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“ | We go together | „ |
~ The Serverblight before assimilating its victims, also its most famous quote. |
The Serverblight is the titular main antagonist of the YouTube video series of the same name, by 2IdiotGermans.
It is an mysterious monstrous entity that invades and lingers in empty Team Fortress 2 servers, and assimilates players into itself via absorbing the character they're playing as, taking the mind of the real world player as well. It is the archenemy of dicksalot.
The Serverblight was never fully seen in the videos, but the thumbnail of the first video depicts the distant form of the creature. Here, the Serverblight resembles a grotesque fusion of several Team Fortress 2 mercenaries into one vaguely humanoid figure. The mercenaries are horrifically distorted, their limbs stretched unnaturally into two long "arms" with tendrils made from stretched fingers, with the amalgamation's legs being several mercenary legs, thus allowing it to run on multiple sets of legs. Its "head" appears to be some fused and disfigured mercenary heads, and the creature's left side also possesses a seemingly normal Heavy arm, its nature only betrayed by the presence of a sixth finger on its hand. Additionally, a partially-assimilated Engineer appeared outwardly normal, save for an unnatural smile. By the time of Migration, the Serverblight appeared to have become even more distorted, its upper body now a mass of distorted hands and finger tendrils, and a distinct but elongated right arm made of fused mercenary arms. The mercenaries that make up the amalgam consist of Heavy, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Medic, Scout, and Engineer. Notably, the original mass of the Serverblight was entirely made up of RED mercs. If the creature has a true form, it is unknown. However, RED Medic's voice was always used first by the creature prior to its migration to other servers, implying that Medic may be its base component.
An unused full render of the Serverblight was eventually released by 2IdiotGermans, clearly depicting a more defined central mass for its torso, along with the distinct heads of Soldier and Demoman.
In its first appearance, the Serverblight appeared to only display a mostly mindless, hostile behavior, first stalking potential victims by obscuring most of its body save for its least deformed component, before bursting into the open to chase them down. However, while chasing its targets, the mercenaries within the Serverblight cry out for help in slowed, distorted voices. It was later confirmed that the assimilated players are still aware of their condition within the Serverblight, but their bodies are under full control of the creature, which also tortures them with inflicted pain that forces them to cry for help. This is further supported by an assimilated BLU Heavy's chat messages being denoted with *dead* despite the body being active, while the partially-assimilated GUILLIESUIT and JonyDany12 had no such denotations in their chat messages, indicating that their struggles and pain were genuine.
In its second appearance, the Serverblight became more intelligent, possibly learning from the players it assimilated or otherwise encountered, as after assimilating GUILLIESUIT, it was able to send chat messages with GUILLIESUIT's username to trick newly-joining players into thinking that everything was fine. Additionally, it seemed to be developing a personality, as it thanked a player for showing it how to disconnect without dying, and also appeared more aggressive.
In its third appearance, the Serverblight's body became somewhat more defined, although it remained able to distort itself at will. Additionally, it became more intelligent, manipulative, and malevolent, taking great pleasure in torturing its constituents and relishing their feeble attempts of resistance. Additionally, it developed a deep-rooted vendetta against dicksalot, one of the first players to escape it, going to great lengths to set up an elaborate ruse to earn his trust before revealing itself, as if trying to break dicksalot's spirit before assimilating him. Here, the Serverblight learned to use the voice chat utilizing assimilated players, but was only able to repeat previously-said speech segments. Additionally, the Serverblight had trouble replicating the voice chat icon, and displayed visible frustration when that small detail gave it away, which allowed dicksalot to escape. By the time of Assimilation, the Serverblight learned how to set up entire fake matches to trick and trap players, and took advantage of maps without instant death pits.
The Serverblight is able to increase its speed while running, nearly able to catch up to a fleeing Sniper who had a head start, only failing to catch him because Sniper reached the end of the map first. The Serverblight's method of assimilation involves physical contact with a victim, and the Serverblight abandons whatever weapons its components had in favor of attacking with its hands; it appears that infection also occurs instantly as opposed to a more gradual and subtle process. Within the Serverblight's gestalt, assimilated players retain some ability to feel their in-game distorted limbs, and the Serverblight's latch on them is described as feeling like a hand on the back of their neck. The transition of being assimilated is described as feeling like falling asleep and suddenly waking up feeling numb with some memory loss.
Following its encounter with JonyDany12, the Serverblight is able to disconnect from its home server and invade other servers. Most notably, in SERVERBLIGHT, the Serverblight appears to be able to either split its component players into individual units who are still under a hivemind or create new Serverblights through infecting players. Interestingly, assimilated BLU players were initially shown to have only mildly-distorted bodies, mostly in their arms and hands stretching out, with a common disturbing feature of a hand coming out of their mouth. In contrast, assimilated RED members were often far more distorted with extra limbs and heads, but all assimilated mercs can disguise themselves as mostly normal players. Despite these near perfect mimicry abilities, it appears that a minor tell of these infected (known as 'Blighted') is possessing a sixth finger on the left hand, seen on the infected forms of both a Heavy (possibly gayfer) and a Scout (directionz). While this has been only witnessed on RED players, it remains unknown if this is also seen in infected BLU members or if the Serverblight has eliminated this flaw altogether.
The Serverblight has a critical weakness- game mechanics. The Serverblight's components are still registered as players by the game, and thus vulnerable to fall damage and damage from players of the opposing team, appearing to still have the same amount of health as their class. However, as seen when an assimilated RED Demoman was blown apart by a BLU Soldier, the Serverblight may be able to reassemble its gibbed components rather than respawning- if it can respawn at all. Most importantly, the Serverblight is vulnerable to instant death zones, unable to follow players who throw themselves down one. It is possible that instant death zones can permanently kill it. The Serverblight's components are also vulnerable to being vote-kicked, though this does not cure the infected and allows it to spread.
It is implied that the ambient supernatural property of sucking players' minds into the game is a power of the Serverblight itself, not necessarily the server it's in. This is supported by 2IdiotGermans revealing that the Serverblight itself is what disables the players' disconnect option and killbinds. While being sucked into the games, the players are still aware of their real-world bodies and environment, but seemingly unable to stop playing, and start to see their game character and the map superimposed over themselves. When assimilated, the real body of the player is left unresponsive, comatose or possibly dead.
The Empty Server[]
Through unknown means, a Team Fortress 2 Casual server, specifically Thunder Mountain, developed the supernatural ability to slowly suck the minds of the players into their in-game characters. The longer a player remained in the server, the more they'd be pulled in, and thus the more "human" their characters could act, able to move in ways that would be impossible in-game (such as Engineer walking calmly, lip-syncing to chat messages, and taking Sniper's Tribalman's Shiv). At some point, the Serverblight appeared in the server, just before the BLU payload could be pushed to the last point.
The Serverblight apparently eliminated BLU team- without assimilating them- and proceeded to assimilate RED team one by one, soon leaving only Engineer (GUILLIESUIT), Spy (Breadolphin), Scout (directionz), and an unidentified Heavy (possibly gayfer). Additionally, the server prevented any of them from disconnecting. GUILLIESUIT had been in the game long enough to be almost fully transported into it, able to move just like a human, while directionz also displayed some abilities to move naturally. Breadolphin, on the other hand, appeared to be in the very early stages of fusion with the game, the only hint being his ability to show stress and fear that the model would normally be unable to. GUILLIESUIT somehow found out about how the Serverblight worked, and how to escape it- killing oneself. Specifically, when a player committed suicide by jumping off the cliff at the edge of the map, they would automatically disconnect, and the game would crash, freeing them from the Serverblight's threat and presumably returning their minds to their real bodies.
Soon, Sniper (dicksalot) joined the server, completely unaware of the Serverblight's presence. GUILLIESUIT promptly sent a chat message for dicksalot to "kys", which dicksalot interpreted as just usual community server banter. However, he quickly noted the odd absence of players, soon seeing Breadolphin making a beeline for the cliff, throwing himself off it and dying before disconnecting. directionz then ran over and let himself get shot by dicksalot (but notably did not display a disconnect message), and dicksalot ventured further into the map, seeing the corpse of the RED Heavy, who was presumably just killed by the Serverblight. Dismissing these oddities as "idle server bs", dicksalot quickly realized he couldn't disconnect, with Heavy suddenly being added to the amalgamation, his body vanishing.
dicksalot then met with GUILLIESUIT, disturbed by the Engineer's ability to move in non-game ways, where GUILLIESUIT told dicksalot to kill himself to leave while he still could (implying that GUILLIESUIT and directionz were in the server too long, and are unable to leave it, confirmed in the next video). GUILLIESUIT then saw the Serverblight outside the building and took dicksalot's Tribalman's Shiv, running off with it and killing himself. dicksalot then looked back and saw Heavy's arm in the doorframe- now part of the Serverblight, with the hand possessing six fingers. Upon realizing this, dicksalot took off running, the Serverblight using Medic's voice to call for help and soon giving chase. dicksalot leapt down from the balcony he ran to, the Serverblight following while calling for help in many voices. dicksalot ran across the map for the cliff, the Serverblight gradually gaining on him, but dicksalot reached the edge and jumped off before it could grab him, dying from the instant death zone at the base of the cliff. Seeing this, the Serverblight backed off as dicksalot disconnected, right before his game crashed.
The Serverblight remained in the server after dicksalot escaped, assimilating GUILLIESUIT and directionz. However, GUILLIESUIT was left only partially absorbed, appearing somewhat lucid but driven mad, the Serverblight learning how to use chat messages through him. Soon, an inexperienced Engineer (JonyDany12) joined the server, also oblivious to the Serverblight's presence. Using GUILLIESUIT, the Serverblight sent "I'm having so much fun!" in the chat, as if giving the appearance of a lively server, which JonyDany12 complimented. However, the Serverblight kept sending the same message, confusing JonyDany12, who began looking for other players. JonyDany12 then found the half-assimilated GUILLIESUIT, who was writhing atop a staircase, repeatedly slamming his face onto the floor with a deranged smile. JonyDany12, frightened, asked what was going on as GUILLIESUIT reached out for help, only for the main body of the Serverblight to start charging up the stairs.
JonyDany12 ran, and then disconnected just as one of the Serverblight's hand reached out to him. As later revealed by 2IdiotGermans, the Serverblight purposefully lifted its controls over the server's disconnect functions, allowing JonyDany12 to escape just so it can learn how to properly hop servers[1][2]. Now with this knowledge, the Serverblight let out an eerie "thank you" before disconnecting itself, the names of everyone it had assimilated flashing in the chat's disconnect messages, seemingly in the order they were assimilated.
After an unknown time invading other near-empty servers, the Serverblight assimilated four more players into itself- TANKy, Ichgod, TNT_PRINCE, and JonyDany12. As it turns out, when the Serverblight let him leave, it managed to touch his leg, allowing it to follow and immediately start assimilating him. Of its new victims, JonyDany12 was kept partially assimilated in the same manner as GUILLIESUIT, still lucid but driven to despair, his mind tortured by the Serverblight.
Eventually, the Serverblight joined a Snowycoast community server that had just emptied to just four players following an intense RED victory. The Serverblight joined RED team, quickly assimilating the only other RED player, Demoman (SnoWDooM)- and it turns out that on BLU team was none other than dicksalot (real name Aaron), now a Soldier, who was playing with his friend Hector0n (Medic, real name Matt), the Serverblight having possibly purposefully tracked dicksalot. dicksalot quickly recognized the Serverblight due to seeing GUILLIESUIT's name in the joining messages, and tried to insist to Hector0n that they had to leave, but the pair quickly found themselves unable to disconnect or killbind. Hector0n, thinking the Serverblight was just a team of hackers, then convinced dicksalot to fight, and the pair headed out alongside an inexperienced BLU Heavy (scubamaster96) to kill the Serverblight.
The Serverblight remained hidden while the BLU team members advanced the cart down the empty server, opening pathways to reach the last point, a crashed UFO that contained an instant death zone. The Serverblight proceeded to split its component mercs off to take on the players from several angles, and early on, the assimilated directonz ran past Hector0n, who took the bait and chased the assimilated Scout up a building to get an Uber with his Ubersaw. Offscreen, Hector0n successfully killed directionz in melee- or the Serverblight manipulated the killfeed, and dicksalot found directionz seemingly dead with Hector0n apparently fine.
Later, after capturing another point, dicksalot saw directionz, very much alive but now in a more distorted, quadruped form, skittering by a tunnel like a beast. dicksalot was unnerved but ultimately let it go to follow Hector0n in checking on scubamaster96, who had been separated from the pair since the start. scubamaster96 soon came across a Serverblight component, possibly directionz, and fired two shots at it before it infected him. scubamaster96 stood still as he was quickly assimilated, starting to repeat "we go together" in the chat as dicksalot and Hector0n reached him. scubamaster96 then dropped his shotgun and revealed an arm growing out of his mouth, still repeating his chat message- which quickly changed to denote him as dead as he was fully assimilated.
Now a part of the Serverblight, scubamaster96 started screaming for help while charging at the Soldier and Medic, the Heavy's arms and fingers stretching and distorting. However, just as it cornered the pair against a wall, dicksalot called a votekick on scubamaster96, banishing the component from the server. The pair then took off running, dicksalot ordering Hector0n to forgo any fighting to just throw themselves into the pit and escape. The two soon came across the assimilated SnoWDooM, slamming his head into a post repeatedly, but dicksalot recognized it as bait and took a detour with Hector0n. Then, the pair came across the partially-assimilated JonyDany12, who was laying shivering in the snow, his left leg- evidently the one the Serverblight touched- distorted and stretched under the door of the nearby RED respawn room, connecting him to the main mass of the Serverblight.
JonyDany12, tormented and thinking he was dead, asked why "heven" was so cold. dicksalot, deeply saddened by the young player's fate, drew his shotgun to put JonyDany12 out of his misery- but just before he could fire, the Serverblight burst out of the Respawn Room, roaring at dicksalot. dicksalot and Hector0n thus ran away, firing a few shots into the main mass and leaving JonyDany12 behind. They were then chased by the now-distorted SnoWDooM, only for dicksalot to blast SnoWDooM with his Direct Hit, blowing the Demoman apart. Unseen by dicksalot, SnoWDooM's gibs slid away behind him.
Regrouping near the end of the map, dicksalot, now almost fully sucked into the game as GUILLIESUIT was, realized that JonyDany12 was used as bait, explaining to Hector0n what the Serverblight was, and how dicksalot figured out that it's learning. dicksalot then realized that the Serverblight was only capable of repeating voicelines it heard...and in turn, realized that to each point he made, Hector0n replied with "what?" in the exact same tone, which was a repeat of something he said when the Serverblight first joined. Additionally, it turns out that everything Hector0n had said on the mic after fighting directionz was just spliced repeats of his previous lines, and he had acted far too calm around the distorted monstrosities. dicksalot then turned to confirm his worst fear- seeing Hector0n's voice chat icon misaligned with his character model. Presumably, he was infected during the melee exchange with directionz, and was gradually overtaken by the entity since, as he had shown visible fear while being attacked by scubamaster96 and acted as dicksalot's ally up until that moment. Now, however, there was nothing left of Matt- only the Serverblight in his model.
Seeing that its cover was blown, the assimilated Hector0n dropped the medigun and began to distort, stretching its arms and fingers out as a hand came out of its mouth, using Hector0n's distorted voice to call dicksalot by name. Horrified and distraught, dicksalot fled, chased by Hector0n, who was joined by an assimilated RED Pyro and Demoman, the Serverblight using Hector0n's warped voice to declare that there was no leaving. However, just before its stretched-out fingers could reach dicksalot, dicksalot rocket jumped right into the UFO pit, dying to the instant death zone, and sending a final message of apology to his assimilated friend before being disconnected, escaping once more.
The Serverblight howled in rage as the assimilated Hector0n remained on the edge of the pit, its other components running off and distorting further. The Serverblight then retracted Hector0n's distortions, returning the Medic to a normal appearance. Through Hector0n, the Serverblight stared across the pit as a series of new players (HeadshotFraudster, I work at subway, DatChernobylGuy) joined the server, making it smile in anticipation of new prey to assimilate.
The Serverblight quickly assimilated DatChernobylGuy, who was assigned to RED, and thus spawned directly on the Serverblight's main mass. It also assimilated another player who joined BLU as a Pyro (possibly I work at subway), and advanced on the last player, a Spy. One of the newly-assimilated RED players, a Sniper (presumably DatChernobylGuy), awoke as part of the Serverblight, deep within its mass and unable to see the outside world. The Sniper didn't remember how he got there or what happened, his last memory being home alone. When he tried to speak or move, only Sniper's voice came out, and the player quickly found that his body had been greatly distorted- his legs were too long, his right arm was too long, and his left arm was in the wrong spot, with the other assimilated bodies all around him. As the player tried to move, the Serverblight inverted his orientation in its mass and latched its mental hold onto him, like a hand clamping onto the back of his neck, the Serverblight's grip tightening and hurting him.
The Serverblight's main mass then gave chase to the Spy, the assimilated Sniper feeling it move like a centipede, a knee of another player jabbing into him with each movement. The Sniper then felt the cold of the Snowycoast map, just as the Serverblight jumped off a drop that caused fall damage to its components, each player letting out a pained voiceline. The Serverblight then kept stalking the Spy, rearranging its components and moving the Sniper onto his side, also giving the Sniper the ability to peek out of the gestalt at the surroundings, also allowing him to see the twisted and mangled character models fused to him. The Serverblight's grip on him tightened, using the elongated fingers of another component to stab into his neck, moving its mass to the map's central tunnel. The Sniper soon felt his body distort further, his arms lengthening as his legs bent at too many joints, the Serverblight distorting itself to fit through the tunnel.
The Spy was soon cornered in the tunnel, the Serverblight's malicious glee sensed by the Sniper. The components began their cry for help as the Serverblight charged at the Spy, the fingers in the Sniper starting to split and invade his mind. The Sniper resisted as the Serverblight ordered him to move and scream like the others, but the creature enjoyed seeing the player resist. The Serverblight then burned the Sniper's flesh on a million pixels at once, finally breaking him and making him scream like the rest. Soon, the Serverblight assimilated the Spy, and then disconnected to invade a new server.
At some point after leaving Snowycoast, the Serverblight- or at least, its previously-kicked scubamaster96 component- arrived in a Dustbowl server, which had a full player roster and a game well underway. Now with scubamaster96 on RED team, the Serverblight assimilated every player on both teams, but kept at least one slot open for a new player to join. The Serverblight was capable of putting up a realistic-looking match, but still had trouble replicating actual player movements, leaving the "players" moving erratically and firing wildly, otherwise acting strangely.
Eventually, a new player, Syrenix, joined BLU as Spy. In the real world, Syrenix was playing by himself in his dark basement, and didn't notice anything wrong with the match, the assimilated players repeating seemingly normal banter messages. However, his mind started getting sucked into the game almost instantly, first denoted by hearing a distorted noise of the Serverblight behind him- but when he looked back in the real world, there was nothing there. Syrenix soon noticed more match oddities as he left spawn while cloaked, as if the RED team was simply repeating bot-like motions. He then saw a RED Sniper who appeared to be able to see him- and failed to notice that the Sniper wasn't holding his gun correctly, a sign of assimilation. However, the Serverblight component wasn't able to see through his cloak, and ran past Syrenix.
Unnerved, Syrenix pressed on towards the last point, backstabbing a RED Medic somewhere along the way, leaving him undisguised. He then noticed Spy's arms superimposed onto his real-world arms, but the effect was gone when he looked away. He tried to leave the area, only to feel a hand brush his shoulder- the first of the Serverblight's influence, likely from when he killed the assimilated Medic. He then saw an assimilated RED Soldier staring at him, who promptly ducked behind cover, the Serverblight now recognizing Syrenix as an unassimilated player. Syrenix tried to ask what was going on as another assimilated BLU player captured a control point to lure Syrenix back, the Spy returning to the previous point- and finding all the assimilated players from both teams staring silently right at him, repeating chat messages. Even though he approached while cloaked, the assimilated BLU components were able to see him, allowing the RED Serverblight components to follow him. Syrenix then ran as the components gave chase, only to come across the same Soldier from before- now distorted and stretching his fingers out.
Frightened, Syrenix fled down a nearby staircase into a tunnel system, where he desperately tried to disconnect, only to find it disabled. Furthermore, he began to see the map in the real world when he tried looking away from the screen, and then kept running when he heard the Serverblight chasing after him. Out of options, Syrenix tried to end the game by capturing the last point, finding it unguarded- but when he stepped on it, he saw that the capture was being blocked by an enemy. He then saw scubamaster96's distorted hand poking out from behind a crate, his thumb stretched out to touch the point and block the capture. Dropping his knife, and virtually completely in the game, Syrenix backed away as scubmaster96, now extremely distorted to an almost vermiform appearance, stretched his torso out of cover, letting out a distorted roar as he began repeating "we go together" in chat.
With that, Syrenix fell to the ground, frozen in terror as the other distorted Serverblight components closed in on him from behind. Unable to escape, Syrenix was quickly assimilated by the Serverblight, its many components mobbing him in a mass of distorted elongated hands and fingers as scubamaster96 continued to repeat "we go together". As he was assimilated, Syrenix tried to reach out for help one last time, only to see his hand start to distort, making him let out a scream that was absorbed into the distorted howling of the Serverblight. Once his mind was taken, his lifeless body was left slumped back in his chair.
Confirmed victims[]
- TheRealKid (RED, possibly Medic/base component)
- spygametf2 (RED, class unknown)
- wingedhussar (RED, class unknown)
- Bannockburn (RED, class unknown)
- directionz (RED Scout)
- gayfer (RED, possibly Heavy)
- JonyDany12 (RED Engineer)
- TANKy (RED, class unknown)
- Ichgod (RED, class unknown)
- TNT_PRINCE (RED, class unknown)
- SnoWDooM (RED Demoman)
- scubamaster96 (BLU Heavy)
- Hector0n/Matt (BLU Medic)
- DatChernobylGuy (RED, class unknown)
- I work at subway (class unknown)
- DarkNecroZerker (RED Demoman)
- Spaghetti sauce (BLU, class unknown)
- wo ist der käse? (RED Medic)
- Unidentified RED and BLU team members (Dustbowl)
- Syrenix/Gavin (BLU Spy)
- The Serverblight shares similarities to the eponymous The Thing, an assimilative eldritch abomination that takes the forms of those it assimilated to trick other players and seemingly only seeks to consume more victims. The main difference is that Serverblight is much worse at mimicking players, only being able to reuse words already spoken in a completely unnatural manner, unlike The Thing, which perfectly replicates the behavior and habits of its victims. However, the creator has stated that Serverblight is more inspired by SCP-610.
- Also according to 2IdiotGermans, the primary inspirations for the Serverblight were HoovyDundy and The Spy creepypasta, incorporating supernatural horror while still acknowledging that TF2 is a video game. There was also further inspiration from the NES Godzilla creepypasta.
- 2IdiotGermans released a short titled "The Good Ending" as a non-canon alternate ending to Migration. In the short, when the Serverblight allowed JonyDany12 to disconnect, it failed to touch him in time, allowing the young player to safely escape. Robbed of its chance to figure out how to hop servers, the Serverblight simply let out a distorted "[bleep] you" as it was left stranded on Thunder Mountain.
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Animations Soldier: Avatar | Commander Private | CyborSoldier | Maggot Gear and "Intoxicated Soldier" | Mutated Burger | Painis Cupcake | RED Soldier (Capture The Intelligence) |RED Soldier (A Granary Adventure: The Underdog Story) | Robosol | Rubberfruit | Sentinel | Soldier (Pootis Engage) | Botgant Soldiurr | Bruiser (TF2 FreakShow) | Robosol | BLU Soldier (End of the Line) | Uncle Crusty | Sodeanator | Assbox | Trashmann | Demented Soldier | Crack Cupcake | RubberFruit | Seeldier | Heavy Metal Soldier | Avatar | BLU Soldier (Food Heist) | RED Soldier (Food Heist) | RED Demoman (The Strongest of The Mercenaries) | BLU Engineer (Love Hurts) | BLU Soldier (Never Anger a Magician!) | BLU Trolldier (Trolldier's New Weapon) Pyro: Beamassacre Pyro | Cryo | Infierno | Pyre | RED Pyro (Capture The Intelligence) | BLU Pyro (Meet the BLU Pyro) | Twitch | Vagipyro | Pyro (Do You Believe In Magic?) | Monopoly Pyro | Piro | Pygas | Cremapyro | Pyrogun | Pystrich | Cryo | Scuttlebucket | The Butcher (Emesis Blue) | Dennis | Buddhist Murder Pyro | Pyro (TF2: Revenge - Saxxy 2012, Drama)) | RED Pyro (Who Wants Pizza?) | Bob | BLU Pyro (Food Heist) | Pyro (There's something wrong with Pyro) | RED Pyro (A Very Warm Smissmas) Demoman: BLU Gentlemanly Demoman | Captain Demoman | Campoman | Demopan | Demo Samedi | Dic Soupcan | Lord DeGroot | MC Spammer | RED Demoman (Capture The Intelligence) | Samurai Demo | Demoking | BerryPan | Bogop | SoupCock Porkpie | Samurai Demo | Spiritual Demoman | Demo Ballseye | Demopan | Demoman ( | Who Wants Pizza? | BLU Demoman (Food Heist) | RED Demoman (Food Heist) | RED Demoman (The Strongest of The Mercenaries) | RED Demoman (Gimme my Eye back!) Heavy: Aleksander | Behemoth | Cave Heavy | Commander Bot | Golem | Heavydile | HoovyDundy | Stalingrad | The Rock (TF2 Freakshow) | BLU Heavy and RED Heavy (Pootis Engage) | RED Heavy (Capture The Intelligence) | Spencer Pootis | The Creature | Golem | Dick Sandvich (Original/AJMZXFC) | Dick Sandvich (TheInvertedShadow) | Disco Heavy | Dangerous Bacon | New Weapon | Rabid Heavy | Ape Heavy | Tank (Super Zombie Fortress) | Heavybine | Hoomba | Wereheavy | GAYPENlS | NO SMOKING | BLU Heavy (Food Heist) | RED Heavy (Food Heist) | RED Heavy (The Strongest of The Mercenaries) | RED Heavy (Never Anger a Magician!) | Bloody Deck | RED Heavy (The heavy is a fat headed abomination) Engineer: Crazy Machine | Conagher Brothers | Destroyer | Engineer (Heavy is Dead) | Pencer | Potatoneer | Tella | RED Engineer (Capture The Intelligence) | RED Engineer (Spy's Disguise) | Caberneer |Odd Engie | Porkgineer | Mule Corn Cakes | Staregineer | StarEngineer | Cakineer | RED EnGeR | BLU Paintraingineer | Teethineer | Dr. Texas | Potatoneer | Creepto Engineer | Cowboygineer/Rabid Heavy Taming Engineer | Squishy the Engy Fly Trap | Vagitoilet | Zed and Maynard Conagher | Keep Going, Buddy | RED Engineer (Food Heist) | BLU Engineer (Food Heist) | RED Engineer (Engineer Cooks TF2 Spycrabs) Medic: The Blightcaller | Creepy Medic | CyborMedic | Doc Jarate | Dr. Schadenfreude | Dr. Teeem | Infected Germedic | MeeM | Moodic | Nightmare Medic | Rabic | RED Medic (Capture The Intelligence) | Sewer Medic | SynthetMedic | Moodic | Dr. Oktoberfest | Rabic | The Doctor | Zerstörer | Mastermind | XanderKage | Dragh Vundabar | Amplus Barpo | RED Medic (Healirious) | The Undertaker | Two-faced Medic (Emesis Blue) | Fritz Ludwig (Emesis Blue) | BLU Medic (The Fedora Chronicles) | Sewer Medic | Typewriter | XanderKage | Professor Klonz | BLU Medic (Food Heist) | BLU Sniper (Never Anger a Magician!) Sniper: The Hunter (Emesis Blue) | The King of Australia | BLU Nnnngh Sniper | Christian Brutal Sniper | Piss Cakehole | Cakehole Piss | Razor | Spyphurr | Jarate Cake Dick | The Wight | RED Snipers (Capture The Intelligence) | Snipe | J.D Aussie | Bilbo Biggins | BLU Sniper (The JarateThon) | Snyphurr | Razor (Freakshow) | Necklace Sniper | Old Bloke | Crotch Sniper | Sniparoo | Sniper Fire Red | RED Sniper (Food Heist) | BLU Sniper (Food Heist) | RED Sniper (Never Anger a Magician!) | RED Sniper (How to Get Rid of Pyro) Spy: Smell of Fear | CyborSpy | The Detective (Emesis Blue) | DoomSpy | Doppelganger | GentleSpy | Handsome Rogue | Mann of Mystery | Ninja Spy | SeaSpy | Slender Mann | Vagispy (Original | The Malevolent) | Metalgen | Red Spy (Smooth Line) | Spöi | Mentlegen Pie | ShitPutridYam | LavaSpy |ExcelSpy | BLU Spy (Revenge - Saxxy 2012, drama) | Spy Krueger | Cornish Game Spy | Mann of Mystery | Bara Wrench | Spy Samedi | RED Spy (Rise of the Epic Scout) | BLU Spy (Heavy's Quest) | RED Spy and BLU Spy (Meet The Gay Spy) | The Spymare | Spy Samedi | Spy ( | NO SMOKING | Spy (The Spy) | BLU Spy (Food Heist) | RED Spy (Food Heist) | BLU Spy (Bloody Deck) | RED Spy (Don't you feel Stoopid?!) | RED Spycrab (Engineer Cooks TF2 Spycrabs) | Bloody Deck Groups and Organizations: Aberrants | Clan Stackers | Disciples | Mecha Army | Men of Mystery | The Shades | Soldier Drones | Team ZOM | Thieving BLU Soldiers | Area 51 Guards (Pootis Engage) | CumZone (Pootis Engage) | BDSP forces | SM crew | Masters EX squad | The Infected (Super Zombie Fortress) | Disciples (TF2 FreakShow) | Undead Stoner Scouts | Aberrants | Mecha Army | Team ZOM | Men of Mystery | Thieving BLU Soldiers | Soldier Drones | The Cobra Gang | The Yellows | The Jaunts (Emesis Blue) | Emesis Pharmaceuticals (from Emesis Blue) | Conagher Slaughterhouse Mercs | Medibirds | Minioneers | Delivery Mann | BLU (Food Heist) | RED (Food Heist)]] | Spycrabs (Engineer Cooks TF2 Spycrabs) | Japanese Mafia (Do you know what is REALLY scary?) Others: Australium Saxton | Redmond Mann | Blutarch Mann | Serverblight | Fadkiller | Francis (Moments With Heavy) | Gunslingerpro2009 | BadwaterVideos2009 | Black Hiver | Olivia Mann (Lil' Pootis) | Jack Skellington (The Chronicles of Poop) | Mozukoff | Cheryl (TF series) | Goomba (TF series) | False clones (TF series) | Cynthia (US Paradox and Alternate Paradox) | Medimedes (Lil' Pootis) | Store Clerk (Lil' Pootis) | Candice (TF series) | Hilda (US paradox) |Gardenia (US paradox) | Roxie (US Paradox and Alternate Paradox) | Moon (US paradox) | Blutarch Mann (Emesis Blue) | Redmond Mann (Emesis Blue) | Yang Xiao Long (US paradox) | Nitro Man (SFM) | Tella | TF2 Bots (The Punkettes) | Agent Stemmons (Emesis Blue) | ARG Man (Capture The Intelligence) | Rat Man (Capture The Intelligence) | The M.I.N.G.E | Bluster Blaster Sentry (from TF2 Freakshow) | Anomalies (KiegKillsReality) | Goliatron | Mimi-Sentry | Sentry Bruxter | Matilda the Robot Tank Girl | Unusual Gient | Deathmatch Mercenary | Monoculus (Gimme my Eye back!) | Small Skeleton (Scream Fortress Scariest Menace) | Witch (I Got a Bucket of MAGICAL Chicken!) | Horseless Headless Horseman (I Got a Bucket of MAGICAL Chicken!) Merasmus: Never Anger a Magician! | Gimme my Eye back! | I Got a Bucket of MAGICAL Chicken! Game Mods Fan-Fiction See Also |
- ↑ [SFM/HORROR] SERVERBLIGHT Watwortex - "I wanted to point out that little Jony didn't actually alt+f4 out of the game in the last episode, and instead became one with the ServerBlight, poor soul." DyanoRevs - "The blight must've caught his leg when he was in the middle of leaving." Two Idiot Germans - "That was actually out intent with the end of Migration ;)"
- ↑ Source Two Idiot Germans - "This is a really good video man! Great to see people talking about our animations like this (even if we have to use auto-translate to understand anything). And this video is very well researched and put together. You're actually one of few people to understand that the monster ALLOWED JonyDany to leave the server. Most people assumed he used Alt+F4, which was never our intention. At least the Russians will know the truth ;) Glad you're enjoying our series!"