Villains Fanon Wiki

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Villains Fanon Wiki

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The Toppin Monster Gals are minor antagonists in TheGamerLover's Mematic Universe who serves as the main antagonists of the 2023 Halloween special Waifus and Backrooms.



The Toppin Monster Gals used to be animatronics from the Pizzaboy Pizz-Pizza franchise of pizzerias on which Ragna and Jin used to visit with their family during their childhood. The pizzeria would go bankrupt on 2006 after years of bringing entertainment to families and thus, the Toppin Monster Gals would be deactivated and locked away.

Prior to the beginning of the 2023 Halloween special, Juri Han would sneak in and steal the animatronics for her next evil scheme, in the way, she would meet and team up with an angered Yuri Sakazaki, who wanted revenge on her older brother Ryo for rightfully telling her about her current combat status as weak (and unaware that King has teamed up with him and Robert for the upcoming KOF tournament), the duo would agree to use that plan to achieve their common goals and used the Backrooms as their setting for their plot.

TGLMU - Waifus and Backrooms (LATE Halloween 2023 Special)[]

As the night falls on October 31, 2019, the Toppin Monster Gals would start to go active and roam around the backrooms prior to gain the attention of Ragna and his friends, and, due to her status as a friend of Chun-Li's teammates Natsumi Tsujimoto and Miyuki Kobayakawa, they drag Yoriko Nikaido, who was in the way to reunite with her friends after some time not seeing them since their promotion to members of Shinra, into their trap.

Upon our heroes' arrival and team up with Yoriko, the Toppin Monster Gals would start attacking, the first one to show up was the Cheese Toppin Monster Gal, who got killed by Noel, who just wanted to eat her whole, and her remains were saved from being eaten by the blond italian girl and examinated by Tsubaki Yayoi, who discovers the existence of more of them prowling in the backrooms, leading the Thot Patrol members to split into groups, with the one formed by Ragna, Noel and Yoriko having the baddest luck, as the remaining animatronics chases them, but not before Noel finishes the spaghetti randomly spotted on the floor. What follows is a chase that includes disguises and running in and out of several doors, where they run into Akatsuki and Hakumen, who kills the Sausage and Tomato Monster Gals, and eventually Kagura and Tsubaki. The group continue to run, as Ragna complains about strating to get tired from running and wishing he could have his foster mother's healing magic to continue running for his life, which is when Noel, stuck on the ceiling, claims she'll help him out, but she just falls off onto the remaining Toppin Monster Gals.

After unmasking several red herrings, it is finally revealed to be Juri Han and Yuri Sakazaki, respectively. Explaining their purposes on disguising as the Pineapple and Sausage Toppin Monster Gals before they could get taken to Alcatraz prison and placed in the same cell as Mai, Dick and Muttley, as Yuri's face is a mix of shock and surprise from finding her teammate there.





  • The Toppin Monster Gals and the whole Halloween 2023 special might have been the inspiration for the SMG4 episode "Scooby Mario, Where'd You Go!", as the video released 5 months after this special and features a similar premise.
           Pizza Tower logo Fanon Villains

Sugary Spire
The Painter | Gumbob | Pizzano | Coneman

Piss Towel / Pizza Tower SAGE 2019 Repainted
Final Mod: Kool-Aid Man | The Jizzilante | The Shart | Boss 4 | The Wario Apparition
Unused/Removed: Elmo | Greg

Toppin Gals mod
Toppin Monster Gals

Peppina Ramen and the Magical Tower of Pizza
KDD's art: Pepperman | The Vigilante | Noise-chan & Noisett | Fakepina | Pizzahead
Mod: Peppergirl | The Vigil | Noise-chan | Fake Peppina | Pizza-chan | Doise-tan | Peddita

Pizza Tower: The Final Round
MJ Pepper | The Redeemer | El Diego

Enemies Reskin
Female Enemies (Female Ninja Slice | Female Pizza Soldier | Female Shrimp Thug) | Pizza Gal

The Noise | Pizzahead

The Noise | Fake Peppino | Pizzahead

Pinkie Pie Mod
Fake Pinkie | Discord

Eevee Mod

Azu Tower
Peppercat | Powder Kag | The Tumult | Kachito | Konata Izumi | Weed Tumult

PIZZA TOWER: The Leaning Tower of Pizza
Pepperman (PIZZA TOWER: The Leaning Tower of Pizza) | The Vigilante (PIZZA TOWER: The Leaning Tower of Pizza) | The Noise (PIZZA TOWER: The Leaning Tower of Pizza) | Noisette (PIZZA TOWER: The Leaning Tower of Pizza) | Fake Peppino (PIZZA TOWER: The Leaning Tower of Pizza) | Pizzahead (PIZZA TOWER: The Leaning Tower of Pizza)

Rage Tower
Me Gusta | Lonely Sheriff | Derp | Fake Trollge | Epic Face

Peppino Spaghetti (SMG4) | Pizzahead (SMG4)

theawesomario Revamped
Pepperman (If Mario Was In... Pizza Tower) | The Vigilante (If Mario Was In... Pizza Tower) | Toad (If Mario Was In... Pizza Tower) | Fake Peppino (If Mario Was In... Pizza Tower) | Pizzahead (If Mario Was In... Pizza Tower) |

Toppin Monster Gals (TheGamerLover)

The Vigilante (Bupcraft Mod)

           TheGamerLover Villains

Ruby Rose | Weiss Schnee | Blake Belladonna | Yang Xiao Long | Lillie | Nebby | Morrigan Aensland
Selvaria Bles | Perfecti | Mai Shiranui | Blitztank | Yumi | Murakumo | Asuka | Bayonetta | Bonne Jennet | SYSTEM XX | Mommy Mearest
THOT Patrol
Murakumo Zero | Yuuki Terumi | Kazuma Kval | Asuka R. Kreutz | Adler | Relius Clover | Shuichiro Ayatsuki | Es-N | Elektrosoldat
The Gods
Zamasu | Goku Black | God of Darkness | Takehaya Susanoo | Neopolitan | Hades: Izanami | Ariels | Sailor Galaxia
Salem's Inner Circle
Salem | Arthur Watts | Cinder Fall | Hazel Rainart | Tyrian Callows
Injustice League
Cinder Fall | Roman Torchwick | Neopolitan | Emerald Sustrai | Mercury Black
Aether Foundation
Lusamine | Faba | Wicke
Rebel Army
Donald Morden | Allen O' Neil | Abigail | Beatriz | Grazia | Loretta | Norah | Jane Doe | Cony | Vita | Abul Abbas | Shizuka | Aisha | Nantes | Pawda | Leone | Rapid | Destrade | Olga | Navy | Dolores
M. Bison | Sagat | Vega | Balrog
Servants of "That Man"
Asuka R. Kreutz | I-No | Raven | Jack-O' Valentine
The Conclave
Chronus | Axus | Libraria
Martian Army
Mars People
Lord Raptor
WarioWare Inc.
Wario | Ashley
Other Villains/Unknown Group
Hazama | Azrael | Tohru Adachi | Hilda the Paradox | Raven Branwen | Tifa Lockhart | Dick Dastardly | King Ramses | Nine The Phantom | Bedman | Testament | Tsubakumen | Zato-1 | TheGamerLover | Waluigi | Army of the Dead | Platinum the Trinity | Susan Wojcicki | Francesca the Magician | Krampus | Sephiroth | Juri Han | Toppin Monster Gals

Alternate Realities (Counterparts and Crossover Villains)
RU🅱Y Movieverse
Rowan Trickster | Prankster & Bankster

Other/Unknown Reality
Neco-Arc | Johnny Cage | Huitzil | Pyron | DeviantArt Alcremies

           Darkstalkers Logo Gameplay Parody Villains

Main Story
Morrigan AenslandLord RaptorDonovan BaineHuitzilPyronM-BeeQ-BeeJedah DohmaDemitri Maximoff
Side Story/Others
NeopolitanHades: IzanamiGod of DarknessOrochiYuuki TerumiM. BisonRed ArremerToppin Monster Gals
