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Tails wants to give a warning: This Article Contains Spoilers -
WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all. |
NOTE: This page is only about how she was depicted in the Redux version of All For Luz. For her Original version, see here |
“ | The only thing you have of value is that power of yours. | „ |
“ | Heh, better a monster than a nobody,right? | „ |
Toshiko Shigaraki (死柄木 敏子 Shigaraki Toshiko?), originally known as Luz Noceda (ルス・ノセダ Luz Noceda?), is the main protagonist of Season 1 & Season 2 of The Owl House and My Hero Academia dark crossover fic All For Luz redux by DeathlyJazzHands55.
She is a 14-years-old Afro-Latina teenager girl who would one day wake up with holes in her hands, during the day she was meant to go for the Reality Check Summer Camp. Initially excited due to her fantasies becoming a reality, she would change for the worst upon the events of the Death Camp.
Thanks for the tragic events in her life and All For One's manipulations, she became his successor and a villain.
Initially, Luz is similar in appearance to her canon self, sans the holes in the palms of her hands at the start of the story. However, over time, her black hair starts to turn white and her brown eyes turn blood red every time she uses her main Quirk or gets very angry. She also gains a lightning bolt-shaped scar over her right eye and a massive one over her chest from the Death Camp after experiencing "Quirk Overload". Luz also gains more muscle mass over a month gratuitous exercise to train her body to hold more Quirks, giving her a more athletic built.
With the Awakening of All For One, Toshiko's even the smallest hints of brown were replaced entirely with white, and her eyes also turned even redder.
For her initial outfit, Luz wears a dark blue shirt with a hood with cat ears that has a large white stripe running through it. She also wears gray shorts, black tights and white shoes with beige soles, and black stud ear piercings.
Her superhero costume consists of a white slightly baggy full-bodysuit with elbow-length black gloves and boots. Around the neck of the suit is a purple angular heart-shaped design that stops just above her chest with a golden jewel just above the sternum. On her shoulders is a clip-on red cape that stops just behind her knees.
Her supervillain costume consists of a large, black, open-faced trenchcoat. On the trenchcoat are several patches of various things, including a yellow patch with the words "Owl Lady" scrawled on it, a patch of Bendy from Bendy and The Ink Machine, a patch depicting the Eye of Providence, and a patch with a heart. The last two are on either end of the trenchcoat, and the others are on the sleeves. There is also a pin next to the collar, depicting the bi-sexual flag. Underneath the trenchcoat is a pink shirt and purple skirt with a white fluffy end, held up by a black belt with a gold buckle. She also wears cat-themed leggings and black ankle boots. While the outfit appears cobbled together, she deliberately picked the attire to be more free-form and light.
Luz initially has her canon personality for the most part, being reluctant to use her Quirk, seeing the ability to steal other powers as wrong. However, this version of Luz is not mentally well in this universe, even before her Death Camp experience and was mostly luck she hasn't got sent to juvie after nearly murdering her bully, Amber Stilwell.
Over time, the use of Luz's Quirk mentally effects her to becoming greedier and more addicted to taking powers, not helped by All For One's influence.
Through the story, she becomes a shell of her former self thanks for the Massacre of Fools in the Death Camp, where she loses her innocence and has to kill other kids to survive, before undergoing assassination attempts. Even after becoming the No. 1 superhero in America, she's fine with killing horrible criminals instead of due process, creating Nomu and eventually becomes disillusioned with heroism in general despite it becoming a dream come true.
After becoming Toshiko Shigaraki, she turned into a full-fledged sadistic supervillain with few redeeming traits.
From the ages of 1 - 4 years old, Luz had a happy upbringing. She had a caring mother and a loving father, both of whom cared for her deeply. However, on a drive to the hospital for a scheduled appointment with a doctor that her father, Manny, had Luz chose to go with him and during that car ride, they got into a car accident. Luz survived, but her father did not, and she saw what happened to his body, forever twisting her mind. From that day onward, her mother, Camila, became extremely neglectful in her grief and alcoholism.
Growing up in a small town in the southern United States caused her to face racist remarks, and as she grew older, sexist remarks from the boys at her school. This was all made worse by the fact that Camila, from Luz's perspective, seemingly wanted nothing to do with her and so she felt that the only way she could vent her frustrations was to take it out physically on a pile of stuffed animals that she'd regularly beat on.
Overtime, she slowly began to see her mother less and less as a mother and more as just a person who she happened to live with. However, there was one thing that Luz became very attached to, that being a book called: The Good Witch Azura. It was a gift from her late father, and she cherished that book. Ironically, she viewed the book more as a parent then Camila, so much so to the point that she believed that her father was still, in some way, living on within the book.
This culminated in one day where Luz brought the book to school, only for it to be taken by one of the main bullies that Luz had to deal with, Amber Stirwell. At the end of the day, after school, Luz tried to get the book back, only to be made to watch as Amber burned it in front of her. This caused Luz to snap, and a week later, for Luz to attack and nearly kill Amber in cold blood via stabbing, viewing Amber as a murderer for killing her father, as in her mind, The Good Witch Azura was her father.
Luz was caught in the middle of act by the school's janitor, and was arrested not to long afterward. She was ordered to be put on house arrest until her trial, and was not allowed to leave the house. She was also taken out of the school, and her mother locked her in her room as punishment, preventing her from leaving with the only exceptions being to use to the bathroom.
After her trial, Luz was sentenced by the judge to go attend Reality Check Summer Camp as a way to seek help for her issues, as the judge was sympathetic Luz's plight. Due to her status as a minor, she avoided having to go to jail for attempted murder, which would have landed her 15 years in prison. However, Luz was not the only one sentenced, as Camila was forced to pay for Luz's trip to Reality Check Summer Camp, which was $200, and to pay a $50,000 fine for serious child neglect (which came out of Luz's college fund). This resulted in Camila and Luz's relationship worsening even more than it already was, which leads into the current events of the story.
Summer Camp Saga[]
Downfall Saga[]
Powers & Abilities[]
Current Quirks[]
- All For One (オール・フォー・ワン Ōru Fō Wan?) - Her main Quirk. This Quirk allows her to steal Quirks from other superhumans to use for herself, both dead and alive, and also give stolen Quirk to other people, but she can't steal too much quirks or else her body will start to tear itself apart. The process is painful for the person getting the Quirk drained from them that manifests as red and black lightning. Toshiko's power includes the ability to see black strings above the heads of other superhumans that are invisible to others. It can also cause fatal brain damage, occasionally. After Quirk Awakening, she knows automatically how to use a stolen Quirk instead of having to figure it out. Quirk's power are doubled after being taken (not evolved, simply strengthened, kinda like what One For All does in My Hero Academia Canon). Also, after Quirk Awakening, user has unlimited storage for Quirks now.
- Pyrokinesis (Originally called Flame) - This power allowing Toshiko to conjure, control and transform parts of her body into fire, for a limited amount of time. She use it as a flamethrower, shoot explosive fireballs and even shape them into wings to fly. Toshiko took this Quirk from Cody Johnson of Team Heaven's Devils, shortly before killing him with it, and is the first Quirk to be stolen by her. After Quirk Awakening, it can now go up to 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit (4982.222 degrees Celsius). That's only 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit less than the surface of the sun (791.778 degrees Celsius).
- Kinetic Absorption (Originally called Shock Absorption) - Toshiko took this Quirk from Stanley Richardson from Team Alpha Squadron, at his request. This Quirk grants her the ability to to absorb kinetic force and transfer it into durability and strength to increase the toughness of her body, but she has a limit to how much she can take. After Quirk Awakening it's twice as powerful as before, being able to tank more force but her skin is still breakable to cutting/piercing attacks.
- Super Regeneration - This Quirk was originally Lucy Style's from Heaven's Devils before being killed by Toshiko, and she possesses the ability to regenerate from any injuries at high speeds, allowing her to withstand what would be fatal wounds. She can even regenerate whole limbs and organs, and cells that had been burned. However, the process is quite painful, and often leaves scars. So long as either Toshiko’s heart and brain remain intact, she can regenerate from any wound, no matter how fatal. After Quirk Awakening, it reaches Nigh-Unlimited Regeneration with no limits, essentially making Toshiko immortal. She can recover from every form of injury so long as even so much as a single speck of DNA is left of them, and still usable.
- Longevity - This Quirk was originally Jade Simons' from Heaven's Devils before killing her, and has allows Toshiko to possess supernatural longevity in lifespan. Of note, her lifespan is tripled but can increase even further should Toshiko take proper care of her body. This Quirk resembles Kyudai Garaki's Life Force from My Hero Academia, except it provides a longer lifespan and doesn't reduce physical prowess making it superior. After her Quirk Awakening, now it increased sixfold (from 267 years to 534 years).
- Pain Nullification - The Quirk was stolen from Ethan Chung of Heaven's Devils. It makes Toshiko unable to detect any physical pain, granting her an immense pain tolerance. It's often used alongside her Super Regeneration and Kinetic Absorption. After her Quirk Awakening it's twice as effective as it was before.
- Stamina Negation - This Quirk belonged to Rebecca Smith from Team Heaven's Devils. It allows Toshiko to negate all Stamina depletion, and even need to sleep. She can never grow physically tired but this doesn’t mean she doesn't get mentally exhausted. After Quirk Awakening it's twice as powerful as before.
- Energy Dragon (Originally called Hydra) - Originally from Gregory of Team Foxtrot, this Quirk can summon large, blue, Eastern dragon-shaped attacks out of her shoulder that she can control. Toshiko typically uses this Quirk as a long-range weapon and uses it to grab or restrain people; she generally summons two at a time. After Quirk Awakening she can spawn four dragons rather than just two. They are also twice as strong as they were before, and twice as durable.
- Forcefield Projection - It was stolen from Susie Roberts of Team Foxtrot. This Quirk allows Toshiko to generate a golden, circular force field from her hands to protect herself from attacks. Luz can also throw it as a projectile at a target, and the more power they have absorbed, the more devastating the blows from the forcefields become in the form of explosions that can level a building. Multiple powerful blows will slowly chip away at its absorption, like most absorbing Quirks. However, Toshiko hardly uses this Quirk though, because unless she’s protecting other civilians, she doesn’t see a need to use it for herself. After Quirk Awakening, the forcefields have double the durability than before. (ex. Pre-Evolution a yellow shield could tank a nuclear bomb. Post-Evolution it can tank a extinction-level causing meteorite, which is comparable to all of Earth's current nuclear arsenal).
- Spearlike Fingers - Originally belonging to Darlene Maximoff from Heaven's Devils, it allows Toshiko to turn her fingers sharp and pointed like spears, and fire them towards people like extendable pole-arms from a distance of up to a kilometers in front of her. After her Quirk Awakening, the distance and sharpness has increased twofold (15 kilometres to 30 kilometres), and can slice through just about anything, even mountains).
- Super Strength - This Quirk was stolen from Thomas Oakson of Heaven's Devils after killing him, and grants Toshiko a boost in physical strength by 10 fold. Its power will continue to grow as Toshiko becomes stronger, and has no set limit. She often uses this to enhance her other Quirks, like Spearlike Fingers and Springlike Limbs, and with months of training was able to increase it to a multiplier of 100 times the base strength. After her Quirk Awakening, the multiplier has evolved to 500 fold and now has no upper limit, but to increase that multiplier Toshiko/Luz would have to fight God-level threats every day, so that won't be happening.
- Springlike Limbs - This Quirk was originally Darwin Kopke's from Foxtrot before being killed by All For One, and allows Toshiko to coil her muscles in order to quadruple her physical strikes, increase her jumping ability, and can also be used to augment other Quirks, like Multi-Arms. After Quirk Awakening, it's twice as powerful as before makinig it 8 fold. It can also be used to jump to high altitudes, easily covering skyscrapers.
- Heavy Payload - Originally belonging to William French, a Wittebane assassin, Toshiko can quadruple the amount of damage being dealt of an attack. It stacks with other strength enhancement Quirks, like Super Strength and Springlike Limbs. With months of training, Toshiko is able to increase the multiplier to 100 fold. After her Quirk Awakening, its now a 500 times multiplier.
- Omega Beam (Originally called Heat Vision) – Originally belonging to Jerica Park from Team Foxtrot, it allows Toshiko to fire two orange beams of pure plasma from her eyes. After Quirk Awakening, the beams are twice as hot as they were before (going from 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit (871.111 degrees Celsius) to 3,200 degrees Fahrenheit (1982.222 degrees Celsius).
- Multi-Arms - This Quirk was stolen from Dereck Winchester, a Wittebane assassin, and allows Toshiko to sprout four extra arms, two above her shoulders and two below her base arms. These limbs can use other Quirks, like Spearlike Fingers and Bullet Laser, so long as they originate from Luz's hands, with the only exception being All For One itself. After her Quirk Awakening, she can grow any size of the arms and produce any amount of them. Each arm can be buffed in power and size by Heavy Payload and Super Strength.
- Decay (Formerly Dust) - Originally from Jerry Kopke of The Order, this Quirk allows Toshiko to destroy and disintegrate anything she touches with all five fingers. This Quirk is an exact replica of Tomura Shigaraki's Decay from My Hero Academia. After Quirk Awakening, it's increased in power and removed the restriction of all five fingers having to be on the target for the Quirk to take effect and her Decay the spread grew beyond what the user had touched, can creating a domino chain of disintegrated victims and is now strong enough to reduce nearly half a city to an ash cloud.
- Bullet Laser - This Quirk originally belonged to Osmosis, the leader of The Order. Toshiko uses this Quirk to fire purple-colored lasers from her fingertips at will. It can easily pierce through human flesh and many other solid surfaces. It can also explode on the impact of some surfaces if desired. After her Quirk Awakening, the lasers are now twice as powerful, and can be splintered into multiple different beams at once if need be. They are also no longer limited to her fingers, but can come out of any part of Toshiko's body.
- Limitless - This was stolen from Dark Matter, a member of The Children of Hope. It allows her to create orbs of "Blue" and "Red" energy from her hands. Red is a purely offensive move that repels matter, whereas Blue is mostly a defensive move that attracts it before imploding. Only one can be used at a time by can change colors at a snap of her fingers. It's primary function is the ability to distort space with these energy balls. Its most powerful move is being able to create "Purple" by combining the opposing forces of "Blue" and "Red", then Luz can fire a large, powerful orb of energy that vaporizes everything in its path. After Quirk Awakening, she can create "Unlimited Void".
- Arm Blades - Originally from Theodore Jackson of Alpha Squadron, Toshiko took it after his murder at the hands of Darwin. It allows Toshiko to turn her forearms into giant black steel blades the size of broad swords. She later uses this Quirk to help create a Nomu called Mr. Silent. After destroying Mr. Silent, she took this Quirk back to herself again. After her Quirk Awakening, the blades are even bigger and sharper.
- Cleave - Originally belonging to Hilbert Washington from Team Foxtrot, this Quirk is an air slashing attack that's activated by her finger motions that can be adjusted to the target's toughness to cut them down in one fell swoop. Toshiko uses this Quirk to help create Mr. Silent but later on takes the Quirk back. After Quirk Awakening, she can do "Malevolent Shrine".
- Lens - Taken from a death row inmate, this Quirk allow Toshiko to see targets and objects at 50 kilometres ahead from her position. After Quirk Awakening, the zoom is twice as far.
- Radio Waves - Originally from a death row inmate, his Quirk allow Toshiko to emit an electromagnetic pulse of radio waves to disrupt electrical appliances and cause communicators to malfunction. After Quirk Awakening, the Electromagnetic frequencies can now disrupt neurons within the body, causing fatal damage.
- Air Cannon (formerly Windblast) - Originally belonged to Tyrone Mills of Team Foxtrot, Toshiko releases a shockwave of air from her arms. This Quirk can be further strengthened by other power-up Quirks, like Springlike Limbs and Super Strength. After her Quirk Awakening, it's become twice as powerful as it was before.
- Projectile Blood - Originally, this Quirk belonged to David Verandaed of Team Foxtrot and allows Toshiko to create bullet made of blood that could be fired. After Quirk Awakening, it's twice as powerful as before.
- Ice Creation (Originally called Ice) - This Quirk used to be Louis Afton's from Team Foxtrot allowed Toshiko to generate ice walls for defense and fire icicles for attacks. She gives this one away, after The Massacre of Fools before later taking it back. After Quirk Awakening, she can create dry ice as well as regular ice.
- Impure Beam - Taken from a death row inmate, it allows Toshiko to unleash a large and destructive beam of light. This Quirk is one of the strongest in Toshiko's arsenal, capable of inflicting massive, widespread damage in a single shot. The only major drawback of this Quirk is that Toshiko's body can't withstand the power of the blasts as it maims her own arm in the process, and as a result, has to reply on her regeneration. After Quirk Awakening, it's twice as powerful as before.
- Transforming Arms - It used to belong to a death row inmate. This Quirk allows Toshiko to shape-shift her arms, allowing her to have long-ranged, elastic attacks. Toshiko can also split their arms apart to surround their target and launch multiple attacks at once. After Quirk Awakening, it's twice as powerful as before.
- Weather Manipulation - Originally from a death row inmate, this Quirk allowed Toshiko to freely manipulate all types of weather. She can creating large storm clouds that enveloped entire islands, summon lightning bolts, and even create giant tornadoes. This Quirk also allowed Toshiko to manipulate wind and granted flight. Weather Manipulation's incredible power put an enormous burden on Toshiko's body, causing cellular degeneration as well as excruciating pain that caused to faint, though this can be mitigated by her Super Regeneration. After Quirk Awakening, the potency of the storms are doubled.
- Energy Scythe - Taken from Bobby Hilton, a Wittebane assassin, it allows Toshiko to summon a dark pink scythe made out of energy for melee combat. After Quirk Awakening, she can freely change the size of the scythe.
- Cloth Repair - Originally from a clothes' thief, this Quirk restore the clothes Toshiko was using during the last hour. After Quirk Awakening, it can restore clothes twice as fast.
- Mud Warp - This Quirk was originally Charlie Smith's, a Wittebane assassin. It allows Toshiko to teleport herself and other people. After Quirk Awakening she can warp herself and others on a big distance than before.
Former Quirks[]
- Vines - This Quirk generates green, thorny vines from her fingertips that are strong enough to lift up to a ton in weight. Toshiko took this Quirk from her first friend, Julia Wittebane, at her request, and is the first Quirk to taken by her overall. After the Death Camp, Toshiko dumps it in a corpse. Later on, she gave it to the Nomu called Lady.
- Sword - Originally this Quirk belonged to Jean Pierce from Team Alpha Squadron, Luz took it after his murder at the hands of Darlene. It allowed Toshiko to manifest sharp blades from her body. She gave it away to reduce the number of Quirks she had in her to a safe level. She gave it to the Nomu Lady.
- Repair - This Quirk was originally Arla Thatcher's, from Team Alpha Squadron, Toshiko took it after her murder at the hands of Hilbert. It allowed her to heal any injuries from herself and others via her hands. As soon as Toshiko got out of her coma, she gave this Quirk to her mother, Camila, to improve her skills as a veterinarian. Its the very first Quirk she gave away.
- Strength Enhancer - The Quirk was originally Ronny Armstrong's from Alpha Squadron before being killed by Lucas, it doubled Toshiko's physical strength. She gives Quirk away, as it was inferior to Thomas's Super Strength quirk, to the Rampage Nomu.
- Impact - Originally belonged to Daniel Starr from Heaven's Devils, an All For One-possessed Luz took it after killing him. It allowed her to increase the output of power based on how much she moved in that direction. She gave it away to reduce the number of Quirks in her body.
- Puppeteer - It belonged to Lucas Dawn from Team Foxtrot, before an All For One-possessed Luz took it before killing him. This Quirk allowed Toshiko to create and control strings from her body. All For One gives this Quirk to Julia not long after acquiring it.
- Plasma Beam - Originally belonging to Carlos Ramirez from Heaven's Devils, the Quirk allowed her to fire powerful plasma-based lasers from her hands. It was powerful but far too complicated and time-consuming to properly use consistently, which is why Toshiko discards it later. Toshiko later used it to create the Nomu Lady.
- Bone-like Whip - This Quirk was originally Jacob Leatherman's from Heaven's Devils generated whip-like bone structures around Toshiko's body. She gave it away to reduce her excess number of Quirks. This Quirk is used to create the Nomu Doberman.
- Adrenaline Stitching - Toshiko got this from a death row inmate. Its a significantly weaker version of her Super Regeneration that only heals Toshiko's wounds if adrenaline was pumping through her veins. Toshiko gave this Quirk to the Nomu, Mr. Silent but later takes it back and gives it to another Nomu called Rampage.
- Electro-Shock - It created a field of static electricity around herself and will shock anyone that gets too close. This Quirk was taken from a death row inmate and used to create the High-End Nomu Doberman.
- Fa Jin - Forcibly taken from The Wrecker before killing him, this Quirk allowed Toshiko to build up and store kinetic energy by performing repetitive movements. This Quirk is used to create the Nomu Rampage.
- Muscle Density - This Quirk is used to make the High-End Nomu Doberman.
- Spike Ball - This Quirk is used to create the High-End Nomu Rampage.
Ultimate Moves[]
- Hollow Purple (ホーローパープル?) - Toshiko gained access to this technique after stealing the Limitless quirk. A massive, purple energy ball is created when the repulsive forces of Red is combined with the attractive forces of Blue. Toshiko launches the destructive mass at her target, which deals extensive destructive damage on contact, far superior to Red and Blue. It can destroy everything in its path for up to 50 miles ahead of Toshiko, before blowing up into an expanding explosion, though the size of the blast depends on how much it sucks up in the process. Its one of her strongest attacks and first uses this to kill the superheroine Cross.
- Flame Fist: Impact (炎の拳:インパクト?) - Toshiko coats her hand with blue flames that grow twice the size of her arm to hit her opponent, the blue flames exploding out when hit. She first uses this attack on King Clawthorne
- Decay Wave (ディケイ・ウェーブ?) - Combining "Radio Waves" with "Dust", Toshiko fires off a fifteen wide pulse attack that disintegrates everything it touches. It can be further augmented with "Heavy Payload" and multiplied with "Multi-Arms" to increase its potency and range respectively.
- Crimson Moon (暁?) - With her evolved "Pyrokinesis" after her Quirk Awakening, Toshiko generates violet flames through her fingers to burn her opponent from the inside-out, the flames bursting out in a moon-like formation. She uses this move to defeat King.
- Ultimate Power Combination -
- Immense Strength - Thanks to her Super Strength Quirk, Toshiko possesses incredible physical strength, as she is capable of easily crushing people's skulls and tearing out their hearts with just her bare hands. Because of her Springlike Limbs, Luz is able to leap great distances using only her leg muscles and can contend with the likes of The Wrecker.
- Immense Durability - With her Kinetic Absorption, Toshiko has shown to possess an extreme level of durability. She able to tank blows from powerful opponents like The Wrecker. On numerous occasions, Luz/Toshiko has taken what would be fatal injures and has brushed them all off. This is due to her Healing Factor, Energy Absorption, and Pain Immunity powers, all of which are constantly active at all times.
- Enhanced Speed & Reflexes - Toshiko can move incredibly fast to the point being faster than the eye can see. She's also able to (unreliably) dodge Hunter's light-based attacks making her hypersonic in terms of speed on foot and in-flight.
- Immense Endurance - Due to her Stamina Negation quirk, Toshiko rarely tires out and she doesn't have to sleep as much.
- Healing Factor - Thanks to her Super Regeneration quirk, Toshiko has potent regenerative capabilities allowing her to not only survive otherwise fatal injures but keep on fighting.
- Fear Inducement - When channeling the power of All For One, Toshiko's mere presence is capable of instilling a paralyzing fear into others. During "The Massacre of Fools", many of teens became so afraid of Toshiko that they lost confidence in being able to beat her and tried to flee.
- Bilingualism - Like the show, Toshiko can speak English and Spanish.
- Intelligence - Due to her creativity and at times morbid curiosity, Toshiko is a step above average people intelligence wise, using her powers in ways that most people would never think of using them. Furthermore, while in school, she was constantly getting A's, although a lot of them were docked down to B's due to her, again, rampant creativity streak
- Pyrokinesis - Like all fire-Quirk users, she can suffer from overheating from prolonged use.
- Super Regeneration - Post-Awakening, Luz can die if both her heart and brain are simultaneously destroyed (reduced to atoms), and not a millisecond before or a millisecond later.
- Kinetic Absorption - It's Kinetic Absorption and not Kinetic Nullification, which means there's eventually a limit to how many impacts Luz can take, a limit that relentless, focused attacks like from King eventually surpass. Also it can only protect against blunt-force trauma, it has no real protection against cutting/piercing (like high calibre bullets), magic spells, light-based, or extreme heat and cold attacks. Even with her "Quirk Awakening", it doesn't prevent her skin from being damaged.
- Super Strength - If Luz attacks with what over exceeds her body can physically handle, then dishing out this kind of strength might cost Luz a limb or two, so learning to control this unparalleled strength is a must so that she doesn't inadvertently hurt herself or others.
- Spearlike Fingers - They can be quite fragile to direct attacks and melt easily in fire.
- Forcefield Projection - The yellow forcefields can only protect Luz in one direction. Also multiple powerful blows will slowly chip away at its absorption capabilities, like most absorbing Quirks. Its also vulnerable to cutting and piercing attacks.
- Stamina Negation - While Luz can never grow exhausted thanks to this Quirk, this doesn’t negate her need to eat, or drink, even after she "awakens" it. She may also never get physically exhausted anymore but she can still get mentally and emotionally drained.
- Omega Beam – Prolonged use of this Quirk can cause damage to her eyes.
- Limitless – Her "Unlimited Void" can only be used once per day, drains Toshiko completely after casting it, and ignores Stamina Negation, only lasting for 10 seconds.
- Cleave – Her "Malevolent Shrine" can only be used once per day (takes up the usage of Unlimited Void) drains Toshiko after casting it, ignores Stamina Negation, and only lasts 30 seconds.
- Camila Noceda (Mother; disowned)
- Manny Noceda † (Father)
- Stanley Stewardson † (Parental Uncle by Marriage)
- Alicia Stewardson (Parental Aunt)
- Riley Stewardson † (Parental Cousin)
- Steve Stewardson † (Parental Cousin)
- Unnamed Maternal Grandmother
- Rikitasu Shigaraki (Adopted "Father")
- Tomura Shigaraki (Adopted "Older Brother")
- Katsumi Shigaraki † (Paternal Foster "Grandmother")
- Yoichi Shigaraki † (Paternal Adopted "Uncle")
Victims |
“ | This isn't a game…. This is murder with extra steps! How can this lunatic think this is a game?! | „ |
~ Luz on The Governor that's kidnapped her. |
“ | A power of The Chosen One… yeah, if they’re a villain… | „ |
~ Luz after finding out what her Quirk is. |
“ | I am not, nor will I ever be, anything like you | „ |
~ To All For One |
“ | I thought you were joking when you threatened me before because I honestly couldn’t believe the audacity that you had when you said that to my face. But, apparently, I was wrong. (Vines beginning to coil around Judy's body, as Luz’s eyes flashed red) So, let’s make one thing clear, from here on out. And this applies to everyone, so pay attention. What I say, goes. If I tell you to run, you run. If I tell you to walk, you walk. If I tell you to smash your head against a wall, you do it. And If you have a problem with that, then you can bring it up to me. And if I think it’s reasonable, I’ll consider it. (Slams Judy into the ground and stomps on her stomach) But if you threaten me, or try to touch me, hurt me, or even attempt to kill me, I will not hesitate to do the same to you in return. Does everyone understand? | „ |
~ To Judy, when she starts undermining Luz's leadership |
“ | You think you're so smart, don't you? (Gives mirthless laugh) Coming here, killing my friends, and then turning around and saying that you're the ones who are the victims in all of this? (Gives an eviler laugh freaking everyone out before suddenly stopping) No. You... All of you... None of you are victims here. If anything, you've become nothing more than his weapons. When I am through with all of you, there won't be enough left to cremate you. All of you... Every single last one of you...! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU ALL! | „ |
~ To Team Heaven's Devils and Foxtrot, before starting Massacre of Fools |
“ | The only thing you have of value is that power of yours. | „ |
~ To Jerry before stealing his Dust quirk which kills him |
“ | Heh, better a monster than a nobody,right? | „ |
~ To All For One in The Vestige Realm on her turn to villainy |
- The main reason she is called "Toshiko Shigaraki" instead of "Luz Noceda" in this wiki is because "Toshiko Shigaraki" means "Clever Child of Death", showing how she became a murderous girl and lost people close to her and will become All For One's surrogate daughter and successor. Also, "Luz" died metaphorically died at the camp, "Toshiko" being born and taking her name and life.
- It's unknown if her original self would become a villain because she was at worst a ruthless anti-heroine. Although the author claimed she would by the end of Season 3 after the Wittebanes were taken care of.
- She's starts to become a real Villain in "Hero No More (2)"
- According to the author, a meeting with Post-Death Camp Luz and Canon Luz or any of show's The Owl House characters would work out very poorly.
- Luz has achieved semi-immortality with her Super Regeneration, Pain Nullification, Kinetic Absorption and Longevity Quirks.
- She wouldn't bother stealing another Teleportation Quirk as she's already fast enough to look like doing this.
- She also would never get back an intelligence-boosting Quirk because it goes against her nature of learning things on her own.
- If she uses All For One on Darius and steals his Magic, she would get the Quirk "Goo Body" allowing her to transform her body into a purplish-black substance. Like the Swamp-Swamp Fruit from One Piece, but coloured like an Abomination, and the effect isn't passive. Since it was turned into a Quirk, Darius would get "Goo Body", not his magic if returned.
- The Quirk Awakenings of Luz/Toshiko's previous quirks would be like this:
- Repair, much like other touch based Quirks in the My Hero Academia universe, would be able to spread its healing effects to those around them.
- Life Giver would be able to transmute more advanced objects into more complex organisms,
- Sword would create more swords out of her body rather than just turn one limb into a sword at a time.
- Of the League of Villains, the ones Luz/Toshiko would get along with the most are Twice and maybe Toga. She might be put off by Toga's whole blood thing, but aside from that, they'd be friends. Twice is some she just finds funny to be around.
- As for the opposite side of things, it'd probably be most of the Vanguard Squad, excluding Mustard and Dabi. Dabi would probably see more of himself in Luz/Toshiko, so he'd take sympathy with her.
- Luz/Toshiko would enjoy playing video games with Spinner and share her interest in magic with Mr. Compress. But everyone else is kinda "eh".
- Dr. Garaki would see Toshiko/Luz as the reincarnation of his master, All For One, and Toshiko/Luz would see him as an old man desperate for her attention, only complying with him because she sees it as no other option.
- Luz's Regeneration is superior to Hunter's even before her Quirk Awakening, due to the latter's being an artificial replica.
- If the canon Hexside Squad and Harpy Eda were to fight Luz/Toshiko of All For Luz at the end of Season 2 in a DEATH BATTLE! style brawl, the group could only win on a single condition, if Eda in her Harpy Form could (which is possible considering just how strong Eda in her Harpy Form was) and if Luz (Canon) had permanent access to her Titan Witch abilities, which makes her pretty even with current Toshiko in terms of raw power output, not get outlasted by Toshiko and perform a fatal blow on her. The rest of the Hexside Squad would essentially be cannon fodder and would get one-shot, save for Gus because of his illusions and the general confusion they could cause, with Harpy Eda lasting the longest.
- Post-Second Saga Toshiko is physically superior to Harpy Eda and could easily beat most of The Owl House cast.
- Luz/Toshiko can die if both her heart and brain are simultaneously destroyed.
- The Awakened All For One Quirk can drain, steal, and copy any kind of magic, including witches, demons, Palisman and titans.
- Demons and Witches can receive Quirks. However, when specifically witches gain a Quirk, their bile-sacs cease to function, and they lose the ability to use magic. Upon stealing that person's Magic, their Bile-Sac will be drained in the process, and shrivel up, making them unable to use magic ever again.
- If Luz takes back a Quirk from a witch, it will take about 3 years, for their Bile-Sac will start up again. It takes a further decade for it to fully recover.
- Luz could gain her Titan Witch form like in the finale via this method, albeit not quite as powerful.
- Toshiko Shigaraki can mean in Japanese "Clever Child of Death". All For One sees her as a child prodigy with his power and has racked up a rather large body count and lost many people she loved. She also has lost that "purity" her original name, Luz Noceda, based on due to the events of The Death Camp.
- If Izuku and All Might found out about Luz's connection to All For One, the chances are they'd want to investigate her origins. All Might would NOT be out for blood immediately as he'd be able to tell difference in character between the girl and his former arch-nemesis. Not unless Luz was involved in some kind of mass destruction-causing attack.
- The following playlist reflects Luz/Toshiko's personality and mindset throughout the Redux version of All For Luz. Each song was made by the authors favourite indie nerdcore rap artist Daddyphatsnaps. The lyrics fit her character in those respective parts they are set up for, and is primarily focused on the actual character of Luz/Toshiko. While these songs are made for other characters, they can be seen as points of view and perspective that Luz could have for that particular arc.
- Season 1, First Half (Chapters 1 - 7): Eye For An Eye (Yuji Itadori) - By Daddyphatsnaps, Johnald, McQwire, GoldenEMP
- Season 1, Second Half (Chapters 8 - 13): Transfiguration (Mahito) - By Daddyphatsnaps, Leon Young, Drip$tick
- Season 2, Arc 1 and first half of Arc 2 (Currently being written): Flashy (Uzui Tengen) - By Daddyphatsnaps, Leon Young
- The author wants to use her "Ultimate Power Combination" move for something later on in the story than the original. He felt like he wasted it early on and wasn't as strong it should've been.
- After the month time-skip between Chapter 13 and 14, things between Luz and Camila have gotten to the point where they can be considered "okay".
- Luz has no reason to snap in Season 2... yet. There's a lot more build up than that than the original.
- If Curious from the Meta Liberation Army found that Luz/Toshiko was from another Realm, would she see interviewing her and revealing The Multiverse is thing as the story of the millennia.
- The major difference that separates All For Luz (2022) and All For Luz - Redux is that the Luz in the former is morally gray and her personality is closer to canon, the Luz in the latter has a darker and more sociopathic-like line of thinking even before the Death Camp. The Villain!Luz tag lets the author do a lot of stuff he wanted to do with the original.
- Another difference is their fighting styles. The original version mostly used her Spear Fingers and Forcefield Projection for offensive and defensive. The redux version on the other hand hardly uses those Quirks but instead favors the Pyrokinesis and Energy Dragon quirks.
- She will NOT kill All Might no matter how evil she gets.
- However, that doesn't mean she won't fight him in Kamino (like in My Hero Academia between All For One and All Might) and Defeat Him in front of his successor and the entire country of Japan to show and prove to everyone that she is the most powerful woman and person (Demon) in The Mutant Realm!! By leaving him alive, she will force him to "watch" how Japan "burns", as well as the Era of Peace that he built. With her victory over him, Toshiko will disgrace the legacy of All Might and its ideals. But most importantly, she will deprive people of hope for a bright future,so that many people lose faith in Heroes and trying to make them more submissive to her goals, which they were not! But the most important thing is to break the spirit of Izuku Midoriya, the Ninth (or Tenth User) of One For All, so that it is easier to scare and defeat him, and then take One For All! Her goals, which include victory and humiliation of Almost, are not yet clear, but they are definitely related to obtaining One For All and "Liberate" the Mutant Realm according to her vision! (If that's the direct the author plans on.)
- In "Hero no More (2)", the author confirmed that Luz/Toshiko is a Villain in this story. How did he quote it:
- Luz is a Villain in this story. She is not a hero. At best she's an Anti-Hero and not an Anti-Hero like how Deadpool is an Anti-Hero, an Anti-Hero like how Venom is an Anti-Hero—and not Marvel Movie Venom, Comic Book Venom instead. Those are two very different beasts. At worst, she's a miniature All For One in terms of villainy, and we all know how vile that bastard can be from time to time.
- This also makes Toshiko Inconsistently Heinous as her adoptive older brother Tomura Shigaraki, whom she has yet to meet!
- Her Japanese voice actor would be Emiko Takeuchi (竹内恵美子) who voiced Sister from "D.Gray-man", Chris Redgrave from "High Card" and Momoko Takamachi from "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha THE MOVIE 3rd Reflection".
External Links[]
- Luz Noceda on the Hero Fanon Wiki
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