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Tari: Zelus! Please, just let them go! Your time is over! Don't drag them down with your failures!
I am not a FAILURE! WE are the REAL Meme Guardians! We are so close to creating the perfect universe! The power of the God Box... IS SUPPOSED TO BE OURS!!!!!
Belle: Shut up! You really are a special kind of messed up, aren’t you Zelus? You lie so much, you’ve even managed to convince yourself you’re not a monster!
Zelus: I'll fix this, don't worry! Just watch, JUST WATCH! I WILL FIX IT ALL!!!
~ Zelus' villainous breakdown as well as her last words before her Death.

Zelus, also known as the Night in the Prophecy, is the fanmade overarching antagonist of the 2011 Australian adult-animated comedy web series SMG4.

She is an extraterrestrial virus who started as an Inkling that grew greater intelligence from observing the world around her and being corrupted by the God Box, becoming a fully sentient being and yet a malicious one.

Following her omnicidal actions, Zelus was imprisoned inside the Cyber Space, gaining Control of the God Box, following the Anti-Meme energy. This caused the corruption of memes, and the creation of Niles, an imperfect meme guardian to help SuperMemeGuardian0 and his avatar in maintaining their domain, while actually, Niles was created as vessel to continue her and Venjix's plans. This makes her responsible for most of the Series' Conflicts

After being freed, she can continue her new world plans meaning she would tear down the very fabric that they consist of, making Zelus by far the most dangerous and powerful foe that The Glitchy Gang has ever faced.


She serves as the unseen overarching antagonist of Seasons 1-11, being the unseen overarching antagonist of the Cosmology Lore consisting the YouTube Arc, Genesis Arc and Revelations Arc. She later serves as one of the main antagonists of Season 12, being the unseen overarching antagonist of the first two halves of the season, the main antagonist of Meggy and the Secret of the Ink and the posthumous overarching antagonist of the Following Third.

She also serves as a hidden antagonist in Sunset Paradise.


Unlike most SMG4 Villains, Zelus is shown to be heartless, cruel and sadistic to the point where she is irredeemable. She is also a malevolent and prideful entity that only desires to destroy and consume worlds in order to make her perfect universe not caring if other lifeforms exist. Despite her seemingly peaceful goal, Zelus goes to extreme lengths to obtain it and causes mass destruction and death in her wake. She has shown no remorse for the lives she takes and the pain he causes and holds little regard for anyone's happiness but her own - showing extreme selfishness and self-righteousness.

She Has also shown to be Arrogant and Egotistical, Hating the Other SMGs, seeing them as wannabes since she believes only herself, Venjix, Niles and SMG0 are the true meme guardians.

She is also a complete hypocrite as she views Octolings, Other Races and Modern Inklings as "Viruses" that need to be Removed yet is a Virus making her defeat Ironic in Nature.


Thousands of years before the events of Super Mario 64 Bloopers Short: The Cake Is a Lie! Zelus was born as one of the first Inklings created by the Agents. At some point after this, Zelus begins to feel Disgusted with the world describing it as "A world of Evil!". After the First Splatfest's ending and The Reactivation of the God Box, Zelus started to realize in a delusional way that "There is no Good only Evil" Attracting the God Box who granted her powers making her into an Eldritch Horror and ended up fusing with Summer and Destroying Inkopoils. One day, she found a guardian pod which belonged to a meme guardian, therefore she killed him and took the guardian pod where she went to the Great Beyond and therefore found the God Box. Not long after that, she started to corrupt the God Box and transcended her and Venjix's souls to it, due to this, the memes from many universes became corrupted by his essence, including SMG0’s universe. SMG0 himself went to his guardian pod to travel to the Great Beyond in order to seek the God Box for help to save his universe. Eventually, the God Box created the artificial meme guardian Niles, to be SMG0's partner. Together, Niles and SMG0 were able to create the Internet Graveyard where the dead memes could be cleansed and thus created the meme life cycle, thus restoring peace to their universe.

In Actuality, it was Venjix who created Niles through the God Box, seeing him as the perfect vessel for him to destroy all life in the multiverse. Therefore, Zelus started to corrupt Niles, which made him notice something wrong with him, as he began having hallucinations of some kind of demented form of himself and the God Box's presence constantly haunting his mind, forcing him to confront the box itself to find out what was wrong. However, the box further corrupts him with its presence and gives Niles the idea that he is imperfect and that he must make himself and SMG0 "perfect", to which it corrupts him even further by granting him eldritch powers. To be clear, Niles was actually possessed by Venjix and Zelus' destructive essence which made Niles obsessed with perfection.

After Francis was defeated, that two masses of energy, one light and one dark, hover around each other before they take off, the light mass (Summer) flies off into the Great Beyond. Angered at her plan being ruined and Francis' Treachery, the dark mass (Zelus) latches itself onto Meggy, hiding within her subconscious eventually becoming Shadow Meggy.

SMG4: Mario VS Youtubers[]

Shadow Meggy briefly appears (albeit disguised as a black entity prior to her physical appearance) and was about to haunt Meggy's mind, only for Bob to burst into the house, causing the front door to knock Shadow Meggy back.

SMG4: The Pursuit of Happiness[]

Shadow Meggy makes multiple attempts to take over Meggy's mind, initially appearing in her disguised form at different points. Near the end of the video, she finally shows her true self, attempting to convince Meggy to give up and after she failed to find her calling multiple times. Before she can completely break Meggy's mental state, SMG4's Gang rings the doorbell to give her a ticket to Port Aurora, forcing Shadow Meggy to leave for the time being.

Sunset Paradise[]

She first appears in the nightmare sequence in SUNSET PARADISE - EP 1: PILOT where she beats Meggy in a fight. She then tells Meggy that no matter much she runs, she'll never escape herself before dropping Meggy into the abyss, ending the dream.

She returns in SUNSET PARADISE - EP 3: Reservoir Cats after Meggy (and Auri) suffered from hallucinogenic gas. She taunted Meggy about how she left behind her friends because she didn't want them to interfere and how Auri wouldn't be able to help her. Cue Auri, who is also stuck in a hallucination with his grandfather discouraging him. Auri tells his hallucination that he has his "supervisor" to help him, causing his and Meggy's hallucinations to appear to both of them at the same time. They simultaneously yell that they don't care what they (Shadow Meggy and Auri's false grandfather) says, causing them to step back in fear, ending the hallucination.

She appears again in SUNSET PARADISE - EP 5: The Funk and the Furious in a reflection from a TV screen to taunt Meggy for unintentionally pushing Auri away and for not listening to his warnings about the Funky Fource, who were about to brainwash her with the TV.

In SUNSET PARADISE - EP 7: What Comes Next., she reappears in a mirror after Meggy harshly tells Auri that he can't stop the crime boss because he isn't a real sheriff like his grandfather. She tells her that even though that she was born from a "bad concussion" Meggy had, she knows that Meggy messed up. She would later reappear while Meggy was trying to get Auri to run away from the Goonies who he was trying to fight off. She tells Meggy that if Auri dies, it would be her fault just like last time. Thankfully, Auri manages to pull through by fooling the Goonies with an egg-shaped marshmallow. Right before setting off to stop Benedict together, Meggy sees Shadow Meggy in another mirror. Meggy sternly stares at her for nearly messing up her friendship with Auri before ignoring her completely.

In SUNSET PARADISE - EP 9: All Fall Down, she echoes what she said to Meggy earlier about "all her fault" after you know what had happened.

In SUNSET PARADISE - EP 10: Rebirth, Meggy was hallucinating fighting her although it was Whisk who was actually attacking her. Once she gained confidence and hatched the Phoenix Egg, she disappeared as the fear gas went away and the focus went to Benedict. In the aftermath, Shadow Meggy asks Meggy if the vacation changed anything and if there's anything she wants to do in life, which Meggy exclaims her purpose is to help people in need. Once Meggy finally got her mind cleared and goal set out, Shadow Meggy vanished for now.

SMG4 Movie: Meggy and The Secret of the Ink[]

In the Months following Eldritch SMG0's defeat, SMG1 and SMG2 later called a Conference at Omnia Academy and showed them some images of destroyed universes and showed a Cryptic Message, believing that "Niles” came back somehow, even though Melony had witnessed Niles’ death by the destruction of the God Box. The two meme guardians reaffirmed that Niles may have been resurrected somehow, little they know is that it was Zelus who destroyed those universes, not Niles.

In an Abyss, She and the Other Dark Rules discovered Niles' body. Zelus ordered spare parts be used to repair Megatron's body with an Agent's Body and struck with a USB. She later appeared confronting the Dark Cast and spoke to Venjix a way to make a new universe.

Bringing the Glitchy Gang into an interrogation room, in an effort to appeal to the better nature, Zelus claims to help make a better universe to which they Deny and later tortured them.

Zelus eventually finally captures the Glitchy Gang at Mount Splat after tracking them down and later sent them to backrooms, with no form of contact available as way to get them to the Dark Web.

Zelus was later seen making Anime Repilcas like Francis did by using Inkling and Octoling Ink as well as her own, When Tari tries to convince her to stop what he was doing, Zelus refuses and threatens to put them in the exact same Process as the Inklings & Octolings.

After SMG1 calls the Gltichy Gang to the Castle, It's revealed that Zelus has been in the Kingdom where they notice a Meggy Clone floating above them unconscious and surrounded by the four Guardian Pods while The Three "Real Meme Guardians" stands above them, happily laughing that their plans are working to the Gang's horror.

After the smoke clears, Zelus has further evolved with him becoming Eldritch Zelus, much to everyone's shock and horror. Despite their pleas to stop and attacks towards them, she proceeds to enter the castle to find Meggy and kill the Glitchy Gang.

Initially falling for SMG3 and SMG4's tricks, Zelus becomes infuriated and attacks the two before the rest of the gang enters and tries to fight her off but despite their best efforts, they are only able to force her, Niles II and Venjix back outside. However, it is revealed that SMG1, SMG2, SMG3, SMG4 & SMG6 set a trap for them as they each take control of one of the Guardian Pods and commence the reversal process in an attempt to force Zelus' Power out of Her but despite Meggy entering the mindscape and finding out that Shadow Meggy was her all along, she is unable to defeat her as Zelus has lost all patience and uses her corrupted powers to detain everyone in chains while he bursts into the castle and retrieves Meggy to SMG4 and Mario's horror.

With no more interruptions, Zelus uses the Guardian Pods to trap the Meggy Clone in a crystal while all of the memes in the universe are transformed into energy and fly up into a wormhole that The Three Dark Ruler Leaders had opened in the sky. SMG1, SMG2 & SMG6 realize that in order to create a new universe, they would destroy it then create it.

Unchaining everyone, SMG2 tells everyone to go after Zelus into the wormhole as it's their only chance of defeating Them while the two of them stay behind to distract him. Inside the wormhole, SMG6, SMG3, SMG4 and the others go through different portals created by the crystal to challenge them before they make it through to the other side where the memes are gathering around the Cube as his essence is being used to create the new universe.

Meggy flies towards the cube, only for them to notice a shadow hovering over him as he looks in absolute shock to see the true form of Venjix's True Form: Eldritch Venjix, who then takes on the form of Eldritch Zero as Zelus uses her power to create dark forms o the gang out of their negativeness to fight the others. Everyone is consumed with despair until Meggy manages to motivate everyone to follow her into battle as they begin their final clash with Zelus.

Despite the combined efforts of Meggy, Desti and The Glitchy Gang, Zelus defeats them all before severely injuring SMG4 and sending Mario to fall to his apparent death, much to Meggy's distraught. Zelus then proceeds to use the Guardian Pods to successfully create her, Venjix and Niles II's New Universe with Venjix as the Core of it. Believing to having succeeded in taking over The Mushroom Universe and plunging it into darkness.

Inside the Hive Mind, Meggy and Desti engages in battle with Zelus in exchange for The Mushroom Kingdom's safety. Zelus battles Neo alone; as she explains, she has foreseen her victory and has no need for the help of her master. The two are almost evenly matched, though Meggy'd combat abilities seem arguably superior to that of Zelus, the latter who seems to attack more out of brute force. In the midst of this battle, Zelus explains to Desti her final revelation that she and Niles II are Fanatical about Agent Venjix not caring if he dies. Desti took this chance, striking Zelus and knocking her down. Her armor was a damaged, shattered mess, Zelus ignored the punishment and focused on the hybrid, growling that she would not stop at creating her universe. As Desti ordered Meggy to help her with defeating Zelus, Meggy now lost all hope until a vision of Axol, but with SMG5, Greg, Spudnick, Fred and Terrance who came to help out their dear friends as their spirits now manifested on Meggy's deity power helping with Meggy and Desti they put the final attack.

Outside, Venjix screams in agony due to the God Box's destruction which causes Zelus and Niles II into a simultaneous flash of white light, ending the war for good. as everyone cheers with the evil having finally been destroyed while the memes begin to return back home and the new universe closes up. SMG4 congratulates everyone on a job well done while Mario wonders where Meggy and Desti are. A light came and out of the portal came out Meggy and Desti as the former came out okay while the latter got her the powers she had as Inkling.


Even after her death, Zelus still had an Impact on the SMG4 series as she is the reason why the Glitchy Gang moved again and Meggy lost her mother because of this making her depressed for a Month if it weren't for the Glitchy Gang she would still be this way thanks to Zelus.





Zelus was an Inkling girl with red tentacles, red ink color, light skin, and has black sclera with red iris. She wears a Blowfish Bell Hat, Black Inky Rider, and Blue Sea Slugs.

Before she turned evil, she had purple eyes.


  • While an OC, she is the darkest villain in the series due to having no redeeming qualities and her actions are portrayed with much more gravity.
  • Zelus was Inspired by Megatron, Sentinel Prime & Harold Attinger from the Transformers film series
  • Zelus shares similarities with XANA from Code Lyoko, Agent Smith from The Matrix trilogy and Invictus from Final Space.
    • All four are viruses who aim to exterminate all life (with the exception of Invictus, who is not an AI but a god-like being: However, both it and Zelus can travel universes while seeking to destroy them).
    • All four are capable of possessing other living creatures.
    • All four don’t seem to possess any redeeming qualities, and if they did, they essentially completely lost them in the end.
    • All four seek to destroy a certain individual in order to achieve their goals (Meggy for Zelus, Aelita for XANA, Neo for Smith and Gary Goodspeed for Invictus.)
  • Zelus has some similarities to Lieutenant Obsidian from Inkopoils Chaos:
    • Both are racist. Zelus is racist to octolings, and Lieutenant Obsidian is racist to Inklings.
    • Both are rivals to the protagonists.
  • Zelus is shown to be a dark reflection of Meggy. Like her, she suffered a tragic life and were wanting to win the Splatfest. However, Meggy made friends and ended up being a good person. However, Zelus instead got powers and ended up being a god wannabe. She represents what Meggy could have become if she let the past consume her and filled herself with hatred and malice.


           SMG4 2023 Logo Villains

Protagonists and Anti-Villains
Mario | Bowser | Bob Bobowski | SMG3 | Saiko Bichitaru | Toad | Princess Peach | Swagmaster69696969696 | Hal Monitor | Jeeves | Beeg SMG4 | Bowser Jr. | Dr. Eggman | Desti | JubJub Boopkins | Rob the Scarecrow | Whimpu | Melony | Belle Fontiere | Kaizo Koorumaniru

Arc Villains
SMG3 | Waluigi | Bob Bobowski | Francis | Niles | Lawyer Kong | Mr. Puzzles
Wario | The Imposter | Boss | Herobrine Persson | King Boo | Grand Dad | Mr. L | The Butt Ninja | The Terrorist | Shadow Meggy | Ztar | Enzo | Master Hand | Agent Biker | Reymond D. Gai | Admiral S. Swipe | Ivan | False Mewtwo | False Sephiroth | False Super Saiyan God | Team Killer Ink Leader | WeaBOO | Anti-Shroomy | Susan Wojcicki | Papa John | Ernie | Fuego the Water Bottle | Xenomorph | Mario's Father | Maestro Mano | Jeeves | Mr. Krabs | SpongeBob SquarePants | Cosmo Cosma | Jimmy Neutron | Big Chungus | Bowsette | Serial Designation N | Mickey Mouse | Goofy | The Villager | Animatronics | Springtrap | Mr. Incredible | Daycare Attendant | The Blob | Baldi | Daddy Dearest | Mommy Mearest | Oofio | William Afton | Grand Mario | Jevil | Bill Cosby | Yoshi | Hulk Yoda | Box Club Leader | MX | Luigi.exe | Juan Carlos Bodoque| Serial Designation N | Marty | Depresso | Mr. L (Too Late.Exe) | Freddy Fazbear | Eldritch Goop | One-Shot Wren | Mr. Nice Guy | Demoman | Skibidi Toilets

Luigi Dolls | A.S.S. | Anime Cartel | Anime Replicas | Team Killer Ink | Ugandan Knuckles | All Star Brawlers | Anti-Cast | Sinister Six | The Box Club | Teletubbies | Inkling Flummie Bullies | Puzzlevision | Leggies | Puzzlebox Kids Subscribers

Emperor Arcturus | Imperium of Mogtopolis | ᗩᖇT̴̩͝𝓗U̵Ṛ̶̈́ | SMG.EXE | Mario | Sonic The Hedgehog | Tari | Zelus | Nula | Wario | Waluigi

See Also
Sunset Paradise Villains
