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Tails wants to give a warning: This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

Tsarevich Alexei, where are you? Blessed child, can you hear my prayers? I have done so much in your name. I have defied the Jews, the Bolsheviks, and the forces of Hell itself. How many lives - subhumans, traitors, heathens - have I crushed under the iron heel of the Regency? How many sacrifices have I piled up on the altar? I truly do not know. Please, my blessed prince. If you will not hear my voice, then see my words.
~ Sergey Taboritsky, in his journal.

Sergey Vladimirovich Taboritsky also simply called Sergey Taboritsky is a character and a antagonist appearing in the Hearts of Iron 4 mod The New Order: Last Days of Europe, serving as a minor or occasionally major antagonist in the Komi storyline, a potentially major or even main antagonist of the larger Russian storyline, and the villainous protagonist should the player choose to play his route.

Taboritsky is the leader of the Society for the Restoration of the Russian Empire, which can possibly be absorbed by the Passionarity, a far-right coalition in the Komi Republic. At first seeming like the second most moderate, if fascist, member of the Passionarity Organization once he joins them, in the event he is chosen as their leader following a possible Western Russian reunification, Taboritsky reveals his true colors as a madman dedicated to his goal of bringing the dead Tsarevich Alexei back. He existed in real life, but in a far less important role.


Before Game Start[]

Taboritsky was born to a Russian merchant and a Jewish seamstress. Due to being an anti-semite since a young age, he strongly wanted to rid himself of this so-called "Mark of Cain". Following the Russian Civil War, Taboritsky wound up in Berlin (in real life, he left voluntarily before being imprisoned in Ukraine and then somehow reaching Germany, but its unknown if this occurred in TNO). There, he and another monarchist, Pyotr Shabelsky-Bork, killed a liberal politician named Vladimir Nabokov, and eventually collaborated with the Nazis under the pretender Vladimir Romanov. Unlike Vladimir Romanov, however, Taboritsky did so willingly. Following the war, he eventually came to believe Tsarevich Alexei, the son of Tsar Nicholas, was still alive, even though most sources claimed both were shot by Bolsheviks in 1918. Taboritsky wound up in Komi after that(due to exile, though it is unknown if it was voluntary), and founded the Society for the Restoration of the Russian Empire, or OVRI due to its Russian name.

In Game[]

Taboritsky is introduced praying during a snowstorm for God to keep Alexei safe. This shows his pious side, his belief in Alexei's survival, and arguably his persistence due to the snowstorm, introducing him to the player as done with other important figures located in Komi prior to his event.

During the course of the first two years of Komi's playthrough, Taboritsky can potentially receive a message from Lev Gumilyov, leader of the Passionarity, a far right group that consists of Gumilyov's Eurasianists, Serov's Ordosocialists, and Shafarevich's Nationalists. Deciding to join, Taboritsky brings in his party's Sturmoviki, or Stormtroopers, adding much needed force the Passionarity need to defend from the Komi Communist Party.

In most cases, the Passionarity Party fail to take control of Komi, or if they do, are swiftly overthrown. In the event the Passionarity is not in power by the end of the couping phase, and Komi has an actual leader, three fates await Taboritsky. In one possible scenario where he squads are sent to kill him, Taboritsky goes into a church, pouring oil on himself. He then asks Alexei to save Russia before lighting himself on fire. If he is sent to be arrested, he sees Alexei and the Virgin Mary in his cell, ending up living in a fantasy world for the rest of his life. In the third ending, where Taboritsky is exiled, he goes to the Aryan Brotherhood ( A group of insane cultists worshipping pagan traditions and/or Germans) through Vyatka, exhausting all his bullets, and either being killed afterwards or disappearing into obscurity.

Should the Passionarity secure their hold on Komi, renaming it Ust-Sylosk, Taboritsky still does not have his path secured, and usually has to supersede the other three members, unless the unlikely event happened where they died before he couped Komi. He ends up fleeing Russia after they ascend. In rare cases, Taboritsky can ally with Serov in an anti-establishment coalition, where he is usually sidelined.

Should he gain influence, or perhaps come to power through coups, Taboritsky remains under the fascist ideology until West Russia is unified. He then declares the Imperial Regency of Western Russia. At that point, he reveals his true colors. In the event where he comes to power after unification, his opponents desperately try to play of the vote as fake, or simply flee. Adopting Esoteric Nazism, the most extreme ideology of the game, Taboritsky quickly begins purging Russian society of anyone he deems impure, mostly aligned with Nazi beliefs, to ensure Alexei's return. In one event chain, "Little Birds" and "Suffer Not the Mutant", a boy is killed for being mute, with another boy being presumed to be killed after noticing soldiers killing people in "The Wrong Kind of Question" event. He overworks people in brutal conditions, having them killed for failing to work, with one prisoner meeting his end in happiness simply due to the horrific conditions. Eventually, Taboritsky commissions the creation of Taborite, a gas that melts flesh into slurry, before requiring its use in battle and destruction of villages. As for actual in-game effects, all this is shown by -100% population growth in the base game.

Taboritsky's allies are not safe either, as his one friend, Pyotr Shabelsky-Bork, is killed by Taboritsky personally due to expressing concern over his actions. Taboritsky also attacks his servant for showing him an article proposing that liberal leader Alexei Kosygin is, in fact, the Alexei II he is looking for. Priests who oppose Taboritsky aren't safe from him as well, being branded as heretics.

By the end of his successful route, Russia is reunified by the Holy Russian Empire. Zhukov, Tukhachevsky, Kaganovich, Yazov, Likhachyov, Sakharov, and Kharms were all killed by his forces, with the Tomsk Humanist leaders and many others implicitly killed as well. Taboritsky slowly breaks down as he realizes Alexei is not coming back and his more rational thinking coming back. All this is simply exacerbated by his Jewish heritage. In the "Midnight" event, Taboritsky has deteriorated into a self-hating wreck unable to write properly. He suffers a final hallucination, seeing Alexei in his saintly glory, before the Tsar turns to a bloodshot skeleton of a child. Scared and realizing the Tsar will never return, Taboritsky dies from shock, ending his regency.

Following Taboritsky's death, his lieutenants squabble or leave for their own interests, while rebels rise from the ashes. In the end, the Holy Russian Empire collapses into warlord states and an uninhabited area in the northeast, where a failed rebellion that took place after his death occurred.


Initially, Taboritsky feigns sanity and collectiveness, usually using grandiose writing in his personal journal. This is, however, a facade, mostly to allow his potential allies to accept him. Beneath it, Taboritsky is a murderous, insane man with little qualms of what he does. He believes he follows the will of "the Skein", his hallucinations, in restoring Alexei. His insanity is brought to the forefront when he kills Pyotr Shabelsky-Bork personally, ignoring his friends' pleas, after Shabelsky-Bork snubbed his invitation for a drink, where he almost certainly would've been killed regardless. This even slips of in his journal as the clock approaches midnight.

The previous incident showed Taboritsky's enormous perfectionism and egotism, where every wish of his has to be conformed. He refuses to fully ally with priests despite being Christian, killing them if they oppose him. Worker's who oppose him are killed as well, and most corporations are brought under his control. He attacks his servant, in what could've easily turned into an outright murder, due to the later delivering him a newspaper proposing Kosygin was Alexei, and in his refusal to investigate, showed he had set enormous standards for Alexei and would accept nothing more than a Godly figure.

Taboritsky is shown to be incredibly hypocritical, as he collaborated with Nazis, and even believes Josias, the leader of Reichskommissariat Kaukasien, is communicating with God, in spite of his Jewish nature. Taboritsky's hypocrisy is shown more in that he repeatedly doesn't do his job as his sanity decreases. This also makes him even more like the same undesirables he hates, due to being mentally ill. And while he claims to act in the name of God, the event of him burning a priest clearly shows that it is simply his hypocritical vision of God, just as his vision of Alexei.

Taboritsky does have a few redeeming qualities and moments of possible remorse. In the "Midnight" event, he goes away from the window to not endure the shame of God, and in the penultimate event before Midnight, writes "Nabokov, if I knew it would lead to this, I", both implying remorse, at least from his saner side. He also calls himself Cain prior and said hundreds died for no tangible gain. However, none of these are confirmed remorse, but it does imply it. Taboritsky is also shown to be mildly honorable, as he accepts his loss to Serov and Shafarevich if they form a coalition, while somewhat missing the other Pasyonarity when they leave Russia if he succeeds, though both are undermined by his hypocrisy in killing groups he himself is part off.


  • The developers have stated Taboritsky is the worst path for Russia. He is also the only Esoteric Nazi path.
  • Taboritsky presents a foil to Rurik II and Konstantin Rodzaevsky, two other Russian leaders in The New Order:
    • With Rurik II, both are people who started off sane, but gradually decreased in sanity over time. Both also seek to resurrect old Russian governments while synthesizing modern ideologies and methods with them, Rurik II the Kievan Rus synthesized with Socialism and Taboritsky the Russian Empire synthesized with Nazism. However, Rurik is beloved as a leader and rules at the start, while Taboritsky has almost no support. Rurik also is one of the better endings of Russia(or at least his children, as he may die prior), while Taboritsky is considered the worst.
    • Konstantin Rodzaevsky: Both collaborated with foreign governments at the start, and both are incredible anti-semites with little popularity. The difference is that Taboritsky grows even more detestable over the story's course, while Rodzaevsky, despite still being a monster, gains some modicum of approval. And while Taboritsky's self destructive habits and insanity increase until he dies, Rodzaevsky drops his alcoholism and becomes more sane, eventually deciding he must attack the Nazis, even as he holds their beliefs, also contrasting the fact Taboritsky remained approving of Germany to the end.
  • More likely than not, Taboritky's Holy Russian Empire is a homage to the Imperium of Man from the tabletop game Warhammer 40,000. The title of one of Taboritsky's events, "Suffer Not the Mutant," is a direct reference to the Imperium. Another event describing factories adorned with religious imagery has "The soul of the machine be with thee" as the reaction quote, which is another reference. Less directly, the whole Holy Russian Empire is a hyper-fascist dictatorship built around the veneration of the long-dead Tsarevich Alexei, similar to the Imperium's fanatical worship of the God-Emperor entombed on the Golden Throne.

External Links[]


           Hearts of Iron IV Mods Villains

Big Brother | Immortal Father | Mother Russia

Abílio de Nequete | Boris Savinkov | Corneliu Zelea Codreanu | Hoja-Niyaz | East Turkestan | Gustavo Barroso| Karl Ritter | Hirohito | Ma Zhongying | Wilhelm II | Wilhelm III | Kurt von Schleicher | Ewald von Kleist-Schmenzin | Max Bauer | Zhang Zuolin | Oswald Mosley | Georges Valois | Plutarco Calles | Marcel Deat | William Z. Foster | Earl Browder | Benito Mussolini | Alceste De Ambris | Hu Zhongnan | Douglas MacArthur | Huey Long |

Kaiserreich's Outdated Contents
William Dudley Pelley | Hermann Göring

Ante Pavelic | Du Yuesheng | H. P. Lovecraft | Huang Jinrong | Ioseb Jughashvili | Jiang Qing | Lavrentiy Beria | Tang Jiyao | Wilhelm II | William H. Murray | D.C. Stephenson | Herbert Armstrong

Old World Blues

Caesar's Legion

Super Mutants
The First | Shale | Cerberus | Juggernaut

The Enclave
The Secretary of the Interior | Douglas Granite | Colonel Santiago | Special Agent Johnson| Brian Gallagher

The Brotherhood of Steel
The Immortal | Father Elijah

The New California Republic
Cassandra Moore

Communist Sympathizers
Amy Teresee

Bad Karma Chosen One | Santa Anna | The Putrid Mother | Salt-Upon-Wounds

Enclave Reborn/Enclave+ Submod
The Sierra Enclave | Douglas Granite | Franklin Anderson

Red Flood
The Avatar | Winston Churchill | Antonin Artaud | Alexei Gastev | Urho Kekkonen | Pavel Gorgulov | Stepan Bandera | Adolf Pölzl | Ernst Graf zu Reventlow

Red World
Bernie Sanders | David Duke| Theresa Brasier | White Masks Movement| Richard Spencer | John Foster | Alexander Rutskoy | Vladimir Putin | Bashar Al-Assad | Gennady Zyuganov | Queen Elizabeth II | Mike Pence | Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Red Dusk
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Communist Party of the Soviet Union
President: Gennady Yanayev
Market-Socialists: Nikolai Ryzhkov
Militarists: Dmitry Yazov
Conservatives: Boris Pugo
KGB: Vladimir Putin

Republic of Iraq
Ba'ath Party: Saddam Hussein

Republic of South Africa
Military Junta: Constand Viljoen

SFR Yugoslavia
Alliance of Communists of Yugoslavia: Slobodan Milošević
Patriotic Party: Vojislav Šešelj

The Fire Rises

United States of America
American Constitutional Government: Donald Trump | Michael Flynn | JD Vance | Tucker Carlson | Donald Trump Jr.
Union of America: Joe Biden (American Caligula) | Michael Bloomberg | Hunter Biden | Richard Spencer
National Socialist Movement: Burt Colucci
Patriot Front: Thomas Rousseau
American People's Liberation Army: Caleb Maupin | Gloria La Riva
Atomwaffen Division: Brandon Russell | James Mason | Joshua Sutter
League of the South: Michael Hill
Cascadian Provisional Authority: Mike Ma | Rinaldo Nazzaro

Russian Federation
United Russia: Vladimir Putin | Dmitry Medvedev | Vyacheslav Volodin | Sergey Shoygu | Sergei Naryshkin
CPRF: Gennady Zyuganov | Yuri Afonin | Vladimir Soloyov
LDPR: Vladimir Zhirinovsky | Leonid Slutsky | Vasily Vlasov | Viktor Bout
Wagner Group: Yevgeny Prigozhin
Russian Armed Forces: Valery Gerasimov | Vladimir Kvachkov | Viktor Zolotov
Eurasianists: Alexander Dugin
Russia of the Future: Alexei Navalny

Republic of Belarus
Lukashenko's Authority: Alexander Lukashenko

French Republic
Renaissance: Emmanuel Macron (Jupiter)
National Rally: Pierre de Villiers
Reconquête: Éric Zemmour
Far Right: Lafayette

Federal Republic of Germany
European Union: Klaus Schwab
Neo-Nazis: Frank Franz | Klaus Armstroff
Communists: Sahra Wagnknecht (Ostalagist)
Reichsburger Movement: Heinrich XIII Prinz Reuss

People's Republic of China
Centrists: Xi Jinping
Nationalists: Li Zuocheng
New Left: Bo Xilai

The New Order: Last Days of Europe
Central Africa: Siegfried Müller | Wolfgang Schenck | Hans Hüttig

Neuschwabenland (Germany): Rudolf Mayr | Erich Schumann | Konstanty Gutschow | Viktor Lutze
Argentine Antarctica (Argentina): Emilio Edurado Massera

Dominican Republic: Rafael Trujillo

1970 Election: Plínio Salgado

1969 Election: Cipriano Reyes
Failed Colorado Coup: José María Guido | Rodolfo Martínez
Peronist Regime & Successors: Juan Domingo Perón | Isabel Martínez de Perón (José López Rega)
Argentina Armed Forces: Juan Carlos Onganía

Japan's Puppet States
Republic of China: Lin Baisheng | Gao Zongwu | Chen Gongbo
Pseudo-Manchuria: Aisin Gioro Puyi
Pseudo-Mengjiang: Demchugdongrub | Dugursulong
State of Guangdong
Chief Executives (1962-1964): Suzuki Teiichi | Matsuzawa Takuji
Chief Executives (1964-1972): Ibuka Masaru | Matsushita Masaharu | Morita Akio | Komai Kenchirou
Regional Warlords
Lu Han | Xia Wei

Großgermanisches Reich: Adolf Hitler | Albert Speer | Martin Bormann
Schutzzone Germania & Wehrmacht: Hans Speidel | Ferdinand Schörner | Otto Ernst Remmer | Alexis von Roenne
Göring's Germany: Hermann Göring
Heydrich's Germany: Reinhard Heydrich
Posthumous: Joseph Goebbels

Duces: Geleazzo Ciano | Carlo Scorza
Prime Ministers: Giorgio Almirante
Fascist Coup: Junio Valerio Borghese | Edgardo Sogno | Giovanni De Lorenzo

Emperor: Hirohito
Prime Ministers (1962-1963): Ino Hiroya
Prime Ministers (1963-1972): Ikeda Mananosuke | Takata Sokichi | Kaya Okinori
Post-Kaya Prime Ministers: Shinna Etsusaburo
Special Prime Ministers: Higashikuni Naruhiko | Muto Akira
Politicians: Higashikuni Naruhiko | Kishi Nobusuke
Occupiers in China: Tsuji Masanobu | Nagano Shigeto

Post-Midnight: Safa Gaziz

President (1962-1964): Adolfo López Mateos
Presidents (1964-1970): Gustavo Díaz Ordaz | Raúl Salinas Lozano | Carlos Alberto Madrazo

Ordensstaat Burgund
Adolf Eichmann | Adolf Heusinger | Bert Eriksson | Christian de La Mazière | Heinrich Himmler | Joachim von Ribbentrop | Léon Degrelle | Oswald Pohl | Sepp Dietrich

Reichkommissariat Moskowien
Government: Odilo Globochik | Bornislav Kaminski | Mikahil Oktan

West Russia: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn | Andrey Vlasov | Gutrum Vagner | Valery Yemelyanov | Nikolai Averin | Mikhail Tukhachevsky |Vladimir Artsezo | Sergey Buyachenko
Komi: Andrei Zhdanov | Mikhail Suslov | Ivan Serov | Lev Gumilyov
Taboritsky's Russia: Sergey Taboritsky
Western Urals: Dmitry Karbyshev | Dmitry Yazov | Lazar Kaganovich
Sountern Urals: Oskar Dirlewanger | Trofim Lysenko
Central Siberia: Ivan Stepanov | Lydia Krylova
Far East: Boris Shepunov | Gernikh Yagoda | Konstantin Rodzaevsky | Mikhail Matkovsky | Mitchell WerBell III | Valery Sablin (Bukharinist)
Post-Midnight: Abaddon | Andrey Dikiy | Alexander Lazarenko | Androniy Mishurenko | Ivan Melkikh | Mikhail Pervukhin | Nikolay Talberg | Viktor Larionov | Yuri Evtukovich

Reichskommissariat Ukraine: Erich Koch | Georg Leibbradt | Otto Ohlendorf | Hans-Otto Bräutigam
Republic of Ukraine: Oleksander Ohlobly | Taras Bulba-Borovets
Ukrainian State: Dmytro Klyachkivsky | Stepan Lenkavskyi | Roman Shukhevych | Yaroslav Stetsko

United Kingdom
King: Edward VIII
German Collaborationists: Andrew Fountaine | Barry Domville | Colin Jordan | Rab Butler | Ronald Nall-Cain | William Joyce

United States
Presidents (1961-1965): Richard Nixon
Presidents (1964 election): George Wallace
Presidents (1972 election): Francis Parker Yockey | Gus Hall
Presidents (unelected): Strom Thurmond

TNO's Outdated Contents
British Isles
King: Edward VIII
Kingdom of England: Arthur Kenneth Chesterton | Bernard Montgomery | Margaret Thatcher | Rab Butler
HMMLR: Arthur Harris | Reg Birch
Wales: Julian Cayo-Evans

West Russia: Mikahil Oktan

Reichkommissariat Moskowien
Government: Siegfried Kasche | Bornislav Kaminski
AOdNSDAP Remnants: Wolf-Heinrich Graf von Helldorff | Hermann Erhardt | Herbert Backe | Walther Dahl | Friedrich Weber | Gerhard Mertins | Gustav Lombard

Thousand-Week Reich
Heinrich Himmler | Reinhard Heydrich | Joseph Goebbels | Ivan Konev| Lavrentiy Beria| Mikhail Suslov| Vasily Stalin| Nikolai Voznesensky| Leonid Brezhnev| Alexander Belev| Nikolaos Bourantas| Jure Francetić| Miroslav Filipović| Adolf Hitler | Hermann Göring | Erich von Manstein | Erwin Rommel | Willi Stoph | Otto Strasser

Pax Britannica
Republic of France: Jacques Doriot | Joseph Darnand

Russian Empire: Moscow Circle |

Extermis Ultimis

James Haddock |Jade Emperor
