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The "Sonic logo" in the VHS'
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Ah... it's so good to be this bad~ Ready or not, my friends... here I come!
~ Tari after killing E. Gadd
Tari: It's my version of hide and seek. I have blocked all of the exits on castle grounds, except for the basement pipe but I warned you not to use it! I am on my way back to the castle. Use this time to start hiding, and if I find you, you die!

Luigi: But, how do we win?
Tari: That's the best part, you DON'T!!!

~ Tari starting her game

Tari is the main antagonist of the SMG4 fanfic, You Have One Life Left..., created by Fuzzy_Pear.

She is a member of SMG4's gang that was suggested by Mario to stand up for herself even more. She then went to E. Gadd's laboratory to drink his Moral Potion, only for the potion to mold her into a serial killer. She then turned insane and proceeded to kill her friends one by one.

Read You Have One Life Left Here


Much like her SMG4 counterpart, Tari was once a nice, insecure and shy girl who liked playing video games and rubber duckies, but that was before she drank the Moral Potion she was given by Professor E. Gadd.

After drinking the Moral Potion, she became delusional, sadistic, sociopathic and overconfident and was willing to kill her friends for seemingly no reason. She also stalks people, like Axol, to nearly kill her. However, despite this, at the end, she realized her crimes and became remorseful for what she had done and as a result, commits suicide.



Shortly before the story, she might have told Mario on how to become more confident and Mario tells her to go to E. Gadd's laboratory for help. Tari is first seen when she knocks at the door to E. Gadd's laboratory. E. Gadd opens the door, only to see Tari and she greets him and tells him that she needs help with something. E. Gadd then tells her what she wants and Tari replies that she wants to stand up to herself even more. E. Gadd then gives her a red Minecraft potion called The Moral Potion and tells her to drink the whole thing, to which she does. E. Gadd then thinks if Tari should drink the whole potion or just 3 mL but shrugs it off. She tells E. Gadd that the potion is awful, to which the doctor replies if she thought it tasted like soda. Next, something goes wrong with Tari and as E. Gadd holds her hand, she grabs E. Gadd's throat and her eyes turn black and her pupils turn blue. She smiles insanely, as she shows E. Gadd her "gratitude": throwing E. Gadd at the table and breaking his other experiments. She then grabs a broken potion shard from the Moral Potion and stabs E. Gadd with the glass shard on his throat and then carelessly slits his throat, turning him into a lifeless body. She then proceeds to throw E. Gadd's phone into the bathtub, electrocuting Mr. Goobles the Teletubbie. She then licks some blood from her face and proceeds to go after her friends.


She is then seen stalking Axol at a store, to which Axol feels extremely uncomfortable with. When Axol gets a glimpse of her, she disappears right after a person walks in front of her. She then watches Axol go into E. Gadd's lab and proceeds to attack him. Tari then kills Axol, as heard in a phone call with Luigi after a very loud bang. Afterwards, something goes with the castle, as all of the entrance/exit doors are locked and the powers turn off briefly. After the lights briefly turn off and back on, the TV goes static, revealing Tari in the screen. She then taunts Meggy by saying "smol bean". She then thanks E. Gadd for making control of herself and not wanting friends anymore. After Saiko demands the whereabouts of Axol, she shows them Axol's corpse on a puddle of blood, shocking everyone and making their tears roll out, additionally infuriating Meggy, but she is calmed down by Mario. Tari then says Axol is the reason why Desti died and Meggy became a human (even though it was actually Francis' fault). She then starts her hide-and-seek game and will kill anyone if she ever finds one of them. She then tells the gang to meet them at the castle soon, which the TV goes static again.

During the discussion of who will hide and who will fight, Tari interrupts the intermission by turning the TV on again and reminds the gang that she broke the internet dish to prevent them from calling the police, infuriating SMG4 and motivating him to fight against Tari. When Meggy looks at her photo album, she reminisces of the "old Tari" and expresses her disbelief about how Tari changed. Mario then says that there is a good Tari by pointing out at one of her pictures, which cheers Meggy up. Tari then comes to the castle, seeing that nobody tried to hide and fighting is against the rules. The gang tries to fight her, only for Tari to get her Rejection Controller, paralyzing the gang and disallowing them to move. First, she walks towards Saiko to touch her hammer, only for Saiko to shout at her to not touch her hammer. She then taunts Saiko at her freakouts. Next, she walks towards Meggy and takes her Splattershot and saying that she already won the Splatfest and what is the point of holding onto it. She then proceeds to taunt Meggy about how she only wanted to win Splatfest and Meggy's secret relationship with Mario, making Meggy blush and shocking Mario. She then goes up to Bob, Boopkins, Luigi and Bowser and tells her not to use the basement pipe. She then proceeds to get out a controller and control Bowser. Luigi pleads not to kill the gang and makes her think about Archibald, her rubber duck. She then shows a fragment of Archibald, shocking Bowser. She then replies to Bowser, "no witnesses". She then controls Bowser to go after Boopkins. Unfortunately, the spike trips in a rope, allowing the controlled Bowser to grab him and crushing/killing the spike with his flying slam. As a result of Boopkins's death, Bowser throws up upon seeing Fishy's blood and guts. Tari then tells Bowser that they are "still playing" but Luigi replies they aren't anymore and it is revealed that during the time Bowser chased after Boopkins, he took his time to get close to the blue haired girl. Luigi then incapacitates her, dropping her controller and freeing Bowser in the process. She then later deals with Bob, who also incapacitates her. Tari then quickly opens her eyes before Bob could draw on her with a Sharpie and picks Bob by his leg. She then throws Bob into the basement pipe, shredding him to death with the blades blocking the exit. As Luigi and Bowser are about to free their friends, Tari shoots their heads before they could do so. She then shouts that she wanted to play a game but they had to change the rules and as a result, goes into a carnage. She smashes Saiko with her hammer repeatedly, split SMG4's head in half with a cleaver and decapitates Mario with the same cleaver, which was the worst death in the story, to the point where Meggy burst into tears. Tari then says to Meggy if she has any last words, only for her to say, "F**k. You." and spitting on her face. She then stabs Meggy through the chest and tells her to "say hello to Desti for me".

As soon as she puts the knife into Meggy's chest deeper and deeper, she feels sick and her eyes turn back to normal. Realizing what she has done, she collapses into tears and says that every time she tries to change herself, she causes trouble. Feeling that she would never get through this shame, she gets out a gun and checks if there is ammo, to which there is. She thinks for a minute and apologizes to the gang before committing suicide.


  1. Professor Elvin Gadd- Throat slit with a glass shard.
  2. Mr. Goobles- Electrocuted to death with E. Gadd's phone and a bathtub.
  3. Axol- Possibly stabbed(?)
  4. Fishy Boopkins- Crushed to death with her controlling Bowser.
  5. Bob Bobowski- Thrown into the basement pipe and later shredded to death by blades.
  6. Luigi- Shot in the head.
  7. Bowser- Shot in the head.
  8. Saiko Bichitaru- Smashed with her own hammer repeatedly.
  9. SuperMemeGuardian4- Head split in half with a cleaver.
  10. Mario- Decapitated with a cleaver.
  11. Meggy Spletzer- Stabbed through the chest with a knife.


Tari: That tasted awful!

E. Gadd: Well, what do you expect it to taste like? Soda? Anyway, since I helped you, you can get out. Allow me to show you the door.

~ Tari just before turning evil and after drinking the Moral Potion
Oh no, professor. Let me show you my gratitude for help!
~ Tari before killing E. Gadd.
Tari: I wouldn't do that if I were you glitchy!

Meggy: Why are you doing this Tari?
Tari: I'm sure all of you are a little confused, but I'll gladly explain started with that "smol bean's" question? (Meggy crosses her arms and huffs)
Meggy: I'm not that short...

~ Tari taunting Meggy as soon as she turns the TV on.
Tari: He deserved what was coming to him. It was his fault that Desti died and Meggy turned into a human!

Saiko: You don't know that.
Tari: I believe I do. Now... I'm gonna play a game, and ALL of you are in it.
Bowser: What kind of game?

~ Tari about to start her "game".
Oh, and one more thing. To prevent you all from calling the police, I broke the internet dish. Eight victims are all I need to play with anyway! (TV goes static again)
~ Tari revealing she has broken the internet dish
Tari: You guys didn't even try hiding? How disappointing...

Saiko: I don't hide from people! You're gonna pay for what you did to our friend.
(Everyone gets into their battle stance)
Tari: I'm afraid we can't fight yet. It's against the rules, and I need to find those who actually put some effort into playing!
Mario: F**k your rules!
SMG4: We're not listening to you after you destroyed the dish!

~ Tari finding out that no one hid from her but chose to fight her.
Mario: What the hell?

Meggy: Let us go!
Tari: I'll deal with you four later! But first...
(She walks towards Saiko and takes her hammer)
Tari: Or else, what? You're gonna freak out as always. Typical...
(Saiko continues growling as Tari moves forward to Meggy)
Tari: You don't need this anymore, do you Meggy? You won that stupid Splatfest, so what's the point of holding onto it anymore?
Meggy: I need it to hurt evil people like you.
Tari: Well, you're no better than me! Your cocky, arrogant self only cared about winning in the first place! I don't think Mario could ever love you.
(Meggy's face turns red and Mario has a shock expression, unaware of her best friend's crush)
Tari: Oh, you didn't tell him yet? My bad!

~ Tari taunting Saiko and Meggy as she takes their weapons away
Tari: Too late!

(The four friends stop to look at Tari by the stairs)
Tari: I told you idiots to leave the pipe alone! You all lost!
Bowser: What have you done to the others?
Tari: Don't worry about them, you'll all be dead anyway.

~ Tari facing Luigi, Bowser, Bob and Boopkins in the basement
Luigi: Tari! Please don't do this! I know there's some good in you! What would Archibald say about this?

Tari: You mean him?
(The blue cyborg takes something out of her pocket and reveals a piece of Archibald)
Bowser: You even killed your duck too?
Tari: No witnesses.

~ Tari revealing she killed her duck, Archibald
Tari: 'Really? You were going to draw on my face just because Bowser killed your little green turd friend?

Bob: yOu KiLlEd HiM, aNd YoU kNoW iT!
Tari: Yeah, I know. Wanna see your friend? Here!
(Tari holds Bob over the pipe)
Tari: Go see him! (drops Bob to the pipe)
Bob: Ha! You stupid freak! You let me get away! What's so scary about this pipe anywa- (Bob then notices the exit blocked with blades that are spinning in an incredibly fast speed) Oh crap- (screaming can be heard in the pipe, which is like music to Tari's ears)

~ Tari killing Bob through the blades in the pipe that block the exit
Tari: You cheating...(kicks Luigi and Bowser's faces) bastards!

SMG4: What do you want from us?
Tari: All I wanted was to play a game! But you all just had to change the rules, didn't you? Well,'re all gonna pay.

~ Tari's villainous breakdown.
Tari: It's a shame that it had come to this, Meggy. Any last words before you see your boyfriend again? (Meggy remains silent as Tari walks to her, getting close to her face.) Sorry, what was that?

Meggy: F**k. You. (Tari wipes the saliva off of her face)
Tari: Alright then, here's my last words, (stabs Meggy in the chest) Say hi to Desti for me~.

~ Tari as she kills Meggy, as well as her last victim
What have I done? Even when I try to change myself, I cause trouble... (feeling immensely guilty, she spots a gun in a couch. She walks over to it and grabs it. She thinks for a minute and decided the only thing she can do now.) I'm sorry, SMG4, (she checks if there is ammo, to which there is), I'm sorry, Mario, I'm sorry, Meggy! (she loads the gun and points it to herself) I'M SORRY, EVERYONE!
~ Tari's last words before committing suicide


  • This version of Tari is the only one to be evil, which is nearly ironic, as the original Tari is nice, friendly, shy and insecure while this version is flat-out delusional, sadistic and overconfident. However, despite this, this version of Tari used to have the same personality as the original version and even showed remorse for her actions just before she committed suicide. The main SMG4 Tari only were in act of bad things through being roped into other characters antics or tricked but later regrets it.


           SMG4 2023 Logo Villains

Protagonists and Anti-Villains
Mario | Bowser | Bob Bobowski | SMG3 | Saiko Bichitaru | Toad | Princess Peach | Swagmaster69696969696 | Hal Monitor | Jeeves | Beeg SMG4 | Bowser Jr. | Dr. Eggman | Desti | JubJub Boopkins | Rob the Scarecrow | Whimpu | Melony | Belle Fontiere | Kaizo Koorumaniru

Arc Villains
SMG3 | Waluigi | Bob Bobowski | Francis | Niles | Lawyer Kong | Mr. Puzzles
Wario | The Imposter | Boss | Herobrine Persson | King Boo | Grand Dad | Mr. L | The Butt Ninja | The Terrorist | Shadow Meggy | Ztar | Enzo | Master Hand | Agent Biker | Reymond D. Gai | Admiral S. Swipe | Ivan | False Mewtwo | False Sephiroth | False Super Saiyan God | Team Killer Ink Leader | WeaBOO | Anti-Shroomy | Susan Wojcicki | Papa John | Ernie | Fuego the Water Bottle | Xenomorph | Mario's Father | Maestro Mano | Jeeves | Mr. Krabs | SpongeBob SquarePants | Cosmo Cosma | Jimmy Neutron | Big Chungus | Bowsette | Serial Designation N | Mickey Mouse | Goofy | The Villager | Animatronics | Springtrap | Mr. Incredible | Daycare Attendant | The Blob | Baldi | Daddy Dearest | Mommy Mearest | Oofio | William Afton | Grand Mario | Jevil | Bill Cosby | Yoshi | Hulk Yoda | Box Club Leader | MX | Luigi.exe | Juan Carlos Bodoque| Serial Designation N | Marty | Depresso | Mr. L (Too Late.Exe) | Freddy Fazbear | Eldritch Goop | One-Shot Wren | Mr. Nice Guy | Demoman | Skibidi Toilets

Luigi Dolls | A.S.S. | Anime Cartel | Anime Replicas | Team Killer Ink | Ugandan Knuckles | All Star Brawlers | Anti-Cast | Sinister Six | The Box Club | Teletubbies | Inkling Flummie Bullies | Puzzlevision | Leggies | Puzzlebox Kids Subscribers

Emperor Arcturus | Imperium of Mogtopolis | ᗩᖇT̴̩͝𝓗U̵Ṛ̶̈́ | SMG.EXE | Mario | Sonic The Hedgehog | Tari | Zelus | Nula | Wario | Waluigi

See Also
Sunset Paradise Villains

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