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Villains Fanon Wiki
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TV Trope

I have conquered a billion worlds. Slaughtered trillions and enslaved quadrillions over the course of my life time. My new master, Nekrozoth, Once told me not to waste my life serving the weak. Instead, rule amongst them as the strong! No more helping those inferior to you. Serving yourself is your greatest reward, I shall become the new God of Evil once my "master" have out live his days. and Once that happens, I'll will enjoy torturing your pitiful existence. I'll hunt you down first if you try to escape. There will be no place for you hide, no black hole, no timeline, no dimensions to escape. You will never know the definition of peace again.
~ Malroc most famous monologue.

Malroc, real name Xerakiel Tartariun, also known by many identities such as Nolan Drax is one of the main antagonists of Multiversal Legends. Being the Prime Omega of Tyranny, Hatred, and Control, he is an absolutely monstrous and power-hungry tyant, Malroc is a powerful being that once terrorized the Omniverse in the past until his eventual defeat at the hands of the heroes and landed in a cosmic prison. However, he eventually escaped from his imprisonment and led a brand-new life as a corrupt businessman on Earth. Using his all of his past fortune to start a new life in evil, using both his dark powers and his ability as a charismatic businessman to rebuild his evil empire and start his new campaign of chaos and destruction. Possessing some demonic power and the charisma of a businessman. He was actually a former champion himself and a former friend of Legend, as well as a former student to Xuriah D'arcmast'r before his hunger for power and desire for conquest corrupted him. He's also the brother of Niklovich (who's also his twin), Tartarus, and Gra'al.

He is tyrannical leader of dictator of Discordiae. He is the archenemy of Legend/Hyperial and Daevios Brightmore, and one of the apprentices of Nekrozoth himself. He became one of the many enemies to the Champions as a whole including the entire Multiversal Legends universe which makes him one of its main villains.


Malroc is an evil demonic entity and the Prime Omega of Tyranny and the apprentice of the vile entity, Nekrozoth. Like his master, he attempted to conquer his multiverse until he was eventually defeated and was temporarily sent to a dimensional prison.

He is a being of complete and utter malice and hatred of all life forms. He formed a company that soon spanned to an empire, making himself a tyrannical dictator of many worlds. During the Omniversal Wars, he assists Nekrozoth only because it was only a means for him and his quest for power. He came across the son of Deus, Hyperial, and the two fought until he was eventually defeated by him. He escaped from being a prisoner to the Prime Alphas and continued his reign of terror on the Omniverse. Swearing revenge on the hero for his temporary defeat and a minor scar he gave him, he was motivated on getting his revenge which soon came once he heartlessly killed Hyperial wife by choking her to death and viciously mutilated the hero. After the war ended, Malroc was imprisoned in a dimensional prison as punishment for the various war crimes he committed during the war. However, he soon escaped from his imprisonment and continued reigning terror and strife across the omniverse. He became much more cautious and cunning than he was in the war, deciding to take many different forms to hide his true identity and make his former prison dimension as his base of operation. He formed the Chaotic Imperium as his new empire for conquest. To conquer worlds, he took the name Malroc, and assumed a form of a metallic warlord and use this mantel to lead the Chaotic Imperium from behind the scenes. On Earth he formed the Worlds Collision Network, using it to make weapons for his army, recruiting mercenaries, and performing inhumane experiments on humans to create monsters and super-soldiers. Master Magus soon establish a new regime called the Deus Ex Omni-Confederacy. Though it was believed by some that his rule was necessary in order to bring peace across the galaxy, it was soon revealed it as a mere facade as he just wanted to be in control of everything that he sees and be as cruel and oppressive as possible.

Malroc one day learns that his archenemy has reincarnated in Earth as a mortal under the name Jon Hyperius. Malroc took the opportunity to manipulating Hyperial into becoming his minion, and presumably steal his powers while killing him again. However, this failed and the two became archenemies once again. He later became the ruler of Hell later on in the Champions of the Multiverse series after the death of Lucifer and his rivals. He later went into a war with his twin brother, Niklovich over who would become the new Lord of Evil after the recent death of Nekrozoth.


If God does exist, then why would he let me exist?
~ Malroc's infamous quote- atheism and disgust on reality as well as the existence of God.

Malroc shows to be a generous, gregarious, sociable and even honorable, but he shows his own true colors to be nothing but a power-hungry, bloodthirsty, arrogant, murderous, and a horrifying sadist obsessed with the complete control of the entire omniverse. He presented as being the living embodiment of Megalomania itself, being an unethical, selfish, who's one mission was to gain as much power as possible regardless of who has to suffer. He is nothing more than a megalomaniacal tyrant who sees that Dystopia Justifies the Means. He lacks any sign of compassion or empathy as he claims that a god does not have to show them since he thinks he could do anything he please. A psychopathic social Darwinist, he abuses his minions and trying to get rid of their human feelings as he believes that they only prevent them from achieving his goals and prevent progress. What earns him the fear from both his allies and enemies is his unpredictability and sheer cruelty that even other villains from other worlds are afraid of evoking. Despite his heinous qualities, he acts somewhat comedic due to his disturbing yet funny sense of humor, and his jokes that never fail to disturb and cross the line. Magus described himself as a being of pure hatred of others, believing that he is the one and only superior life-form there is. Magus is extremely spiteful, ruthless, heartless, and a cold demon with an immense ego and a false delusion of grandeur among others who he sees as not up to his level. He is a total egomaniac, being a overly pompous individual who sees those around him as mere animals while seeing himself as the smartest being in existence. He often shows himself to be an extremely patient, arrogant, sarcastic, and is very cynical towards others he meets including his own allies. His ego and since of superiority as the very thing of why he decided to try to dethrone his father and thinking serving those he sees primitive as beneath him. He is also likes to get on his enemies nerves as he would criticizes his enemies fighting style or troll them for his entertainment.

Magus doesn't not tolerate laziness or incompetence to the slightest, such things make him prone to be homicidal since he sees there is no place for the lazy in his vision for the omniverse. He shown to have the same opinion on failure too as he, for failing the simplest missions would have him cruelly punish his minions through any torturous means be it physical or psychological. He posses a complete lack of empathy, typical for a psychopath, showing no remorse for the atrocities that he commits nor does he take pity for those he deems weaker than him. He openly states that he does them as one of his hobbies and see himself as a artist of death and sees his horrendous actions as masterpieces. He conqueror and oppresses many worlds while branching the inhabitants through propaganda that warped the mind to thinking that he is a well intention ruler while in reality is nothing but a total psychopath. He is a malignant narcissist who only loves himself, his image and his authority while tricking the people of his many conquered worlds to worship him as a god while keeping the land a primitive state including their minds.

While he is very malevolent in nature, He possessed an extremely high intelligence level and very convincing, due to being (or use to be) a god and upholds vast knowledge on the multiverse. Malroc is however very sophisticated, calculating, duplicitous and has contingency plans for almost anything. He is also cautious upon his plans, often making sure his minions won’t mention his name or any of his other aliases other than “boss” or “master” simply so he would avoid suspicions from the heroes. He usually tries to avoid conflict from the heroes when necessary so they won’t get in his way and doesn’t often boast about his true plans. He would however come up with a false plan to distract the heroes from his true goals and schemes, but if one of his goons attempts to spoil what his true schemes then he’ll activate a kill switch to have them terminated in order to avoid trouble. Malroc is arrogant and cocky being a narcissistic domineering conqueror, being very deceiving, and genocidal. He can go to try very cheap tactics to win, since honor to him won't bring victory in any of his battles. Though He often recruits other villains to serve him for his evil empire, but he does not rely on other scientists on making weapons and other destructive objects for him as he thinks he is competent enough to do the job himself and thinks that other genius doesn't think as he does. Another thing he won’t let his minions do is to reveal their true identities to the heroes, as he would demonstrate extreme cruelty as punishment (as he did with The Knight by gouging out his left eye). He doesn't tolerate low level villainy such as robbing banks or stealing someone's valuables unless it's a powerful object. He prefers committing acts on a grander scale rather than to commit pity acts of simple vandalism or mischief. He destroyed a demon who has the power to destroy cities but only uses it to hunt a conveyance store which he finds it frustrating.

His intellect can often make him unpredictable, as one instance he could be plotting for world domination then it would be revealed that he could be blowing up buildings as a distraction or for fun. He would put up a friendly facade Sometimes he could be cheery, happy, and a bit obnoxious then he could act psychotic, violent, and extremely hostile to others if crossed. Malroc is very ambitious and ruthless but also immoral and lacks any restrictions on how inhumane he can be. Malroc has crossed many lines of heinousness to reach his goals of achieving godhood, ranging from killing one’s wife to decimating millions to satisfy his violent impulses. One of the few things that his insanely obsessed with absolute power which leads to show that he would do anything to achieve unlimited power to rule all of creation. He has no limits to what he does as he would do anything for power like trying to relate the Leviathans so he could be apart of them despite knowing that they would possibly eat the entire multiverse which he possibly attended to do in order to become strong enough to dethrone the Creator of The Omniverse. He is also seemed to be cannibalistic as he killed and possibly ate his roommate while he was imprisoned in the Pandora Dimension while saying that his roommate tasted bitter.

Though he maybe an irredeemable monster, he placed a few rules for himself on certain things he wont do, not because he has standards as these rules are for simple pragmatism. Mainly these acts he normally wont commit are simply because he doesn't see any value or purpose on them such as:

  1. Never commit low level criminal activities such as robbing a bank or holding people hostages for simply money.
  2. Never kill children unless they prove to be a nuisance to your plans or yourself. Harming them either physically or psychologically or disciplining them is okay. They serve no purpose in the plan you come up with unless they are a key to your success or if they shown themselves to be annoying r something else.
  3. Only commit acts like vandalism if they serve any purpose like luring the heroes into a trap.

He is also sicken of Niklovich's actions, however this is simply out of pragmatism since he thinks Niklovich's random act of evil as pointless and might drag unwanted attention. He also does not care for him and is annoyed by him since Niklovich tends to make fun of him for his failures to outright bully him, something that really angers him. While he admits Niklovich is far more powerful than him, Malroc is shown to be more intelligent and calculating than his twin brother. He harbors great resentment for Purest for making him flawed and weak, something he despises himself for being so which drives him to be as powerful as possible.

However despite his cruelty and ruthlessness, he once had a rather slight honorable side as he always a man of his word. When making a deal with others, he shows a few times that he honors the deal, and in rare occasions that he treats some of his men (some of whom are his brothers) with respects and treat them better than his other minions he deems as weak. However, as the series progresses, it was revealed that his "honor" was merely pragmatism and not out of genuine nobility as while he is very cruel to those who worked for him, he also knows that they'll might one day oppose him once they are fed up with his abuse. So he tends to treat them with some respects, mainly those he deemed powerful and use them as useful pawns and used this as a means of manipulation. His deals are just another mean to manipulate others for their loyalty, then later dispose them once they are no longer needed for his plans, however he does tend to not fulfill his end of the bargain in a few occasions. He also tends to betray anyone if it suits him or just to save his own skin; Whenever things get to much he'll switch sides in order to be on the winning side, as Legend stated "Like a dirty coward". He once said he fights to win meaning he would fight dirty if necessary, for example, he resorted to bite Dark Akuma on his shoulders behind his back and later which Ben Diablo fell onto the ground.

He is also known to be an expert scholar at scientific, esoteric, and magical fields. Xuriah had made several inventions of mass destruction for humanity across Earth's history not as a way to destroy the, but merely as a way to test out on who is the strongest of them. He also shows some interest in humanity despite seeing them as inferior as he enjoys the many atrocities and cruelty, though he still refers to them as maggots or monkeys. He tends to be affable and pleasant, but does't hide that he is a megalomaniacal villain. Though he may be a hyper-intelligent being, like his brother, Malroc tends to act like a barbaric savage in his true form and tend to be more cannibalistic. He once killed an innocent bystander by burning him alive and used his corpse as "barbecued dinner". He still gets to gain his intelligence and cunning but mostly acts as more of a ravening animalistic monster. Malroc only uses brute force when necessary since he mainly a strategic genius and manipulative mastermind who prefers working behind the scenes.


Malroc appears as a menacing overlord with a metal mask. He has black bleat armor, and his eyes often shifts from green or red depending on his mood or what power he uses. Malroc changes what he wears at times, but he sometimes wears his dark gray trench coat and dark grey pants. He also has his powerful techno-magical gauntlet he created through sorcery and science. Magus once had long black hair with a scar on his right eye. His true form is that of a demonic reptilian alien with dark red skin. He also has sharp metallic claws on his tail and fingers. He also possesses a tail that also has metallic blades across it. At the end of his tail is a extremely sharp scythe capable of piercing the sharing metal.

Powers and Abilities

Due to being the son, he possess some skill and abilities his father had but were only unlocked due to the help of the Nightmare Project, which in turn gave him destructive abilities.

  • Immortality; He lived for many years, caused many wars and destruction in his lifetime. He is said to be so old that it was hinted he even surpassed the creation of the Earth. immune to all diseases, ailments, and toxins. In addition, he is enormously resistant to damage. He even survived a supernova explosion.
  • Cosmic Abilities: He was called the master of power for a reason, he can create wormholes between dimensions and within dimension, can make himself, other people, and objects appear anywhere to a certain area, read or communicate with other minds, and can traverse or glide through air and space. He also has telekinetic abilities in which he can move enormous amounts of mass through mental concentration.
  • Genius Intelligence: Probably his most deadly weapon, Malroc is sharp and extremely cunning which is another trait he possesses from his father. His intelligence is what made him both a sorcerer and scientist. He accomplishes feats such as being an all-powerful god with the Chaos Stones, building a vast and powerful empire, and tricking even Nekrozoth himself. He is a very manipulative and incredibly strategic mastermind.
    • Master Sorcerer; Malroc has vast knowledge on magic, having to being able to invent his own spells such as the "Wicked Banisher" spell that teleports someone to a dangerous location where the person would either be trapped or be killed. His powers rival that of Mater Muller (who battles the likes of gods from other dimensions) if not surpass him in sheer magical powers. Fellow demons and angel alike feared Xuriah due to his mastery over the dark arts, allowing him to control the forces of darkness and grant him abilities such as teleportation, telekinesis, telepathy, umbramancy, the ability to control Hell-fire capable of melting Chromium, firing beams of solidified magic, shooting lightning from his finger tips, magical sphere creation, and various types of magical abilities. Malroc also has mastery over necromancy, resurrecting people to interrogate for different purposes. He sometimes resurrect the people he kills, such as his own soldiers or innocent people. He can also summon demons such as Aebyst Blight from Hell or the Pandora Dimension.
    • Master Scientist; Malroc is not just the master Sorcerer, but also a master Scientist which makes him of the smartest beings in the entire Multiverse, He is able to make legions upon legions of Death Machines and other evil robots. One of his most famous creations is the Mechcalysm and the Mechapolyspe which are both ships and machines that destroy planets. He had designed multiple weapons of mass destruction, similar how Nekrozoth does. It was stated that he may have rival Nekrozoth in terms of intellect, being a "scholar for power" like his father, and had discovered ancient science lost in history.
    • Manipulation: He is very manipulative, being able to persuade other geniuses and omniscient character. He is very exploitative as he is capable of using others emotion as a means to manipulated them. He also capable of corrupting others with their secret desires, and making villains who weren't originally completely evil due to having redeeming qualities into complete monsters.
  • Chaos Mongering; Chaos mongering is a concept created by Nekrozoth himself, the ability to instill chaos onto others like fear mongering or warmongering. Malroc uses this method to keep his empire in check so that people would be begging for order once Malroc brings forth chaos and discord to them. It is very effective as well.


I am the Master of Chaos, boy! I have no time to play your childish games. Now quit your prattling or I shut you up myself.
~ Malroc to Jack Spark.
Luther: But you said you won't hurt him!?
Magus: I said I won't hurt him, But I didn't say my brothers won't do so.
Luther: You lying on of a bit..!!
Malroc: (Grabs Luther by the throat) I let you breathe to live for another day, now you dare question my AUTHORITY!? I would kill you with one snap. But I won't, you may still be useful to me.
~ Malroc to Luther about what happen to Jack.
I let you apprentices go, all you have to do is kneel to me.
~ Malroc to Legend.
Legend: it's over Malroc! You have no armies left. No one to protect you now.
Malroc: Who said I need an army or anybody else to protect me?
~ Malroc being confronted by his archenemy.
Malroc: Really? You DO remember the last time we fought boy?
Jack Spark: I remember kicking your ass
Malroc: A likely delusional imagination. I remember doing this (Kicks Jack in the chest), That is what really happened boy.
~ Malroc fighting Jack once again.
I am Chaos Supreme! I bring death and destruction in the name of my master Nekrozoth! Facing me is like facing an entire storm, it would be suicide for you boy to face a DAMN GOD LIKE ME!!!
~ Malroc to Jack Spark.
It's been so long since we last fought old friend. I remember the good time I choked your wife right in front of you, while you stood helpless and quickly fell into despair. It was fun, it's what you deserve for not doing me when you had the chance. Oh I just can't wait to murder you again, this time you won't have your daddy save you this time for me to savor the moment... Now I should stop talking and get it over with.
~ Malroc to Legend.
I am the Master of Chaos! The destroyer of Worlds! Bow to your new god or I shall smite You!
~ Malroc to Jack Spark.
Ah yes, my goal. It's for the sake of power! I wanted to be the one being in control of everything that exist. I am a conqueror you see? I live to conquer. I was born to rule the multiverse. And with the power of my father's army on my side, it would be extremely easy to be UNSTOPPABLE.
~ Malroc on his desires.
Why did I killed them? Because why serve those who are beneath you rather than having those to serve you? It should be logical that I, a superior being, should be the one being worshiped instead of being the worshiper.
~ Malroc.



Earlier design of Malroc (by with Microsoft paint)


An old design of Malroc (originally spelled Malrok)

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Malroc in gold

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20200809 222356

Old info on Malroc (pre-revamped)

Malroc in a nutshell

A meme made by Yellowpig10


A slight redesign of Malroc also made with Microsoft Paint



  • Originally, both BrandonDarkOne47 and Darkmaster7 wanted to add the Maestro on the Multiversal Legends series. However, due to issues involving the original creator Grand Theft Auto 74 being banned, they decided to make a character inspired by the Maestro.
  • Though a parody/homage to Maestro, he share some similarities with Aka Manah and Isaac Ray Peram Westcott.
    • His goal of proving others that anyone can be a monster like him is similar to how Joker (Dark Knight Trilogy) wanted to prove everyone that anyone can be driven to madness, even the best of the best.
  • He is inspired by Lord Recluse from City of Heroes, Dr. Doom, Vandal Savage, and Lex Luthor (And Maestro once again).
  • The drawings on the Infobox is done by user RilledStilled AKA That Guy on Discord.