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NOTE: This page is only about how he was depicted in the Redux version of All For Luz. For his Original version, see here

Tyler Kirikman Wittebane is one of the main antagonists of All For Luz redex, serving as the overarching antagonist of season 1 and 2. He is the direct descendant of Emperor Belos, being the Head of the Wittebane Mega Church and Witch Hunters Association who wishes to eradicate all superpowers, believing it was his destiny by God to do it.



Tyler is a middle-aged man standing 5'6 ft. tall with pale-white skin, golden yellow eyes and messy ear-length brown hair. He has a skinny build with broad shoulders.


Tyler typically wears a white blouse with a ruffled collar, black jeans with a brown belt and golden buckle, and a pair of black boots.


Tyler Wittebane is a fundamentalist extremist who shows to be hateful towards others not with his cause, showing to care more about his own superiority than his own family. He is also a clinical narcissist who loves to control people and will use others for his own gain, while keeping them in line with his holistic values, and will have his assassins murder anyone he needs to. He runs the popular and bigoted Wittebane Mega Church, in which he uses to denounce what he sees as evil, which includes LGBT and ethnic minorities, and his own irrational hatred for them supersedes love for own family, despising and disowning his daughter Julia for being gay, and proceeds to have her sent off to the death camp to be murdered after gaining a Quirk.

Sauvé, calculating, and manipulative; Tyler is a master using other people for his own purposes. He relishes getting one up on his enemies and is very petty about it. He seems to genuinely believe that he was chosen by god to destroy Superhumans, claiming he wishes to wipe the, all out to protect humanity, yet still decides to use non-superhumans as collateral damage or leverage, such as Pastor Domenico.

Cruel, hate-filled, and selfish, Tyler is considered to be one of, if not, the worst in the Wittebane Family. The only person he somewhat cares for aside from himself is his wife, Mary Wittebane, and even then, that has its limits and is very controlling. All he wants is for the world to reflect his narrow viewpoint and for there to be no dissenting opinions, much like his ancestors before him.



A descendant of Philip Wittebane, Tyler Wittebane was born in Gravesfield during 1970 and grew up loving to control people. Growing up in the Wittebane family, Tyler was well-off due to the multiple business ventures that the Wittebane family had under their belt, be it their Oil Tycoon or their Churches; Tyler never found himself going hungry. He never had to face any kind of problems in his life, as he had the best doctors, the best food, and the best living conditions. He was raised in the Spanish Inquisition-like Christian faith and swore by the bible word for word.

He eventually met his Wife at the age of 22 and was happily married for a decade and a half. After 15 years of marriage, he had his daughter Julia but quickly came to dislike her due to how she was outspoken and different. Around 14 years ago, he came into contact with Emperor Belos via magic mirror. Later on he meets the emperor and Hunter the Golden Guard in the Demon Realm, along with his young daughter.

He became the founder and minister of the large Wittebane Megachurch, which he expanded to become an influential member of the media and gained popularity and wealth as he became well known around the country. He became a devout speaker against things he sees as “evil” denouncing gay rights and ethnic minority groups. He shows to despise his own daughter when finding out she was gay, thinking she was possessed by a demon and had her locked in her room and physically beat her.

Summer Camp Saga[]

When superpowers popped up in grand scale, Tyler believed he was given a opportunity by God himself to save humanity and had plans to wipe them out. When Julia awakened her Quirk, he disowned her and kicked her out of his house. He worked with Governor Maxwell, sending his own daughter, who gained a quirk of her own, to be sent to a second Death Camp the Governor was working on, knowing full well what would happen. Tyler had even planned to replace her with another child, much to his wife's distress.

He later gives The Governor orders from Belos to kill all the remaining kids when the Ruler of The Boiling Isles hears that there's an All For One user among them.

Hunt for the Wittebanes Saga[]

Tyler Wittebane secretly works with Emperor Belos to wipe out Superhumans, unaware that he is his ancestor, and Belos sends Millie and Hunter, to the Human Realm to help kill Luz Noceda. With that, Tyler Wittebane sends Luz’s older cousin Riley from the Wittebane Militia Unit to join Team Beacon in Waterbury, Connecticut and wipe out the young superhero team.



  • Unknown parents (Likely Deceased)
  • Mary Wittebane (Wife)
  • Julia Wittebane † (Daughter, Disowned/Victim)
  • Phillip Wittebane (Direct Ancestor/Killer)
  • Caleb Wittebane (Indirect Ancestor)
  • Unborn Son
  • Hunter (Step Uncle)
  • The entire Clawthorne bloodline (Distant Relatives)


  • Wittebane Family
  • Witch Hunters Association
  • Wittebane Mega Church followers
  • Wittebane Militia Unit
    • Riley Stewardson † (Double Agent, formerly)
    • Jonah Smith
    • Sophia Humbolt
    • Derreck Winchester † (Double Agent)
    • Charlie †
    • William French †
    • Bobby Hilton †
  • The Senate
  • The Boiling Isles
    • Emperor Belos (Formerly, Killer)
    • Hunter the Golden Guard (Double Agent)
    • Millie Ravenclaw


  • Team Beacon
  • Pastor Domenico † (Victim)
  • Governor Adrian Rogers †
  • The Heroes of Christ
    • Ranger †
    • Magnessa
    • Monkey King †


  • According to the author, Tyler Wittebane is inspired by Father Anderson from Hellsing and Enrico Pucci from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures, taking Anderson’s fanaticism of God and Pucci’s coldness.
  • He is 50 years old and weighs 110 Lbs (49Kg).
  • He's a very busy man who "doesn't have time for hobbies".
  • Tyler has a good relationship with his wife and an excellent relationship with his extended family. However, they don't know about his role in his daughter's demise. He has a tenuous alliance with Emperor Belos, viewing him as unworthy of existing due to his magical status, completely unaware that he is his ancestor.
  • He's a karate master and knows how to fight back due to taking self-defense classes in is youth, although recently he has gotten rusty.
  • His Japanese voice actor would be Takehito Koyasu who voiced DIO from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

External Links[]


           The-Owl-House-logo Fanon Villains

MoringMark's comics
Main Timeline
Emperor Belos | Odalia Blight | Kikimora | Tibbles | Odalia's mother | Number 6 | Werebroom | Boscha's mother | The Collector | The Archivists (The Grand Huntsman)
Future Timeline
Grometheus | Boscha's mother | Boscha's Aunt and Uncle | Titan Trappers | Andes the Pain Shepherd | Odalia Blight
Witches Among Humans
Bat Queen | Grometheus | Philip Wittebane
Luzifer AU
Luzifer | Eda Clawthorne | Willow Park | Gus Porter | Amity Blight | Manny Noceda | Manny's thugs | Evil Vee | Raine Whispers | Darius Deamonne | Hunter

Normal Fics
Phillip and Caleb
Emperor Belos


What If? The Owl House
Luz Noceda (Zombie Universe)

Crossover Fics
All For Luz
All For One users: Toshiko Shigaraki (Redux) | Rikitasu Shigaraki (Redux)
Witch Hunters Association: Emperor Belos (Redux) | Tyler Wittebane (Redux) | Governor Rodger Maxwell (Redux)
Team Heaven's Devils (Redux): Kennedy Jennkins (Redux) | Cody Johnson (Redux)
Team Foxtrot (Redux): Emelia Worstoch (Redux) | Amber Stilwell (Redux)
Wittebane Militia Unit (Redux): Riley Stewardson (Redux) | Jonah Smith (Redux) | Sophia Humbolt (Redux)
The Order: Osmosis | Sheriff Martin Johnson (Redux)
Emperor's Coven: The Golden Guard (Redux) | Millie Ravenclaw (Redux)
Project N: Samual Rodriquez | Governor Adrian Rogers
Others: Tamashiki Shigaraki | Kyudai Garaki | Stanley Stewardson (Redux)

The Gods Awaken
Boscha | Cthulhu | Emperor Belos | Nyarlathotep | Odalia Blight

Web Videos
The Collector | Coven Scouts/"Steves" | Emperor Belos | Kikimora

we dubbed the Owl House and it was INSANE
Warden Wrath

Owl House Fanfilm

           Boku no Hero Academia LogoFanon Villains

Katsuki Bakugou

The Yakuza Isn't That Bad
Kai Chisaki

Izuku Esta Muerto
Evil Izuku

All For Luz
All For One users: Toshiko Shigaraki (Redux) | Rikitasu Shigaraki (Redux)
Witch Hunters Association: Emperor Belos (Redux) | Tyler Wittebane (Redux) | Governor Rodger Maxwell (Redux)
Team Heaven's Devils (Redux): Kennedy Jennkins (Redux) | Cody Johnson (Redux)
Team Foxtrot (Redux): Emelia Worstoch (Redux) | Amber Stilwell (Redux)
Wittebane Militia Unit (Redux): Riley Stewardson (Redux) | Jonah Smith (Redux) | Sophia Humbolt (Redux)
The Order: Osmosis | Sheriff Martin Johnson (Redux)
Emperor's Coven: The Golden Guard (Redux) | Millie Ravenclaw (Redux)
Others: Tamashiki Shigaraki | Kyudai Garaki | Stanley Stewardson (Redux)

Deku: The Dark Knight

Critical Multiverse

Villain Deku | Deku (Inverted AU) | Vanimikoleena The Inconsistent
