The Revenge of Friday Night Funkin' (Mentioned)
  • Metal Slug 2/X Gameplay Parody (Mission 1) (Mentioned)
  • The Good Gals, The Bad Girl and the Christmas Mission (Christmas 2021 Special) (Mentioned)


From this day and on you will call me "Ms. President" or i swear you'll pay with your life, okay?
~ Selvaria to the Mayor Rich Uncle Pennybags before killing him.
Imagine a normal person having supernatural powers that will bring chaos and destruction to the earth itself, or even transform things like dragons, horses, ships, zombies and even your own cells into THOTs. With the liquid you have inserted in the Blitztanks i will destroy the world and expand my THOT domains following those examples' order! With those tanks i will conquer the world!
~ Selvaria explaining her plan to Perfecti
Here at my evil organization we do the impossible everyday. With the right attitude, some teamwork, and the constant, overwhelming fear of my wrath... We...can do...anything! [Awkward silence and sneeze] ...I hate you all...
~ Selvaria to her comraders
Time to eradicate the enemy! THOT Army! Assemble!! C-minor, put it in C-minor
~ Selvaria preparng herself for the ultimate showdown and to sing too
The Selvaria you killed was a mere Bio-Clone i've created with the Blitz Engine! Now you'll gonna face the real Selvaria Bles!
~ Selvaria to Akatsuki's group
They had enough of my kidnaps, tortures, rapes and executions? Well too bad, because there's more and worse things to show! Now, behold the ultimate being! From this day and on. I reject my humanity!!!
~ Selvaria's last words as a human before transforming into a much powerful being
How adorable. But don't bear false hopes right now!
~ Selvaria revealing to have survived as she walks right behind of Akatsuki and Mitsuru
You're a fool for challenge me! Once i'm done with you, i will find those whores and i swear to fucking Ishtar that they'll be my very first victims and i will decapitate them all by myself after i take over the world!
~ Selvaria during her villainous breakdown
So, the end has come to you. But what did it cost after all? You were foolish enough to discharge all your wrath with the wrong people unbetknowing that i was still here this whole time. Let the flames of hell and an eternity of endless suffering embrace your now scared and helpless soul, my darling.
~ Selvaria expressing her satisfaction on knowing about her ex-husband's death
So after stole one of my Blitztanks and foil my plans you decided to reappear 80 years later to destroy System XX and get with the yours in the present era? Well, that won't matter after i destroy you and finally get revenge upon you, Akatsuki!
~ Selvaria after noticing Akatsuki is still alive too in "The Moment of Truth is Here!"
Poor self-proclaimed the most popular SNK Waifu. But what if i tell you, that you can be more than that with those attributes of yours. [Mai: Who the hell are you!?] Let's say i'm just someone who wants to talk to you about the Neo THOT Army initiative.
~ Selvaria talking to Mai from the shadows in "My Roster Wishlist and Stuff for The King of Fighters XV"
Your mother said those words to me. [Ruby: What!? *images of Summer appears, then Ruby falls on her knees from the shock and breaks down crying*] She was a drug dealer, isn't she? If she haven't ran away when i told her to let me took her eyes off and get the Silver-Eyed Warrior's powers, i would have never send one of the Grimms from that dumb witch i have in possession to finish her off.
~ Selvaria revealing to Ruby and Yang that it was her who killed Summer Rose.
Too much for you, "miss do-gooder"? [Ruby farts, then Selvaria stays silent for a few seconds] That's what i thought. [Approaches Ruby and Yang] You are just a bunch of teenagers with child's mentality on real adult's situations! And it's time for you to know what "Aunt Selvaria" is going to you with you now.
~ Selvaria after defeating Ruby and Yang effortlessly.
Hello, is this Mommy Must Murder? [Mommy Mearest: *talking in nonsensical lyrics*] I don't care! I think the name of your week is way much better than "Mommy Mearest"! To make it fair i will call your "Mommy What's your name"! [Mommy Mearest: *talking in nonsensical lyrics again*] Forget about Miku's younger brother, Phat Johnny Test and Bling Bling Boy for a while and listen about the mission i will give to you! [Mommy Mearest: *talking in nonsensical lyrics for the third time*] Well, listen carefully to any of my words because the plan is this one.
~ Selvaria contacting Mommy Mearest for the next part of her plan
Pefecti! Change of plans! Contact Dick and Mai and go right to the point of Tartarus' rebuild! I'm going there!
~ Selvaria in her anger after noticing Mommy Mearest got killed.
"Why are you the way you are". That's the typical question someone who wants a villain to reform its actions asks. I'm not a villain because i had a tragic past nor similar shit! I'm a villain because i can and i want to! It run on my blood and veins! And there's nothing you nor anyone else can do to change it!
~ Selvaria replying to Fio's question on why is she the way she is.
You may be asking why are we reunited in London, young lady. And the answer is this one: This place... is the place where the Dark Hour will be will be restored! [Fio: No! It can't be possible!] But it is. And now, it's time for you to watch our new world being born anew, but if you don't want to, i can put an end to your suffering by killing you so you won't be bothering us in our criminal plan!
~ Selvaria revealing to Fio why are they in London and threatening her to kill her if she continues screaming for help.
I must thank you all for your cooperation. Thanks to you this step of my plan would have never worked.
~ Selvaria to Ruby, Yang, Kati and the Regular Army.
Akatsuki! I'm so glad you have arrived just in time to meet your and your friends' end! Because, i, Selvaria Bles, have made my concious decision to give up in my own beliefs and become a Goddess of Destruction! First you have seen my rejection of humanity, and now this! The time has come at long last, Akatsuki! The time of your destruction is here!
~ Selvaria Bles to Akatsuki.
Don't sing victory! Who the hell said i have only four people on my side?
~ Selvaria before revealing her trick card to our heroes.
Akatsuki, oh my dear Akatsuki. So many allies you managed to join forces with and you decided to brought four of them with you to face me.
~ Selvaria to Akatsuki.
Since my plans got foiled yet again, i don't see that necessary right now. My time has come to retreat, but don't worry, this time it won't happen decades for me to return. Goodbye, Akatsuki!
~ Selvaria's last words before her second defeat.





  • Despite being the main antagonist, she only have 6 appearances, 2 of them fully appearing as the main antagonist while on the other 4, she acts from behind the shadows.
  • Selvaria's appearances mostly as small mentions or cameos and having an antagonic role once per story arc is based on the one-time per season antagonic roles villains like Dr. Blowhole (The Penguins of Madagascar), The Lich (Adventure Time) or Stinkmeaner (The Boondocks) have.
  • She gives her henchwomen 3 new chances to serve her well, unlike Murakumo who gives his allies 1 chance.


           TheGamerLover Villains

Ruby Rose | Weiss Schnee | Blake Belladonna | Yang Xiao Long | Lillie | Nebby | Morrigan Aensland
Selvaria Bles | Perfecti | Mai Shiranui | Blitztank | Yumi | Murakumo | Asuka | Bayonetta | Bonne Jennet | SYSTEM XX | Mommy Mearest
THOT Patrol
Murakumo Zero | Yuuki Terumi | Kazuma Kval | Asuka R. Kreutz | Adler | Relius Clover | Shuichiro Ayatsuki | Es-N | Elektrosoldat
The Gods
Zamasu | Goku Black | God of Darkness | Takehaya Susanoo | Neopolitan | Hades: Izanami | Ariels | Sailor Galaxia
Salem's Inner Circle
Salem | Arthur Watts | Cinder Fall | Hazel Rainart | Tyrian Callows
Injustice League
Cinder Fall | Roman Torchwick | Neopolitan | Emerald Sustrai | Mercury Black
Aether Foundation
Lusamine | Faba | Wicke
Rebel Army
Donald Morden | Allen O' Neil | Abigail | Beatriz | Grazia | Loretta | Norah | Jane Doe | Cony | Vita | Abul Abbas | Shizuka | Aisha | Nantes | Pawda | Leone | Rapid | Destrade | Olga | Navy | Dolores
M. Bison | Sagat | Vega | Balrog
Servants of "That Man"
Asuka R. Kreutz | I-No | Raven | Jack-O' Valentine
The Conclave
Chronus | Axus | Libraria
Martian Army
Mars People
Lord Raptor
WarioWare Inc.
Wario | Ashley
Other Villains/Unknown Group
Hazama | Azrael | Tohru Adachi | Hilda the Paradox | Raven Branwen | Tifa Lockhart | Dick Dastardly | King Ramses | Nine The Phantom | Bedman | Testament | Tsubakumen | Zato-1 | TheGamerLover | Waluigi | Army of the Dead | Platinum the Trinity | Susan Wojcicki | Francesca the Magician | Krampus | Sephiroth | Juri Han | Toppin Monster Gals

Alternate Realities (Counterparts and Crossover Villains)
RU🅱Y Movieverse
Rowan Trickster | Prankster & Bankster

Other/Unknown Reality
Neco-Arc | Johnny Cage | Huitzil | Pyron | DeviantArt Alcremies

           Ru🅱️y Logo Sidestory/Movie Villains

Neo THOT Army
Selvaria BlesPerfectiMai Shiranui • Hazama • Dick Dastardly • Muttley • Mommy MearestArmy of the Dead
Trickster's Crime Empire
Rowan TricksterWeiss Schnee • Prankster & Bankster
King RamsesWeiss SchneeRuby Rose • Baldi • Roman TorchwickNeopolitanYang Xiao Long • Cinder Fall • Salem • Daddy Dearest
