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Villains Fanon Wiki

This Villain was Featured in April 2021.

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The "Sonic logo" in the VHS'
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Villain Overview

Enslaving, punishing, slaughtering and killing is my things to do everytime, and i liked it a lot. Do you think you going to stop me from doing that Tronos? Well i am villain who always succeed all the time and i am incredibly strong, SO strong that not even one person or many could defeat me at once or twice. just why you are a hero and always saving those unpleasant idiots all the time? It is so pesky and worthless that it always annoy me like fucking hell and i REALLY hate it! Being a hero is very useless to me because heroes are always so annoyingly busy saving those idiotic mortals that i obviously don't like. Well being a villain is way better because you get to do mean stuff and commit crimes easily like yeah, it feels so good that i keep doing it over and over again. So be a villain someday rather than being a hero, it's so easy, easy as fuck. All you do is to betray your allies and friends traitorously and kill some of them, and then you become a villain, a fallen hero and a hero-to-zero person! So that's how you become a villain! So become one... Tronos!
~ Zorthenport to Tronos.
You may be thinking on why am i going to destroy heroism completely. Well because i hate it. i REALLY, really hate it, Do you know why? Is because heroes are just stupid people who always rescue those embarrassing, annoying mortals from danger and that REALLY irritates me like hell everytime. So i decided to make a excellent plan to destroy heroism completely, But how am i going to do that? Well i am going to kill all of the heroes, ALL of them. So that's why.
~ Zorthenport explaining why he's going to destroy heroism.
I have created chaos because i want those mortals to suffer so bad they will think how bad life is!
~ Zorthenport on his creation Chaos.
That didn't hurt.
~ Zorthenport's catchphrase when he gets attacked but doesn't feel pain.
Do you realize i am invincible, Idiot?
~ Zorthenport.

Zorthenport, also known mostly as Villain The First, or the Creator Of Chaos, is the main protagonist of the spoof series Scratch Show. He is the supreme ruler of the observable universe and the extraterrestrial nation Austzorthia/Austzorth Public. He is also the first zorth in all of history. Zorthenport is a racist, oppressive, sadistic, arrogant, cruel dictator who kills heroes and innocent people, raping enemies, bomb cities, hack programs and websites, brainwashing heroes into villains, punish anyone who breaks the rules, kill villains who redeemed themselves and enslave people literally.

Due to his personality, Zorthenport is mixed to other villains like Adolf Hitler, The Scarlet King, Emperor Palpatine and Bill Cipher. In a few days, Zorthenport created a huge empire/military with psychopathic assassins and oppressive overlords to commit harsh crimes all over the world with them but sometimes he is a one-man army.

He is also the real creator of chaos because he wanted mortals to suffer badly and thinking how bad life is, so he decided to create a dangerous furor called chaos to make the world incredibly dangerous and wild. In the time after he had created chaos, He slaughtered and enslaved children and their parents literally, Even innocent aliens from other worlds of the universe. He also conquered all of the worlds in the universe tyrannically and punishing billions of civilians in his country, even his servants and minions all the time including Wallace Breen.

This version is created by YossonXD.


Human Form[]

Zorthenport's human form is very similar to Gross From Attack On Titan. But with grey skin, purple eyes, and red clothes resembling as Gross. He's like that because Zorthenport is a sergeant of the Alien Human Containment Bionic Military. He has a human form because of a mission disguising a bit like Gross facing from the soldiers of Marley.

Former Titan Form[]

Zorthenport's former titan form is extremely colossal, very related to the Armored Titan, His armor parts of his body is green. His eyes are rare white and his eyes are slant like he's sleepy. He changed his titan form to another phrase because he doesn't like it.

The Second Phrase Of The Titan Form[]

Zorthenport's second phrase on his titan form. He turned from his normal titan form into a colossal volcanic monster having his titan's skin made out of stone. The unusual fact about Zorthenport's second phrase titan form is it has an atmosphere mostly made out of carbon dioxide and fiery gas. Zorthenport's second phrase titan form is extremely hot that a person will scorch above his titan's atmosphere.

Infinity God[]

Zorthenport's infinity god form is used for raising all of his powers into a legendary weapon turning him into a god of powers. Zorthenport's eyes will turn purple with extreme electricity made of lightning and toxin. Zorthenport uses this form to kill a enemy faster and possible within' raising powers.

Ultra Infinity God[]

Zorthenport's second infinity god form or the Ultra Infinity God form is the more ultra version of the regular infinity god form. When he turns into this ultra form, His skin will crack and create holes with green energy of death. His teeth will turn sharp, His left arm will grow sharp, pale thrones entirely and also on the shoulders with two of each shoulder on his body, His left arm's hand will disappear, At the bottom of the arm, He has a rare eye and mouth with sharp teeth that can vomit green energy as necromancy to the enemy, His armor will disappear also but not his pants and metal shoes, He has several pale thrones on his back in the middle of his spine. When you annoy him at one time, The energy inside of him showing in the holes of his skin will turn yellow, But when you annoy him one more time, He will rage maniacally and the energy will turn red. Here's something different, When you throw a thing at his head, He will rage with his energy turning red also. So this is so far the most powerful forms Zorthenport ever taken. After he rages with his maniacal scream and he hits the ground with his two, powerful arms hardly with his energy turning red, He will charge the enemy down with his sharpy, left arm up and suddenly attack the enemy with his dangerous, charging left arm to stake the enemy's throat or chest.

But if he gets closer to you, You will start to lose sanity quickly. But when you are losing sanity, You'll began to vomit blood and your skin start to melt and peel. Also, Your will see static glitching with Zorthenport's scary face on your vision.

Scary Form[]

Zorthenport's scary form looks exactly the same expect his face. His eyes has rare, black eyes with white pupils with a small black circle in the middle of the pupil and a creepy smile with meat and blood resembling as Jeff The Killer's smile. Same as his Ultra Infinity God Form, You will lose sanity exactly the same as the Ultra Infinity God Form. His scary form looks dangerously terrifying



Zorthenport is 300 centimeters tall zorth that wears red armor, black sleeves, purple bow tie, black pants with metal shoes, And black hair. His mouth has big teeth and it's very non-lipped, He also has black eyes with white pupils.

Overworld Titan[]

Zorthenport's titan is a zorth titan bigger than the Colossus Titan and Rod Reiss's Titan ranging to 1940 kilometers. His titan form is very distinguishing, resembling as the Armored Titan but in zorth titan form. With green-armored marks around his titan form, Yet Zorthenport's titan does not have skin but with the green-armored marks around it, His titan form also has rare white eyes looking like it's relaxed or tired.

Pure Titan[]

Not very much about Zorthenport's pure titan, But his pure titan form has purple eyes, straight weird teeth and a muscular body.

Pyromaniac-Overworld Titan (Phrase 2 Titan)[]

Zorthenport second phrase of his titan form is very disturbing. It has stoned skin with cracked marks with magma hidden inside, holed-eyes with magma dripping out, A unexpected magma-filled skeleton-like nose, A big mouth covered with magma everywhere with stoned straps sticking outside of his messy mouth. outside of his titan form, He has pumping black smoke coming from his back, his back of his head, his legs and his back of his arms. The smoke was very gigantic, It can ruin the environment or the air quality in the world. Inside of his titan form. It's made out of hydrogen, carbon dioxide and fiery gas, causing his titan body temperature sent to 945,145,470° degrees. Also there's a lot of magma flowing above of the stomach, Possibly can vaporize a devoured person in the magma just by it touching it.


I am the true ruler of the observable universe...
~ Zorthenport being arrogant saying that he's the true ruler of the observable universe

Zorthenport is very aggressive, bossy, ruthless, and a pure evil dictator. He plans very evil plans for his army and his servants to rule the world, Making it into his alien exoplanet called Zorth-15a. And also making humanity extinct and killing a lots of people and getting the DNA from them. He causes malignity upon any hero who is against him, And offensively killing them easily with his powers and weapons, He is very genocidal and arrogant.

Declaring on his personality, He caused treason to other universes upon his enemies of his villainy. He was trying to stop Heroism so he can rule the world without heroes trying to defeat him. His titan powers makes him even more obsessive to his abilities to attack an enemy. For months later, Zorthenport killed Barney Calhoun's best friend, Gordon Freeman with a minigun. That makes Calhoun want to defeat Zorthenport indirectly. He is literally offensive due to his words.

Zorthenport is very hectoring because of his dissociate and villainous behavior. Due to his actions, Zorthenport would kill someone with his powers or weapons or even rob a bank. He also will destroy quadrillions of universes with his strong abilities for his harm. Zorthenport is colossal-universally intelligent that he can know everything from math, science, geography, astronomy and more due to his crazy intelligence. The more he does evil stuff, The more eviler he gets. Zorthenport is completely remorseless because he is careless and doesn't have emotions such as sad and scared. Also, His personality makes Zorthenport act like other villains such as Adolf Hitler, The Scarlet King, Emperor Palpatine and Bill Cipher.


  • Crowbar
  • Minigun
  • Laser Eyes

List Of Victims Killed By Zorthenport[]

List Of victims
  • 9 numerous groups of scientists from Black Mesa - Destroyed by Zorthenport's minigun
  • 4 numerous groups of guards from Black Mesa - Got violently dismembered or choked by Zorthenport
  • 80 numerous groups of countless marines from HECU - Burned by Zorthenport's laser attacks
  • Reiner Braun - Got eaten by Zorthenport (as a Pure Titan, unintentional)
  • Entire population of City 17 - Got destroyed by Zorthenport's spaceship
  • 7 groups of soldiers - Got smashed and burned by Zorthenport (as the Phrase 2 Titan)
  • 780 numerous counts of citizens in the walls - Got destroyed by Zorthenport's Storms (as the Phrase 2 Titan)
  • 55 numerous counts of people from other universes - Got vaporized by Zorthenport and his army
  • Sonic - escaped from Zorthenport's arm but his body dismembered brutally
  • Mario - Got decapitated by Zorthenport's supernova punch
  • 7 countless children - Got tricked by Zorthenport with a killing trick with sentries.
  • All of the protesters in Hong Kong - Got bombed by Zorthenport's atomic bombs
  • 87 unnamed members from the Survey Corps - Got shot and killed by Zorthenport and his friends.
  • Elmo - Got strangled by Zorthenport's bare hands
  • 1 guy in a building - Got eaten by Zorthenport
  • Spider-Man - Got shot by the head by Zorthenport with a loose shotgun
  • Numerous Gooders - Got sniped and exploded by Zorthenport
  • Black Panther - Got burned by Zorthenport
  • Levi Ackerman - Got decapitated by Zorthenport
  • Captain Underpants - Got decapitated by Zorthenport
  • Scorpion - Got his heart removed violently by Zorthenport
  • Sam I-Am - Got exploded by Zorthenport for annoying with Green Eggs & Ham
  • Cuphead - Got smashed to the head by Zorthenport
  • Mugman - Got decapitated by Zorthenport
  • Wolverine - Got his body dismembered by Zorthenport
  • Bowser - Got sniped by the head by Zorthenport
  • Robin - Got exploded by Zorthenport
  • A few counts of blue agent soldiers - Got raped by Zorthenport
  • 3 unnamed members from the Survey Corps - Got decapitated by Zorthenport
  • Numerous members of the National Savior Police Force - Got exploded and raped by Zorthenport
  • Harry Du Bois - Got attacked with sound waves by Zorthenport

Attempted Victims[]

  • Gordon Freeman
  • Mr. Peterson
  • Bendy
  • Freddy Fazbear
  • Bonnie
  • Chica
  • Foxy
  • Zombie Laser Redor
  • Mario
  • Jeff The Killer
  • Dr. Issac Kleiner
  • Spongebob

Residential Places[]

Zorth Home Tower[]

The Zorth Home Tower is a scientific facility and a military base of where all Zorthes live, Even the A.H.C.B.M because the facility was ruled by the military and mostly Zorthenport. It looks like a sharpy red mountain with blue windows, black lines, yellow doors, buildings and a staircase connecting to its landing. This facility is 9 quadrillion high that its almost touch the atmosphere. But the facility was having a free zone just for protection so no one can enter the facility. The army of the facility cannot allow anyone to enter the facility (except friends and citizens) because it's off limits for restricted reasons. And if anyone entered the facility, They will be punished violently like executions. So the facility, Not meaning it's a private place, Is because is off-limits for people who are not on Zorthenport's side or not from the country called Austzorth Public. The facility also has special rooms and training along with the military. The facility also has a prison in the back for those who are too risky to be punished. The prison look like a plant factory but with cells everywhere inside. There's also Zorth SWATS guarding the ce

Zorth residence

Zorthenport's facility

lls for the prisoners.


  • It takes 9 days to reach and enter the Zorth Home Tower from the staircase
  • The Zorth Home Tower was the tallest tower in the world
  • The Zorth Home Tower has accelerated elevators, even the entrance
  • The Zorth Home Tower was almost in outer space from the atmosphere
  • The tower was built in 1950
  • While you are outside of the tower, you can see the moon but it viewed very gigantic

Powers And Abilities[]

  • Laser Attacks: Zorthenport could burn anything on sight with this power by powering it up higher
  • Enhanced Sight: Zorthenport can see a object or an entity 346,684,546,673,832 meters away like a powerful telescope. If he's done with this ability, He touches his lids of his eyes and automatically turns back to normal.
  • Teleportation: Zorthenport can teleport far away or near due to this power. It sometimes requires Enhanced Sight.
  • Telekinesis: Zorthenport can move things fast or slow in the same time.
  • Manipulation: Zorthenport can make a person or a thing froze by time by using this power like a black hole.
  • Choking Manipulation: Zorthenport can choke somebody without holding by raising his hand posed like he's holding something but he's actually not.
  • Infinity God Manipulation: One of Zorthenport's strongest powers, Zorthenport turns into a Infinity God by raising and combining all of his powers in one power. Once he does that, He has the ability to fly.
  • Relationship-Change Possession: Zorthenport is able to change someone's relationship to another someone by controlling and possessing them with disorders and giving them brain tumors, He can choose dislike or like due to changing their relationships.
  • Black Magic: Zorthenport uses this power to haunt someone down to make that person scared endlessly.
  • Deleting Manipulation: Zorthenport is able to delete someone or object from existence like a computer.
  • Disguising: Zorthenport has the power to disguise as someone for a robbery, spying mission or a killing mission.
  • Supernova Punching: Zorthenport can punch someone violently like a supernova.
  • Self-Substance: Zorthenport does not require food, water, sleep, or oxygen to live.
  • Crossover-Traveling: Zorthenport has the power to travel to any cartoon, anime, movie, story, or a video game.
  • Necromancy: Zorthenport can create an energy ball made out of mass electricity and hurl to somebody violently.
  • Oneirokinesis: Zorthenport can manipulate and control brainwaves into nightmares in a sleeping person.
  • Umbrakinesis: Zorthenport is able to control darkness and lightness of everything, Even the sun.
  • Time Manipulation: Zorthenport can control time backwards and forwards anytime.
  • Age Manipulation: Zorthenport can manipulate somebody's age to old or young.
  • Universe Manipulation: Zorthenport could control a force of the universe variously.
  • Planet Manipulation: Zorthenport can manipulate a planet's appearance, atmosphere, surface and more.
  • Reviving Manipulation: Zorthenport is able to revive a dead person.
  • Classification Manipulation: Zorthenport can reclassify a person, a animal or a object.
  • Fear Inducement: Zorthenport is able to bring fear and despair to his enemies.
  • Immortality: Zorthenport is able to live forever, Even other zorthes.
  • Death Manipulation: Zorthenport can kill somebody without bare hands or a weapon. All he has to do is to stare at them crazily.
  • Disease Spreading: Zorthenport is able to spread plagues and diseases everywhere on the planet.
  • Titan Controlling: Like the Beast Titan, Zorthenport could control, create and kill Titans while being a Zorth or a Titan.
  • Personality Manipulation: Zorthenport is able to change and manipulate somebody's personality into bad, good, hardheaded, shy, mischievous, and more.
  • Weather Manipulation: Zorthenport is able to change the weather into a hurricane, a tornado, a sandstorm, a lightning storm and more storms.
  • Event Manipulation: Zorthenport can make bad and good events happen right now like a war, a asteroid coming to hit earth, the sun ready to die, the end of the world, a retrograde, a protestation, a race, a black hole sucking everything including earth and more.
  • Omnimalevolence: Zorthenport can create evil demons, gods, new villains, and more, and kill them.
  • Life Bringing Manipulation: Zorthenport can bring something to life.
  • Titan Scream: Like the Beast Titan/Zeke Yeager, Zorthenport can turn people into titans by screaming so loud.

  • Charging: Zorthenport uses this ability to bump into someone violently.
    • Strength: Zorthenport is extremely strong, His strength level is unknown because it's so colossally strong that it could beat a gigantic monster or a powerful god.
    • Stamina: Zorthenport's stamina is at the same power level as his strength.
    • Speed: Zorthenport's speed is also the same power level as his strength and his stamina, Faster than light.
    • Extraordinary Intelligence: Zorthenport acquires all the knowledge in his mind to power up into a powerful god.
    • Flying: Zorthenport uses this ability when he's a Infinity God.

  • Name: Zorthenport Vladimir Reagans
  • Origin: Scratch
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 114
  • Tier: 7-B | High 7-A
  • Attack Potency: Universe Level+, fairly high (Had destroyed 340 universes, found some of the Scratch episodes.)
  • Speed: Colossally FTL (capable of the speed of light), likely Omnipresent within the observable universe |Omnipresent (became one in spacetime)
  • Lifting Strength: Class F, likely higher | Unknown
  • Striking Speed: Universal | Unknown
  • Durability: Universe Level+ (survived millions of attacks from the characters) | Unknown (he cannot feel pain)
  • Stamina: Colossally high
  • Intelligence:'Extraordinary Genius level (Smarter than human beings or other entities in the observable universe, Introduced in Episode 5 when Zorthenport showing his skills in the worker room part of the Zorth Home Tower.)
  • Key: Base Form | After showing his skills


    Zorthenport's statistics



    Garry's Mod[]

    Zorthenport looks a bit drawn badly, with little white pupils, A messed up lined mouth, thick hair, a overdrawn torso, fat legs, badly drawn arms, and a overlooking head, Is because he was a nextbot in Garry's Mod. But it was a meme in Garry's Mod.

    Scratch: The Breached War[]

    Zorthenport was looking the same appearance as shown in Scratch. But it was an 3D episode about him fighting other characters from the worlds.


    Zorthenport looks very sketchy declaring on the point, He was non-colored because it was in a black and white comics about Zorthenport planning a mission of the Attack On Titan world.

    The Infinity[]

    Zorthenport looks the same again, same as in Scratch: The Breached War, But he has glowing purple eyes and he had powers to take down characters on sight, He can fly around now because he was turned into a dark god because Zorthenport wants to get more powerful.


    • Don LaFontaine - Scratch
    • Mark Hamill - Scratch Cinematic Universe
    • Al Pacino - Multiversal Legends


    Well, What a morning, sitting being relaxed and sipping my coffee, very drastic and relaxing.
    ~ Zorthenport's first quote.
    Zorthenport: Ah shit, We missed! Wallace Breen!
    Wallace Breen: What is it sir?
    Zorthenport: Help me kill those mortals!
    Wallace Breen: Yes SIR!
    ~ Zorthenport asking Wallace Breen to help him.
    Hurry up shitbags!
    ~ Zorthenport's catchphrase, when he hurrying his slaves up with anger.
    Humans are always annoying...
    ~ Zorthenport.
    Let's see the victims of what i have killed, A scientist… deceased. A security guard… deceased. A soldier… deceased. A titan expert… deceased. A civilian… deceased. An alien… deceased. A hero… deceased. And a gooder… deceased.
    ~ Zorthenport counting on his victims.
    ~ Zorthenport's famous quote.
    Barney Calhoun: I going to win this time, Zorthenport!
    Zorthenport: Oh please, why would you think so? I always win in battles and you don't! So why you thinking that you will win instead of me? Are you being so sarcastic and naive? I'm sure not.
    ~ Zorthenport convincing Barney Calhoun in a battle
    Listen you bunny-shrimp-insect dick, I'm not going to help you to get liked is because you're so generic that you are hated by quadrillions! Now get the FUCK out of here and go where the FUCK you came from.
    ~ Zorthenport to Shadow Aaron

    Scratch: The Breached War[]

    Mario: It's a-me Mari-AAAAHHH!!!
    Zorthenport: Not so fast, Mario. At least your dead so ha!
    ~ Zorthenport killed and taunted Mario.
    Sonic: Gotta go fa-! Guagh!!!
    Zorthenport: You nothing but a weakling and a hedgehog that is not that fast as I would've expected.
    ~ Zorthenport killed and taunted at Sonic
    Zorthenport: Wallace Breen!
    Wallace Breen: Yes Sir!
    Zorthenport: Pass me a knife!
    Wallace Breen: Yes Zorthenport!
    ~ Zorthenport asking Wallace Breen for a knife.
    Take that you fat, pesky creature!
    ~ Zorthenport shot Bowser in the head.
    The Heavy: Let's kill all cowards and eat sandvich!
    Zorthenport: Okay Mikhail, let's do that!
    ~ Zorthenport to Mikhail (The Heavy).
    Levi Ackerman: You think you will get away from this?
    Zorthenport: Of course Levi, with this… [transforms into a titan]
    ~ Zorthenport to Levi Ackerman.

    Demonic Quotes[]

    D̳̯̤͖̝ͤͨ̉̀͂E̖̬̣̥̙̠̬ͮͧ̚Ã̹̠͕̼̯T͖̲̫̻͕ͥ̏̽̍̐H͉̰̭͇̃ͩͧ ̻͓̻̆̓̓̿ͧW̯͖͖̮͎͎̪͖̓͊ͪÍ̜̦̯̦̬̓̽ͅL̩̗̳̲̟͕̥͔̖͋̊̂ͤ͆L̺͒͛̇ͪ̊ ̠̳̦̦̪̞͖̝̟̽ͬͩ͑ͬB̠̬̖͈͐ͭĖ͈̺̩͈̺̞̿̎͌̋ͤ̽̆ ̭̝̹̼̋́ͧͥ̽͗̉ͬO̩̭̱̓N̮̯͆̃̈́̔̓̋̏ ̦̬͌ͣ̅̌ͦ̚Y͍̤ͫ́͆ͩ̽̾͗O͙̪͉̳͓̙̘̯̟̒̆̽̌ͯͥU̖͖̰̟͙͎̹̟͚ͯ̇́ͦ.
    ~ Zorthenport.
    Y̶̖̖̹̟͎̙͈͔̏͠O̵̘͇̅̏̌̆̈́̆͆̋Ú̶̘͖͇̤͙͕̲͓̺̭͍̜̔͋͒͑̅̈̾ ̴̠̎̾̈́͐̎͋̃̀̈̐͝T̵̡̤̮͔͉̼̟̂͆̿̒͐̚͘͜H̴̛̞̜̜̥͒̌̏̿͋͛̐͆̉̋͠Ĭ̵̧̠̹̤̝͕͖̣̣͔Ņ̴̙̩̟̳̮̱͙̂̀̐͂̈͗̓́̑̕͘͜͝K̵̨̩̟̩̱͚̮̉̕ͅ ̵͉̥̬̭̙̝̖̮̇͒͐̾̇̏͛̾̚͠Y̴̨̨̨̨̛̞͉̩̪̰̜͈̍̐͋̆͆̄̏̽̂̂̏̕͜͝͝O̵̙̠͋̿̑Ů̵̫̲͚̱̥̹̬͙̠͖͒̈̅̉̑́́̈́͛̄̾̚͘͝ͅ ̸̛̞͈̫̝̠̜͖͚̪̿̉͗̋͒̌́͛̽̾̇͝G̴͙̱̦͚̠̥͚͉͖̟̯͠O̵̹̮̥̼̪͖͐́͌̉̏̾̈́͗̉̔́̐̔̚N̷̨̦͇̥̫̻̦̽̽̾̑͆͂̓̕̚͠N̷͔̭̙͍̩͛̍͋̊̀̇̇͗̑̐̔̇̑̆͘Ȃ̵̢̛̭͓̟͕̘̥̫̯̥̫̫̖̏͌͋̇͜ͅ ̸̢͕̫̣͈̬̘̣̊̐̅ͅS̵̡̛̮̱̰̙̮̤̗̹͙͉̔̇̂̈́̏̚T̵̰͈́̑̀͂̊̈́͝Ọ̸̻̏̏̉̆̿̍͗͆̿̈́̒̚͝P̴̘̼͈͙͚̝͔̭̖͍͇̟̤̏̑̏̚ͅ ̴͇̄M̵̳͇͇̖͒͂͒̽́͂̾͊̍̈́͌͛̂̂̿E̴̗̥̗͉̤̬̎̽͑̉̂͐̈́̇͜ ̷̟̠̬̣̝̤͉̟͔͕̩̠̗̄̓͊̍͆͛̕͝͝͝F̵̼̰̻̪̮̭̯̭͎̙͉̻̥̀̓̏̇̉͂̇͐̎̓̓̃̊͘͜Ŗ̷̹̘̆̎͒̑̿Ơ̶̥͇̫̺͎̳̲͈͕̻͚̳̩̈́͂̽̃̾̉͐̀̕͜M̵̹̳̹͕͚̯͇͓͇̻̠̱̰̤̤͛̀̅̎̇͒̏̆͘͘ ̵̣̺̞̙̃̉̉͗̚͝͝D̵̹̣͕̰̠͇̯̻̣̼͕̰̺̏͂͐̇͋̔̾̀̈́̆͝O̶̟͖̞̓́̾̿͛̊́̅̋̀͑͆͝ͅĨ̴͙͔̜͈͖̐Ṉ̵̳̻͕͈̗̤͋̇́̉̈́̈͘Ģ̸̮̙͉͈̳̟̀ ̵̖̤̻̼͎̯̥̣͍̺̦͈̽ͅẄ̷͍̮̲̞́̄͛̑̍̒̈́̍̈́H̸͓̦͚̥͒͗̓̋͝A̶̱̭̲̠͕͊̎̓̆̏͒͛͊̇̽̾͑T̶͕̱̭̻͚͇͚̙̥̙̜̥̼̄̄̊̈ ̵̨͒̀͠Ȉ̵̳͍̮̰͚̯͔̣̑̅̑͌̓̆͂͘̚ͅ ̵̬͔̦̱̻̖͊͠W̷̦̟̠̰̣̜͓̘̞̗͔̤̄͋̆̀̚͜͝A̶̮̰̳̘̰̥̞͍͌͒̈́̈́̋̇̉N̵̛̛̪̔̿̆̐̚̕͝T̶̘̟̦̬̙̺͆͜ ̷̡̡̼͍̰̥͒͐̉̄̓̌̀̾̉̎̕̚̕T̷̡͈͉̮̐̽̀̔̀͆Ơ̷̫͔̥̫͗̀̓̏̂̚ ̷̧̡̝͉͍̮̫͎̃͗͛̽͌̈́̌͘͘͠D̶̡̛̺̥̲̠̗̣͌͐̾̂̓̀̒̓̈́͋̈́͆́͘Ò̶͓́̿͂̽́͑̑̕͘͠?̵̢̨̛̤͇̙̠͉͍̣̘͖̼̆̐͊͐́͐̈́́̕!̸̧͚̹͓̺̗̲́͊̏̀̌͒̇ ̷̫͔̮̍̍̓́̓͗̍̓͊̅͝͝A̶̢̨̰̞̖͍͓̮̠̠̻̮͋̈́͑̅̅̒̆Ṉ̴̢̤̬̼̓̈́̀̿̑́̌̕D̸̡̗̙͇̟̘̮̤̙̻̻̞̑̍͌͑̒̌ͅ ̶̨̧̨͓̝̤̮̥̞͛̓͑͛̿͜W̷̛̼͇̦̱̞̻͂͋̏́̌̍͜͝͝Ḯ̶̫̻̏̏̊̀Ṋ̴̺͓̥͙̄̅̈́́̂̎̚ ̷̳̲̔̿Ị̵̡̨̻̹̲̲̦͓̤̹̱̺̟̀̈́͛͋̉̽̀͗͘̚͘͜N̵̖̙͐͒͘ ̷̛͍͕̤̮̠̞͕̣̺̓̚T̷̻͉͓̄͋͌̀̈́̿͑͊̒̕H̷̘͍̯̄̈́̆̒̀̄̅̽̋̏̚͝ͅA̸͔̣̞̺̤̻̬̍̑̊̿̎̓͂͑̈́͘̚͜T̷̞̾̆̑͐̔̐̒̍́͑̑̌̿̕ ̸̳̗͚͖̇͝S̸̢͍̬̭̠̻̫͖͚̃̑̐́́͑͝͝I̶̧̡̻͎̠̖̪̝̪͒T̷̨̡̧̯̤̠̰̬͊̈́͆̓̏̓̽͑̓̓͝Ű̷̙͎̱ͅÁ̷̡̛̟͎̦͙͔̹̙͖̪̓̂͊̐̀͆̇̉͐̕̕͝T̵̞̰̻̟̤̖̼͎̠̮̜͆̃͜͝͝I̶̪̥̲͖͎̤̜̩̳̣͉̳̣͍͐͋͆́̀̆͋̈̒̚̚͝Ò̴̢̱͙͎̠̠̾̅̍͆̆͂͆͐̆̏̏̚͠͝Ñ̴̢̝̟͚̟̪͖̣̣͆̍̿̌̉̈́́?̸̡̖͈̹̜͖͓͎̳͙̙̘͙̈́̅̑̈̽̎̈́͐̍̊̿̌͜͝
    ~ Zorthenport.
    Ĩ̶͖̭̲̬̙̻͎̦͊̔̑́͜ ̸̧̱͎̯̤̼͔͓̲̘͊̍͑̀̀́̅̈́̎͒͘Ẃ̸̧̢̧̰̖̠̲͉͚͓͇̹̘̞͔̙̥̞͊̿̊̉͐̆̽͛̿̈̃̋́̕͝͝͝Ö̷̧̝̗͇̜̙̯͔̭̳͔̬̦̜͖͙́͆̔̉̎͒̓͋́̾̂̌͑̈́̊͋͗͌̅͋͗̓̄͆̾̾̕̚͝͠Ư̴͙̣̻͉̝͚̣͇̎̾͒͛͛̎̀̾͂̈́̆͐̄̓̀̀̄̚͜͝͝L̷̡̢̛̮̯̰̺̥̰̩̭̫̱̠͙̘͙̻̮̜͍͍̹̫̰͈͙̫͉̔̄̒̌̈́͌̂̓͑̑̑̎̄̈́̀̎͂͆̓̚͜͜͠͠͠͝D̴͎̮̒̍̒̆̔͆̔͊͠ ̶̢̡̹͎̟̳̤̦̳͎͚̟̟̤̻͎̤̣̟̗̙͉͎̟̗̹̜́͠Ḑ̴̢̢̛̤̦̰̥͇͈͉̺̫̺͕̗̙͕̠̺͚̦̜͖̮̣̆̽̓̅̅̆͒͑̓̒̾̏̃̿͋̀͜͠͝͝Ỏ̴͕̰͚̾̌̌̄͂̔̑͛̆͋̆̈̓́͆́͘̚̚͠͝N̴̢̢̢̛̟͓̟̦̖̞̖͙̳̯̳̳̜̮̣̘̦̱͔̥̝̱̲̼̿̓͜͝E̷̲̰̮͚̫̭͒͑̆́͛̇̒ ̶̡̡̩͈̪̎͐̓̇̏͆̿̑̉͒͑̕͝Ş̵̧̡̛̫͔̼͚̦̯̠̜̯͖͖̳͚̝̱̱͓͇̤͚̰͙̤̜͍͋̌̇́̅̋̏̐̈̔̊̌̅͋̾̔̚͘̕͘͠͝͝͠ͅŐ̶̞̞͓̫̘͖͖̜̞̖̣͓̳̹̲̥̳̤̤̝͉̭̻͎͓̞̠͔̓͛̏͗͛̈̒̽͒̇͋͗̾̇̓̀͘̕̚̚͠
    ~ Zorthenport.


    List Of Relationships



    • Scratch Cat - Archenemy
    • Humanity - Enemies
    • Barney Calhoun - Enemy
    • Jeffy - Former Ally turned Enemy
    • Gordon Freeman - Attempted Victim
    • Zombie Laser Redor - Archenemy and Attempted Victim
    • Dr. Issac Kleiner - Attempted Victim
    • Mario - Attempted Victim
    • Bendy - Archenemy and Attempted Victim
    • Mr. Peterson - Archenemy and Attempted Victim
    • Sans - Archenemy
    • Jeff The Killer - Attempted Victim and Killer
    • Spongebob - Archenemy and Attempted Victim
    • Xuriah D'arcmast'r - Archenemy
    • Eren Yeager - Archenemy
    • Survey Corps - Archenemy and Victims

    FNAF Group (Part Of Enemies)[]

    • Freddy Fazbear - Attempted Victim
    • Bonnie - Attempted Victim
    • Foxy - Attempted Victim
    • Chica - Attempted Victim
    • Golden Freddy - Killer


    • Zorthenport commands all of his people, alien guards, and soldiers when he sees a trespasser.
    • Zorthenport cannot die of every dangerous thing that happens including weapons like guns, knives, poison, attacks and more.
    • His obsession is to start a war against other sides of the world, He probably sends his giant army to that place to invade it for the war.
    • Zorthenport was made after the Ford Model B is First Produced.
    • Zorthenport's weapons have infinite ammo.
    • Zorthenport has the ability to burn places with his laser attack.
    • When Zorthenport's titan have his second phrase, He has a power than can pump fire and magma with his hands of his titan form.
    • When Zorthenport's titan have his second phrase, He has an atmosphere mostly made out of carbon dioxide, even inside on his titan form.
    • Zorthenport is extremely and incredibly powerful than any supervillain in the observable universe.
    • Zorthes and him cannot be sucked up or get in a black hole.
    • Zorthenport and the Zorthes can live forever, Even when the universe dies.
    • He shares similarities with Nekrozoth:
      • Both are a Creator of Something
      • Both hates Good
      • Both refuses to redeem themselves
      • Both are Remorseless
      • Both are Multi-beings
      • Both are demons/daemons
      • Both have forms
      • Both are extremely powerful
    • Zorthenport also shares similarities with Strife:
      • Both are Gunmen
      • Both are Racist
    • When you search "Zorthenport", You realize you see images of Zorthenport. But it equals to another search "North Port"
    • Zorthenport is named after the town of North Port, Florida and the character named Zorth from Critical Role
    • Zorthenport is the reason why life is bad because he created chaos
    • Being the creator of chaos, Zorthenport can send chaos all over the world by using his extreme powers
    • Zorthenport is a threat to every universe, multiverse, megaverse and the whole omniverse because he is a fear to everybody all over in the entire omniverse.
    • Zorthenport also shares similarities with Gorefield:
      • Both are Successful Villains
      • Both are Monsters
      • Both are Man-Eaters
      • Both have dark forms
    • Zorthenport was voiced by Mark Hamill in the Scratch Cinematic Universe at the first movie Scratch: The Breached War. He is also voiced by Don LaFontaine in the original series of Scratch.

    See also[]



                     EvilRedCrownHeadlinedFeatured VillainsEvilRedCrownHeadlined
    Evil Connie
    Game over
    Bête Noire
    Zorthenport potrait
               Scratch Villains

    Alien Human Containment Bionic Military | The Realm

    Zorthenport And His Allies
    Zorthenport | Orthenport | Torthenport | Dr. Helsing | John Mac | Melvin Sneedly | The Yeager God | Boreg Ladd | Zorthentine | Zillantropy
    The Realm
    Zorthsville-Overlord | Savek Umbrakon | Nafus Umbrakon | Mikinneserto | Armaros | Vorr Skeleshot
    The Specimens | Astaroth | Lucas Maximus | King Zorkuzul | Austin Morrison | Zaxitron | James Nicholson | Boresto | Daren Wrather}}
